Tuesday, November 14, 2006
was reading up on the history of the british royal family as a form of procrastination, after fiona white placed princess mary's picture under 'fortuitous events'.
since the beginning of the year after we borrowed martini glasses from perla (refered to as salisbury rob so as to avoid confusion with the other paulines named rob such as doctor rob, hobo rob etc)
i kept trying to place my finger on why perla looked so familiar then i realised that he bears a striking resemblence to prince william.
i'll try digging up photos of perla so you all can see that i'm not delusional, oh prince william looks really good in the picture of him on wikipedia and another one of him on with harry on harry's 'profile'.
i'm not one of those really whacked princess diana conspriacy theorists but seriously you can't have that great a looking kid with i-wish-i-was-your-tampon.
--Bella Bella Signorina--
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Cattell's 16 Factor Key
low score high scoreWarmth
cold, selfish supportive, comforting
instinctive, unstable cerebral, analyticalEmotional Stability
irritable, moody level headed, calm
modest, docile controlling, tough
somber, restrained wild, fun lovingDutifulness
untraditional, rebellious somewhat conforming, traditionalSocial Assertiveness
shy, withdrawn uninhibited, bold
coarse, tough touchy, softParanoia
trusting, easy going wary, suspiciousAbstractness
practical, regular strange, imaginativeOpenmindedness
closeminded, set-in-ways curious, exploratoryPerfectionism
disorganized, messy orderly, thoroughTension
stressed, unsatisfied relaxed, cool
--Bella Bella Signorina--
Friday, November 3, 2006
great the only day of the week that it's raining and i'm actually up.
doing what? listening to vicin' o' mare right now, the rain outside really accompanies faint sounds of the waves in the song i tried accessing the lecture recordings and notes online but apparently i've run out of credit, i've had 13 since tuesday and it's barely friday morning.
reckon it must be cause of philly's insane usage of facebook which like anyother networking site burns up internet credit like nobody's business even more so when you've been uploading your own pics and acessing other's pages crammed with photos.
can you say burning up extro account funds?
to comfort myself for being the unproductive git i am, i'll put up a rough study time table now.
late morning - cognition
afternoon - cognitionnight - cognition
satlate morning - social
afternoon - social
night - social
sunlate morning - developmental
late afternoon - bio
night - bio
mon - bio
morning - bio
afternoon - bio
night - bio
TUESDAY DIE! bio exam at 9am, YAY at mc larin hall.
tues after bio exam and wed - frantic cramming of cognition and social
THURSDAY morning still cramming for exam at 1.50 t PNR building which is so freaking far away seriously. that's just plain mean.
to think anymore about next week i'll just die so i'm not going to.
bet i'll be super unproductive today, esp jen's coming over.
where's my self control!!!!!
--Bella Bella Signorina--
Thursday, November 2, 2006
heard from renee that ellie might possibly not be coming back to college next year, so i was left pondering about who was to replace her as cultural secretary.
possibly me?
there's 3 positions avaible for next year.
- fund raising secretary
but i rather it be more along the lines of charity work instead of raising more alcohol money for us to only end up throwing everything up at the end of the night
- food secretary which i have been eyeing since the end of last year, come on how perfect would i be for it? i eat crap loads tho it seems most of the time it isn't sancta food. but still.. when i considering running for cultural secretary philly nd ishy vehemently protested against the idea, going on about how blashemous for me not to be food sec.
- cultural slot which could very possibly be free for me next year.
come on admit it, how cultured am i. seriously am i not one of the most cultured people you've ever met? no? darn..
but really i am!
i did art history and AEP for 4 years, had higher art award
received an offer to exhibit my work
currently working in the uni art collection gallery - which is one stepping stone closer to me getting my ultimate dream job of museum curator in europe
my room is filled with all my drawings
i was part of the cultural and liturgical comm
i could name almost every single art work in vince's place
everyone says i'm so artsy
considering doing a double degree of european art history in 2 years time WHEN i get my psyc honours
i so appreciate european culture
i listen to patrizio and other italian music!!
i'm learning italian and latin
for fun and procratination, i draw
i ogle at art history books
all my blogs have been named or influenced by art works
i want to take a year off and travel europe, mostly rome and italy.
i'm taking ancient history
i want to learn how to proper slow dance and waltz (tango too!)
i like the ballet, and like ballet
i like the opera well only madame butterfly and figaro.
blah blah blah see, haven't i proved my point??
--Bella Bella Signorina--
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
very unproductive week it has been.
spent sleeping after the relatively big night at the sals, 145am congee & constantinople (istnabul) pizza run then checking out my personal eye candy
more sleeping till 3am then got ready for jen's caterin job
had a brilliant chat with tyler at jen's shop
on the phone with sammy for almost 2 hrs
spent 40 mins trying to unknot my hair
watched sam show us around the messed up sim's house where the 3 nerds got impregnated by aliens and who cry for comfrot. hilarous.
sleeping, doing ancient history journal
totally forgot about daylight savings so i went to a closed sophi office suhc a waste of my life
had a veronica mars marathon, well it was only 3 episodes exclusing one i had already watched
read up on veronica mars
- extremely disrupted sleep from my snooze button that goes off for every 9 mins for the past 2 and a half hours
- crappy tuesday lunch
- uni museum work again satyed till quater past 5 cause i was a bit late and it was louise in charge instead of katie.
- bought a deck of cards for charles but it was mostly for my own warped amusement, don't think he'll get the joke significance of it but still. he wasn't in tho, his neighbour well 3 doors down anyway said he was in canberra for stuvac.
-popped by mike's room for a gossip but he already knew the 'hot news' i had about the girls' he's been with damn it, so anti climatic but he was touched by me trekking all the way to pauls just to break the news to him. which he already knew damn it!
feeling bad for making him miss dinner which ends at 630 seriously that's stupid, why would it end so early.
-nandos was calsed couldn't be bothere to actually get proper food to eat so i just broke into my stash of emergency food.
-spent the rest of the night with sammy planning out our rooms for next yeat since the draw list was going down at midnight.
--Bella Bella Signorina--