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Saturday, September 30, 2006
was reading the sydney morning herald blog entitled all men are liars *except sam de brito.

which is an extremely entertaining blog, mind you. so entertaining in fact, that he included an entry about the age long (no pun intended) topic of the male appendage.
for your kicks he even provided a measurement chart for all your males out there to print out, hold it under your prized family gem, and see how you flare compared to the average, high average, mr teensy and krong -the butt cruncher (as jen so delightfully scares/terrifies guys with coming up with that name for her imaginary male appendage).

reminds me of this key chain i was so tempted to get for ed just to see his expression. to do that would have been vulgar, and he thought (then 3 years ago) i was such a sweet darling girl uncorrupted by social evils (tho now i can assured you that impression sure has changed).

the key chain was segmented into thirds, in a hierachical ordering, which read something like..


ok i know you fellas are itching for the penis comparison chart so here's the link.
enjoy but don't feel terribly emasculated if you don't measure up (haha! what a clever stupid pun)


anyway back to the blog

as the title goes, all mean are liars *except sam de brito

so to prove that he's as fair dinkum as they get, he had a whole answer and question entry. anything goes.
brutally honest, some of the questions, even he foretold would be predictable.
like drugs, cheating, prior crimes and convictions, lying to the police for your mates etc..

anyway someone asked how many kids would you have? to which he replied 4.
then someone else left a reply saying you sure? that's so many!

not going to get into great detail of the biological aspects and comparisons between males and females cause it'll only make me feel like i have to start on my damned cognitive and social report. which i'm really not looking forward to.

anyway the point was about having 4 kids, which is the number of kids i want. maybe 2 boys 2 girls so each gender won't be lacking company (sometimes i feel bad for my brother being brought up in a household so overrun with oestrogen/progesterone)

after the catering gig last sat, the hostess adrianne looked beyond amazing for someone who just had her 3rd kid about 2 years ago judging from the pics of her youngest kid. man i really hope i look half as good as her after 4 kids.

they were a really good looking couple. the husband in more of a typical slightly long shaggy hair aussie kinda way. he was sooooooo unbelievably paternal to their son sam who's about 9, the epitome of how a great dad is. this is in no way a dig at my dad's parenting skills.

the host (simply cause i forgot his name) was lounging about the house with a beer bottle in hand, ironing (!!) and hoisted sam up on his shoulders asking him if he wanted to watch the footie with him, then really patiently explained which teams where playing and sam was like but aren't the eagles playing to which he corrected his son so lovingly. then they sat on the couch together getting all revved up for the match, playfully wrestling.

touching scence really.
ok this is gonna sound really stupid,overly idealistic with lots of oxytocin flying around but i really want the future father of my kids to be like that, combined with my dad's intellect.

is it really that hard to imagine ME with 4 kids in the FAR future.

argh really don't want to end up like the women's girl who got knocked up by a pauline who is now marrying her cause of that. imagine all the resentment, not being able to enjoy all the carefree things your peers are indulging and discovering.
all those lost oppourtunities.

that is why my views on pre marital sex are conversative compared to all my aussie friends, not so much catholic upbringing or cultural norms but the massive fear that i might very unfortunately end up like the women's girl's situation or auntie ginnie's daughter's who's in her early 20s with a 2 year old kid.
few things are worse than having an unwanted child, who's only gonna suffer the stigma from being unwanted and being unloved by his parents.

that's why i'm so thankful to be me.
and pooh pooh to the comment that i wished i was pregnant so i could explain my ugh stomach. really don't want to be pregnant until i'm AT LEAST 28.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, September 29, 2006
to mark my 300th entry

we made a pact to take the time to get to know each other deep inside
no rushing in to cross the line
it maybe a little old fashioned but it feels so right

been holding back for so long
what feels so right can't be wrong
baby you can read it in my eyes
let's write the story of our lives tonight

don't be afraid, turn down the light
baby move in closer
it's gonna be alright
this is the moment we'll remember all our lives
forever begins tonight

i know you're feeling those butterflies
well let me tell you a secret so am i
but it's ok, baby it's alright
let's follow our hearts
what we feel inside

patrizio's forever begins tonight

can't remember the later parts, my memory capacity reached it's limit trying to get the lyrics down word for word
and considering his concert (ie best 2 plus hours of my life) was over 4 months ago, i would have to say that my memory is pretty darn amazing.
but do give me a break for my amazing memory, it's close to impossible to pick up all the lyrics of a song heard for the very first time whilst you're being overwhelmed by all the emotion he's singing with.
but i must admit, closer to the end of the above lyrics i had a little help from the snippet playing on his website, go! i know you're tempted! oh go on!
OH OH! watch the videos for longer snippets of his songs.
alas his nose is so italian.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

toothbrush update!


wonder how come they couldn't taste that it was off?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, September 28, 2006

comes from latin
pro - meaning for
crastinus - meaning tomorrow

procrastinate = for tomorrow

and that's what i have been doing for the past week, damn it.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
what to wear!!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
damned sushi, unagi to be precise. that's eel if you didn't already know.
so anyway around 5-6 on friday morning, this nasty feeling washed over me and settled around my belly button. it was so uncomfortable there and then i could have sympathised with those human incubator pods of alien spawn from the movies, where the developed spawn tussles with my stomach only to burst out of my stomach, of course leaving its human host for dead.
that's how it felt.

thought it was a bad case of stomach flu or maybe my stomach throwing in the towel after me blatantly abusing and neglecting it for so long -
'i have HAD ENOUGH!
hey stop having only one meal a day! just having dinner and lots of chocolate doesn't do it for me you know..!!'

but after rolling about in bed, with nauseau visting me every few minutes for almost the whole day, i called my sis up for some medical adivce.

took gilisel (however you spell it) to settle the nauseau, then fell asleep in a kneeling position.

yes it IS the most uncomforatble position to sleep in but it was the least agitative on my poor stomach. woke up slightly more than an hour after with the worst neck, legs, ankle aches ever.

won't really give much details about this since it's a rather old entry which i realised i didn't post so that's just a brief account of my first ever food poisoning. this entry was dated for the 21st of aug. so here it is slightlymore than a month later.

nasty thing food poisoning is.

a week later, my friends wanted to go to newtown for sushi after mass. can't avoid japanese food all my life.

you could read it as me tempting fate for another bout of food poisoning after polishing off 4 servings of unagi. but ever the psychology student, i had to put food aversion and elimination of fear techniques into practise.
which worked i must say, i'm back to eating happy loads of unagi and sushi.

so paying 25 grand (AUS) per year for a psychology degree, does come in handy.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, September 24, 2006
..you see these shackles baby i'm your slave
i'll let you whip me when i misbehave..

justin timberlake's sexyback

amusing lines aren't they. when i heard them, the first thought that flashed through my head was..
that sounds very.. jen.

during prep for liturgical dinner, alex commented how can they credit the song to justin timberlake when most of the vocals were by some woman.
when i heard the song,

that ain't no woman.

it's justin.


--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, September 22, 2006
my god i just realised, it's been slightly more than a year since i was last picked up.

damn i really must have lost it.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, September 21, 2006
right now i wish i was pregnant so i have an explaination for that thing of a stomach..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, September 18, 2006
i had initially left my toothbrush and toothpaste in the bathroom in my basket of toiletries since i was in rush for class and didn't have enough time to put it back in my room. hiding my toothbrush behing my towering shampoo bottles, i completely forgot about my toothbrush.

but on sat night i discovered that my toothbrush was caked in toothpaste dripping. it was vile & disgusting! then it hit me.


*stomach lurches*

on friday morning, once again in my rush to be not so late for bio lab prac i didn't give much thought to the fact that my toothbrush wasn't where i left it.

ARGH i want to rinse out my alimentary canal with acid if possible. how gross.

it's so utterly sick running a mental list of the girls living along my corridor, any one of them could have used my toothbrush.

judging from the caked toothpaste trail on the brush handle, hygiene is one major thing she lacks.


even thinking about it makes my stomach contents (water, milk, vitamin C tablet and cookie) swirl and churn unplesantly.


had a rant to phil at 4 in the morning, then chucked out my relatively new pink toothbrush which the tell tale victim and my backup one i had left there in the bathroom for ages.

went to four (five) star to pick up toothbrush for phil and i.

toothbrushes aren't cheap! it was 5 dollars a pop!

anyway came up with the idea of scrubbing a fantastic brilliant revenge idea while giving alex a back massage.

the plan: to scrub the toilet/cistern/inside of sink pipes with our violated toothbrushes then placing them back so the unsuspecting toothbrush using perpetrator would use them!

leapt of falex, bounding across the corridor to the bin where i had chucked my 2 brushes. unfortunately the bin was emptied out.

so was quite anti climatic that i couldn't exact out my vengeful punishment on the evil deserving after all the wild crazy ideas that were popping out in my head!


met philly in the toilet getting ready for bed, then she chucked her own victimised toothbrush into the bin,
to which i excitedly picked it up giggled and humming dean martin's baby it's cold outside whilst i cleaned the rims of the toilet bowl, dipped it in the cistern, scrubbed the flap of the bin for sanitary napkins for extra good measure!

it was vile.
it was FABULOUS!


heard a few ewww-s and saaaaaaaaaaaaaan-s in philly's silent laughter (yes it was quite a scene!) she was groaning at my ethusiasm and the thought of someone putting that into their mouth.. kept saying but san what if i forget [and use that toothbrush].

let's just say i made sure she'll NEVER forget.

*psychotic manical laughter*

a minute later i placed the "special toothbrush" back into philly's cup

her face spoke tales of disgust, horror and pure maniacal laughter at the thought of revenge being dished out!

i feel so empowered right now.


hope you like toilet flavoured toothbrush!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, September 11, 2006
For the first time, for the first time,
I'm in love
For the first time, for the first time,
I found love
From the moment I saw you I was in rapture
Every moment after that I've lived in the clouds
Come prima, come prima, I can thrill
Come prima, I love you and always will

You're the first one, yes the the first one
You're my one-and-only one
Come prima, come prima,
I'm in love

Come prima, più di prima, t'amerò
Per la vita, la mia vita ti darò
Sembra un sogno rivederti, accarezzarti
Le tue mani tra le mani stringere ancor!

Il mio mondo, tutto il mondo sei per me
E a nessuna voglio bene come a te...
Ogni giorno, ogni istante, dolcemente ti dirò:

Come prima... più di prima.... t'a-me-rò!

il mio mondo.. it reminds me of you.
first on my list and first for alot on my list.

happy anniversary love.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, September 10, 2006
ok i don't know what is going on in the heads of people who set the word limit for report assignments, but i can tell you for sure that it's pretty much stupidity going around in there.

why? you ask.

for our social report, it's a 1000 words including

whilst for our cognition report
it's 1500 words for just

stupid right?
even my tutor had gripes with that.

and for biology.. with a 1000 word limit.
they have an unnecessarily comprehensive and utterly useless list on penalities regarding the word limit: i have reproduced this word for word.

751-800 words - 0.5 marks
801-850 words - 1.0 marks
851-900 words - 1.5 marks
more than 900 words - 2.0 marks

1001-1050 words - 0.5 marks
1051-1100 words - 1.0 marks
1101-1150 words - 1.5 marks
more than 1150 words - 2.0 marks

the wonderful thing about this stupid list is that there is no explaination as to the mark deduction system, so it's effectively usesless.

ok so we know it's a 1000 word essay so if i write 999 words i get a 2 mark deduction? so according to the list i'm better off writing 751 to 800 words cause it has the least penalities.

well that's what it's implying so i better write EXACTLY 1000 words lest i get penalised for that.

seriously. WTF!

oh yes and did you know that i'm extremely fluent in french to the extent that the school of biology holding my mastery of french in such high regard has given the students a pysiological reading for the above stupid biology report IN FRENCH!

thank you, thank you. i'm so flattered that you think so highly of my ability in other languages. merci beaucoup!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, September 9, 2006
things i really hate.

someone who asks for my advice which took slightly more than an hr and a half, then bloody f**ks everything all up by doing exactly everything i said NOT to do.
then comes back later to waste my time asking for more advice, then goes back and does the exact same thing.

seriously WTF that super peeves me off.

or asks for a whole playlist of my songs then listens then keeps listening it to it in bits and pieces, not just 1, 2 songs but my WHOLE FREAKING PLAYLIST. it's bloody annoying.

if i'm blowing up cause of this, it's cause i've good reason to

--Bella Bella Signorina--

random thought:
whenever i listen to 'a public affair' i feel really dumb (ditzy dumb) not in the sandra way but in an infruiatingly stupid way.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, September 8, 2006
The very first song I could recall listening to was rhythm of the rain. Admittedly it was on a little white plastic portable gramophone that you pop in the glittery transparent plastic discs and press the colourful primary-coloured buttons to operate it.

anyway that song spurn me on to wish that one day, the love of my life (give me a break, i'm trying to write this from my thoughts and memories as a 4 year old) would write a masterpiece of a song about and for me.
through the years, i gathered songs that was like how I wanted my song to be along the lines of.

  1. one more try - a1 (quite possibly my most fave soppy song)
  2. if i can't have you - a1 (for sentimental reasons)
  3. angels - Robbie Williams (the lyrics are so beautifully poetic)
  4. the way you look tonight - Frank Sinatra (to appeal to my vain and whimsical old-fashioned side, like it since I was 12ish)
  5. always on my mind - Elvis (see previous entry)
  6. back for good - take that (the best and only good song by take that)
  7. na sera 'e maggio - patrizio (when I'm all emotional this song can bring tears to my eyes, see the entry about this song)
  8. cigarette lighter love song - marvelous 3 (makes it into an almost epic love song)
  9. have I told you lately - rod Stewart (one of my earliest childhood songs)
  10. blue - best in me
  11. an jing - jay Chou

the songs are not in any particular order, except for patrizio, I just really like the number 7 and maybe 1 cause it really is one of my most fave songs.

haha yes that list is going in to the 'songs i wanted to be played at my wedding' list.

off-note: when I was 9 and had my van Gogh book I wanted a masterpiece of a picture painted for me, when I was 12 I wanted a pretty sculpture to be done of me, thus the name of my blog la petite danseuse.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, September 7, 2006
i had a really crappy day.

really crappy.

couldn't sleep so i was up at 530, after a while i was all ugh.
i wasted a perfectly good rainy cloudy day which is finally cold enough so it's comfortable when i snuggled under my quilt to sleep but.. noOo i just HAD to wake up didn't i!

then went for a shower, WHO THE HELL IS UP AT THIS TIME SHOWERING!! so had to walk all the way to the other bathroom.
but maybe that was a good thing, i could have a nice warm relaxing leisurely shower in the magnificent white glistening marble bathrooms.

walking back from the bathroom when i dropped my stuff onto the floor IN FRONT OF SOMEONE.
my soap skidded out of its little soap box and went BLEAHAGHALGH onto the CARPET smushing about half of itself onto the grimy carpet.
it was runied so i had to chuck out a relatively new bar of soap which could have lasted me till the end of the year.

so decided since it was still dark out, i would snuggle under my sheets listening to patrizio, he makes everything better ah sigh!

OH OH remembered that there was supposed some details about patrizio's second album forever begins tonight that was out. so eagerly got onto his website, ooOooOo what could possibly be on this cover?

gonna be very hard to live up to his first album cover, but with a voice that gorgeous and a personality to boot, i was all up! perhaps he'll use the black and white close up, his head tilted whilst mulling over something looking ever delectable.

what is THAT on the cover!??!?!

the first thing is saw on the cover was his nose! it was very ROMAN!
did a mental roledex of all the roman coins, think his side profile resembles augustus.

well patrizio is the epitome of the stereotypical gorgeous italian men, you know. the whole italian god.
even ness and i had a couple of enjoyable digs about his 'that's amore' music video, it being so stereotypical of italians.


okay me studying ancient roman history for the past 2 years, you know i LOVE everything roman.

i adore all things roman. my passion for all things italian cause of my ancient history background. like dean martin (ie dino paul crocetti) more than francesco sinatra, traditionally done pasta, limoncello, proscuitto, cured meats, roman mythology, roman ruins, italian artists, EVERYTHING! honour, the ideals of the ancient world. their love of their rich history and culture. everyone (esp the men) so sharply dressed, they are just oozing class without being overly pretentious cause they're simply so down to earth. they care about things that really matter. la dolce vita. oh man don't get me started on their love for food! man even their mafia is pretty admirable, if you can put the violence aside, underlying everything is the food, love, family, togetherness.
it's just the most idealised place i would love to live in. cause the old school aspect really does appeal to me. knowing me don't you think that i'm more italian than anything??

ah italia - it's so romantic. they examplify love at its greatest. everyone is just so full of life. so much more so than france which is so much more pretentious.

to the extent that i even refused to talk to ishy for a whole dinner when she said that the nobility of roman deaths were overrated and 'it so shit, so who cares about it'.

but THIS, BUT THIS! i draw the line at.
why must they take a side profile picture of him that belongs more on ancient coinage than on the cover of quite possibly one of the best albums in history?
(the first place obviously goes to his debut the italian)

they have a whole load of good FLATTERING pictures of him all over his website, so whatever in the world possessed them to put THAT on the cover.

as a result of this horrific discovery of what i hold in such high regard, i slumped back to bed depressed. even playing the best album ever released didn't help, neither did listening to his concert recordings do anything for me, cause he was one of the things that was making me very upset today.

in spite of all this, i'm still looking extremely forward to the day i can get my tiny pretty hands on his album and drive everyone sick of listening to him over and over and over and over and over again.

yay! this is the song list on the album as far as i know.

  1. forever begins tonight (i have more than half the lyrics memorised after the concert)
  2. let's make love (STOP gagging on that title!)
  3. angelo (robbie williams angels cover in italian)
  4. you don't have to say you love me
  5. always on my mind

as ed can tell you the last 2 are my favourite two elvis ballads! ok not really, i prefered dusty springfield's original, elvis just sounds too elvis for you don't have to say you love me, but somehow i prefer that song being done by a guy instead.

but always on my mind is my all time favourite elvis tune. in sec 2 i played it alot, my friends were wondering what i saw in that song. wanted it to be played at my wedding.

ok admittedly, the time i really fell in love with that song was in an ally mcbeal episode when james marsden sang it for jenny as a birthday present. really do adore that song.

sigh ooh patrizio! why! oh why!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Cherish you,
All i ask of you,
No ordinary love,
Always on my mind,
Every waking moment
by Carly Casey Hammond


Sandra 'Alexander
Size 3 feet!!
Born Wednesday
Dies Mercurii xxiii Aprilis MCMLXXXVI
of the Julian Calender 23rd April 1987

tagboard is now at the bottom of this column so drop me a note!

Domestic Barbie

Vives En Mi Corason
Diamonds :)
lovely dresses
creating things
sparkly things
classical things
GWM Gallery (the Rocks)
piriton yellow
happy sunshine yellow
golden afternoon sunshine
rolling in grass
roald dahl books
art history
roman history
art museums

Credi in Te. Aspirations:

In all honesty, my dream since i was 12 is to be a museum curator in Europe.
To be surrounded by all the magnificient masterpieces and immersed in all the inspirational art history of those glorious days oh so very long ago.
Much to my surprise, my mom is very encouraging and supportive of that.
She had a good nature rib at it, and wasn't scathing or critical of it. i half expected her to say it's a stupid impractical frivalous aspiration but she even talked about it somewhat animatedly. Insists that it's such a typical Sandra aspiration for a cushy artsy sophisticated job.
Of course this revelation got my family exclaiming our catchphrase of 'so HC'.
She's (as does my whole family) have always known my love for art history, and it's something i have the passion for.
When i first stood in front of an actual van Gogh painting, tears started welling up in my eyes.
I was so overwhelmed, felt this connection to the painting, not just as a piece of work. it was a piece of someone's soul, their life, their torment, their dejection, their pursuit to be one step closer to God's, a fragment of everything they've ever experienced. That moment transcended anything i've ever felt.

Artists I Admire:
van Gogh
Armand Guillaumin
Carly Casey Hammond
Susan Bleakley

Maledetta Primavera

Na Sera e' Maggio

'March 2004' 'April 2004' 'May 2004' 'July 2004' 'August 2004' 'September 2004' 'October 2004' 'November 2004' 'December 2004' 'January 2005' 'March 2005' 'April 2005' 'May 2005' 'June 2005' 'July 2005' 'August 2005' 'September 2005' 'October 2005' 'November 2005' 'December 2005' 'January 2006' 'February 2006' 'March 2006' 'April 2006' 'May 2006' 'June 2006' 'July 2006' 'August 2006' 'September 2006' 'October 2006' 'November 2006' 'December 2006' 'January 2007' 'February 2007' 'March 2007' 'April 2007' 'May 2007' 'June 2007' 'July 2007' 'August 2007' 'October 2007'