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Thursday, August 31, 2006
ok i'm meant to be doing the stupid maslow essay but i'm really bleah over it.
thoroughly entertained watching nikki play pacman, i was squealing/shrieking/basically making "alarming sounds" (my dad's term) when pacman was was about to be surrounded and eaten by the ghost thingys. haha then i showed her the pacman prank video that ed showed me early last year.

damn it's funny.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I've come to the conclusion that I get not so good hair days when I don't wash my hair right before bed time and sleep with hair partially damp.

my hair as just somewhat limp, shapeless sheets of black with the occasional bump which is masquerading poorly as a wave.

but this morning after I reverted back to my old sleep with damp hair routine, I see some semblance of curls! Albeit they're restricted to the bottom third of my hair near the ends. Hair is growing out =/ have to get my hair permed when I'm back in sg, but doubt that would be possible cause my mom's gonna kick up a big fuss about me 'forsaking my nice polished naturally straight hair to look like some washed out 50's star'.

very complimenting isn't she.

she's probably give in when I mention that I'll go to HER hairdresser to get my hair done. Otherwise I'll have no end from her incessant nagging about how the more 'young hip and trendy salons you [stupid/mindless/wasteful/stupid/frivalous/extravagant] teenagers go to' are such rip offs.. etc...

then knowing her she'll compare me to Janet, and me hearing that comparison would actually give in to her, knowing that if she's resorting to comparing me to Janet.

it must REALLY be bad

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, August 27, 2006
You Should Date An Italian!

You love for old fashioned romance, with an old fashioned guy
An Italian guy is the perfect candidate to be your prince charming
If your head doesn't spin enough, just down another espresso with him
Invest in a motorcycle helmet - and some carb blocker for all that pasta!
Which Foreign Guy Should You Date?
haha someone's gonna get jealous!! *singsong*

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
i did another version of the quiz which country would be the best for you to work in and it said paris.

with all the art galleries and culture. obviously. =)

but it was apparently somewhat against my personality, i might like the sophistication but it's the small simple things in life that i so appreciate and only the novelty has worn off paris might be too overwhelming with it being overly glamarous.

something along the lines which seriously you all would agree that very true.

--Bella Bella Signorina--


*waves arms around frantically* can't talk!

bity tongue! bloooud gushhing! not really!
but can taste bloody!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

You Belong in Rome

You're a big city girl with a small town heart
Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome
Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand
And gorgeous Italian men - could life get any better?
What City Do You Belong In?

--Bella Bella Signorina--


--Bella Bella Signorina--

Your Career Personality: Original, Devoted, and Service Oriented

Your Ideal Careers:

Art director
Book editor
College professor
ComposerGraphic designer
Stage actor
The Quick and Dirty Career Test

Film director

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
some sardonically twisted Aunt Abby gone wrong and very humourous indeed.
i stumbled upon this in the mag that came with the weekend paper. think it was called good weekend, something along those lines.

Danny Katz answers readers' questions about 21st century ethics, etiquette and dilemmas.

did they urn my respect or was it just pier pressure?

Recently I was enjoying a spot of fishing off a local pier. A group or about 12 people came with an urn then tipped ashes off the side of the pier. Am I required to bring in my line as a sign of respect to the dead?

Unless you're a sailor or a mermaid or some blue green algae I don't know why anyone would WANT to be scattered at sea. I mean the ocean seems like such a scary and forbidding place to spend the rest of eternity - I'd much rather have my ashes scattered somewhere cosy like a kiddies sandpit ot between the loose cracks in my living room floorboards so I could finally stop that damn squeaking.
Still I suppose people have the right to be scattered anywhere they like but grieving relatives really need to consider a few things before they start tipping cremation urns into any waterside place.

For instance there's the issue of location: human ashes should NEVER be scattered at a busy public beach or off the high diving platform at an Olympic pool or anywhere near sewage treatment plants unless you want your dearly departed to wind up in a biosolids filter.

And weather conditions need to be considered too: there's nothing worse for a family than gathering on a bleak winter's day huddling on the edge of a seaside pier and with great solemnity and ceremony tipping their love one into the swirling briny ocean - then having a great gust of wind blow the ashes right back into their faces so everyone's coughing and choking and kids are running around going ahAAAhh I can taste grandma, AHHHH!

(skip skip skip some parts of the article...........)

And in answer to your question yes all fisherman should reel in their lines with human remains are being scattered nearby but not so much as a sign of respect - more just because you don't want to be catching any flatheads with that distinctive deliciously smoke Uncle Kev flavour.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

You Are 45% Vain

You're a little vain, but more than anything you have a healthy amount of confidence.
Thinking the world of yourself is great. Just don't think less of those who aren't as pretty as you!
How Vain Are You?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, August 21, 2006
Brothers and sisters are natural born enemies! like englishmen and Scots! Or Welshmen and Scots! Or Japanese and Scots! Or Scots and other Scots! Damned Scots! They ruined Scotland.
-Groundskeeper Willie, from the Simpson

a line that isn't all that funny but i find it hilarious.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, August 18, 2006
Alex, Sam, phip and I went out for dinner after discovering that dinner at sancta was 'the worst dinner EVER' (Alex) and that says a lot coming from her.

so there we were whispering conspiratorial at the soup cauldron, discussing possible dinner choices. yay last night shopping tonight so everything would be open till late.

Sam had a hankering for for sushi, she wanted to go to tomodachi (means friendship in jap) at Broadway. But town was chosen after Alex suggested we pop by max Brennan: bald man (which is the biggest rip off artist I know) for dessert.

brought them to 'express sushi train' in town which tomo had introduced me to, man the servings in sg are beyond pathetically pathetic when compared to aussie.
when Edgar brought me out for sushi buffet at cine, I was startled and absolutely indignant about the massive difference in serving size of the sashimi or whatever condiments (?) on the sushi.
the servings in sg were so.. anemic.
end up eating at long johns since we adore the chips there.

ANYWAY sushi train was packed, waited for 10 mins.
Alex had fried kisu (whiting) tempura, prawn tempura, and another 2 things I can't remember, she really doesn't like fish and cites tempura as one of her fave foods.
Sam got the avocado asparagus sushi, something else with avocado, karagi chicken and fried fish skins (which I finished off since she was too full, but I really enjoyed them)
phip ate 5 plates of vego options.
I ordered 2 karagi chicken and 3 unagi.
all of us got bottled fruit juices which I must say I really did like. probably cause it was all full of sugar and nothing much else.

talked about a whole myriad things, mostly about Freud,
sexuality (not sex per se),
swaroski crystals,
'wholesale' discount shops, basically those Singapore 2 dollar shop equivalents in aussie.
stalker behaviour/OTT boyfriends/bunny boilers,
ratio of sheep to people in new Zealand which is 6:1. then Alex bringing up my sheep shagging joke.

when we were talking about swaroski crystals, I had this random flashback of my dream where I was in lower octa in my white bathrobe and quickly pulling on my pale yellow trackies as soon as I heard someone approaching.

then trooped over to baskin robins (YAY) for old school American ice cream. it still beats gelato, so much creamier and the flavours are more interesting.
Alex had single scoop of praline.
phip had some chocolate based thing.
Sam had the audacity to ask if she should get a single cone or the sundae special which consisted of 2 scoops of your choice on a brownie base topped with hot chocolate and whipped cream.
to which we chorused in unison ' duh, sundaaaaaae! of course!'
I settled on mocha Jamaica and chocolate chip cookie dough.
fabulous combination.
was tempted to get a whole tub but decided against it in light of the recent spate of food theft against me.

my krafts singles cheese I have counted that they stole 21 out of 32 slices I had. taking 13 in one shot. hello! BLEEDING OBVIOUS!
the chiraz sorbet was the worst man.
I don't care much for the milk since I nip it from the kitchen anyway.

ok to condemn them for stealing would make me a hypocrite as most of you would be aware of my more illustrious past.
okay so I have stolen a pair of shot glasses from the establishment. but man for the price we pay for a shot the least we could do is get to keep the glass! likewise for airplane stuff like socks/eye patches/magazines/newspapers.

but I draw the line at who you steal from.
establishment is fine cause it's a large money making corporation (ok corporation is a gross exaggeration but it's all I can think of right now) but they make loads, but that's not the thing.
the thing is that there you can't put or there isn't a human face to the victim.
my philosophy about larceny/theft is that you don't steal from other people cause somewhere your action directly affects someone. Leaving them upset once the initial anger has passed, I know how it feels.
hmm maybe that's good cause

so you all don't have to worry about me stealing from you guys.

I think I can attribute this code of mine to the time where the consequence of my theft did have a human face.

my mom.

it's a rather personal experience, but somehow I can truly say that it has shaped who I am.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, August 17, 2006
at the bus stop we met eva, thomo, sara van. all on their way to the 'chopper cruise'.

all three of them were decked out in yards of gold sateen with free falling layers in the centre(something like how you would style your towel) and several layers of gold coins loosely hanging around their necks, reminded me of those chocolate gold coins ness and i used to have when we were younger.

they weren't in much else besides lots of body glitter and thongs (haviannas).
the theme of cruise party was 'sea world'.

so i casually asked 'are you all sirens? all look very pretty and sparkly'.

then sara van quipped 'ooooh sirens, good one. we should use that. but no, we're buried treasure.'

that would explain the gold coins.

she turned to the other two and suggested they should say they're dressed as sirens.

man they're gonna be getting lots of lewd and suggestive (def cheesy) innuendos when they tell people what they were meant to be.

reckon it would along the lines of:

buried treasure eh.. yes i can see the nice chest it comes in/has/comes with.
buried treasure eh.. want me to dig you out?
buried treasure eh.. i could bury the family jewels in you
buried treasure eh.. want to see my family treasure?
buried treasure eh.. i could help unearth you
buried treasure eh.. i've got the key to unlock you right here (motions to his nether regions)
(something really crass like) so is the treasure dry or wet?

hmm always thought sara van's really pretty, she's so sweet and nice as well.

eva's the treasurer, for a while i did consider running for that position but was put off by the fact they have to attend house meetings EVERY week, go for all intercol meetings and lots of beauractic meeting rubbish.

so no thank you. but i'm still very keen on food sec.
i'm extremely passionate on improving the quality of food.

quite honestly i'm perfect for the job.
the thing that really that made me so keen on the job was the last point. i've got plenty of creative ideas already.
helps that i watch lots of discovery travel and living. argh i was so annoyed that as soon as i was leaving singapore they were going to start this series on some guy's decorating and entertaining show.

i love those sort of shows where they have such creative ideas for decorating and enteraining. part of my secret ambition is to be a socialite wife where i can host dinner parties. not huge ones, i like small intimate ones where people can truly mingle with each other and not feel lost or overwhelmed by the sheer size of all the guests.

i know some might be offended that i stated socialite wife, probably going in some of your heads, she doens't have to be married to host dinner parties etc. but somehow i rather like the idea of having a husband or at least a significant significant other at my small dinner gatherings. adds more of a homey feel, you know quiet domestic bliss without being all housewife-ish.

some feminists who would be outraged and object to someone who potentially would have degrees in psychology and another one in art history (and hopefully honours in psychology and some other postgraduate), being audaciously reduced to some mindless subseviant domestic slave instead of fufilling my potential. think mona lisa smile.

uuh to placate feminists hey i could be like angelina jolie from mr and mrs smith (well career wise of the character anyway).
be a fabulous housewive as well as succesful stockbroker or in my case museum curator or academic.

to quote samsung:

it's not that hard to imagine.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

desk lamp's light bulb has blown.
have to replace soon.

wondering when the pretty dresses would be here by.
i love pretty dresses cause more often than not i look pretty in them.

brain's turning to mush right now.
all the bleeding's college's fault.
decided to have a stupid fire drill of all days.
at 6 freaking 30 in the morning i had problems sleeping the night before.
had barely gotten to sleep for 35 mins when there was an unusually suspicious beeps before the 'fire alarm'.
at the back of my head, suspected that it was a drill rather than a an actual fire.
was right.
but already too awake to go back to sleep.
ending up messing my entire sleep system.
so missed ancient history lecture, which to my horror peter DID NOT manage to record.
am screwed.
don't know what's going on in ancient history.
very very lost.
need heaps of help.

very sleepy now.
can't go to sleep yet cause i haven't showered
going to sleep uncomfortably on the floor now.
if i shoower i'll be less sleepy.


--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
quote that i find more amusing then it really is.
it's the way it was said that made it funny, well to me anyway.

christina's husband isn't worthy of her..
instead she should marry ME!


--Bella Bella Signorina--

the only saving grace of Freud.
from his 1931 paper on female sexuality.

in adulthood, the original wish for a penis changes into a wish for a man and thus puts up with the man as an appendage to the penis.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
and so it is, i didn't accomplish any of the weekend goals i had set out for.

slept massive loads, but one thing i'm quite proud of is doing the first reading for mass!

it was about scones =/

my mom refuses to believe the bible uses such a word. but hey, it's meaningful that my first time ever contributing to mass i got to do one out of the only two humourous passages in the whole bible. even if it IS jewish humour.

yay this week i'm gonna be doing the offertory, it's just walking down the aisle to the altar and passing the priest the bread and wine.
at least i'm being active in church.

=) on the road on being a good christian.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, August 12, 2006
plans for this weekend

  1. go through all the psych lectures which is a good 10 hours of recordings.
  2. free time, spend scanning the human biology lab book.
    it's seriously a waste of 20 dollars when 1 out of every 7-8 pages are blanks or have large useless asinine thing like don't forget to get your group members details down! so i'll be saving money and trees by selecting pages i need then printing them out.
    besides out bio lab books are for our own self reference.
  3. researching, doing the readings and starting my psych personality essay due on the 28th.
  4. get my insurance forms from mark.
  5. take photos of my room to show ed the layout so he can advise me on how i should arrange and decorate my room.
  6. seek lily's advice on what topics i should do for my ancient history essay and presentation.
    have to catch up and get my bearings on the 200 odd year gap between claudius being the last of the julio-claudian emperors and whatever time my damn course is taking place in.
  7. try finding an impressionistic work that is similar to van gogh's starry starry night in the following aspects:

basically i want something that i can easily do a copy off.

notes to self:

ask business office to top up my printing credit.
get the duty tutor to open the octa storage so i can get my printer/scanner/copier/fax machine

--Bella Bella Signorina--

so pleased with myself, after looking through the poster sale today i felt so inspired about art again.

i was giddy with delight looking at all the prints of famous works and the more obscure ones that only a psycho art loving aep girl would learn and appreciate.
not surprisingly i was overwhelmed by the wistfulness of the good old art days.
haha i got giddy with just prints imagine if i was in the presence of the actual masterpieces i would just hyperventilate then *plop* pass out on the floor rather unglamarously into a tangle heap of limbs but without a doubt a smile of utter contentment and bliss on my face.
hahaha i really do want to be a museum curator or at least have a job there that entails me mostly gawking at the pictures in utter reverence.

uh somehow gawk and utter reverence doens't quite go in the same sentence. but that's just me.

only damperner on my euphoria was the disdain realising that the only van gogh piece they had in their entire collection was starry night over the rhone. please don't ask me to include the date it was done in, i've forgotten most of dates and stats like picture dimensions.

to think that in sec 1 and 2 i could recite the date every single european art piece and medium.

i swear!

to some loserfied extent i could even give you the art pieces titles in their original language, most of which was french. in pri 6, i aspired to migrate to france, travel europe become chic and sophisticated (more so than i already am, hehehe!) and run an established museum (now my dream is somewhat more realistic.

but to give myself some credit i do remember most of van gogh's dates and names of almost every single impressionistic work.

hmmm i got the most awesome 1930's print which is massive! and i really coudln't resist nipping a reproduction of monet's sunset in venice.

it was featured in thomas crown affair which is my favourite movie cause:
1. pierce brosnan (swoon!)
2. it revolved around impressionist works
3. there was a clever art hiest which would could give oceans' 11 a run for it's money
4. the casting of rene russo opposite brosnan was a work of pure genius
5. clever witty characters and script
6. more twists than a twisty twister twisting
7. perfect balance between romance, humour, attraction, suspense, wit and action
8. van gogh was mentioned
9. sailing!
10. pierce brosnan!

random thing, we've recently covered psychoanalysis and therapy in lectures and even more so i feel that his therapist was unnecessarily scatching.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, August 9, 2006
yay! my love for blogger has been restored with the removal of the annoying word verification!


--Bella Bella Signorina--

couldn't catch a single wink the whole night, nevertheless i spent it lying in bed waiting for sleep to wash over me but that didn't happen.
so got up at 620 to go down for the college photo.
dressed in white collared blouse, black thigh high skirt and black stockings. topped with our ackers.

during the chilly winds i was fantasizing about warm hashbrowns and bacon that was awaiting us in the dining room.
that was what got me through the cold.

imagine my disappointment when THERE WAS NO HOT BREAKKIE!

alright, then all isn't lost at least i can always go and scramble a couple of eggs and whip french toast for my friends and i but there wasn't even any eggs!

what the hell!

it was FREEZING after having to leave the refuge of my nice warm bed for the blistering early morning cold in barely anything.
and you couldn't even provide eggs today!


anyhoo i'm pretty sure that my slight temperature i'm suffering from now originated from that evil event.

so everything in my head is disjointed curt words.
which is obviously reflected in this entry.

i'm off to talk to my little kitty pooh then sleeping off the fever.


--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, August 6, 2006
seriously contemplating if i should be one of the fairy extras in the sancta/john's production of midsummer night's dream.

would it be degrading to be a fairy extra of a JOHN"S play, even if it is a combined college event.

pros and cons

i really find the play irritating. didn't really help that in sec 2 we did it for the ELDDS drama night. remembered Mrs Alex commenting that the page boy was extremely curvacious . she was either refering to the tights clad jojo or judith.

the only saving grace of that event was that i was granted head production manager. come to think of it it's a fancy title to say servant person but with power.
i quite liked the position, i could everyone around.. well almost everyone.
fortunately, or unfortunately my absoulte control only extended to the juniors and fellow sec 2 girls. most of my then seniors would more or less listen to me, but they had the option of not.

quite honestly i find midsummer night's dream one of dear bill's most annoying plays. the thing that still bugs me is, even after puck undoes the effects of the love potion on Titania, there's no mention of what she does to get back her indian page boy (offspring of one of her worshippers) after realising that her stupid husband Oberon the decitful bastard used underhanded trickery to get her to hand over the said child.

seriously how it is a comedy? it seemed more like one of his greatest tragedies from the fact that it didn't end right after what's her name defied her father's request to marry what's his face and continued.

fufil the vow to myself that i would be more active in college life this year, i already missed out on the tennis and rowing tryouts. my knee is erratically starting to act up again so i don't know how i'll do for the atheletics. i've got speed but the crappiest of stamina's. it still amazes me how i can do the 100m and not die.
room points so i would get a slightly better pick of rooms if i'm not at the bottom again.

YAY i get to dress up! i love dressing up! yay faries are pretty!!

looks i'll be playing a fairy then!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, August 4, 2006
ever since I watched the trailer and found out more about lake house, it seemed like the whimsical romantic film I had been craving for to fill the long void of simple romantic movies since while you were sleeping, which incidentally was a Sandra bullock feature as well.

i'm gonna get ed to watch it with me, haha you've been warned love. trust me it's loads better than lake house.

i'm also sorry for making you waste your precious limited time and money by wanting to watch that stupid movie so badly (i didn't know it was going to be bad).

quite honestly I don't like those movies that have too much overlapping story lines,

i prefer just a clear uncomplaining one of girl meets boy, love's transgression slipped in, bit of melancholy and forlorn, bittersweet, and sentimental.
something that appeals straight to the heart yet with a whimsical touch to gleam upon the romance hidden inside each of us.

sigh the whimsical ideals of romance and fancy have very sadly been buried under the avalanche of jaded cynism and wariness of the cruel realities of life one would have in most likelihood experienced along the way.
it's rare to encounter anyone who believes the best in people and what they can achieve from all that good tucked away inside them. I would like to think that I am one of these elusive few.

continuing.. most of all, something which I consider the must of all films/stories is charater development. One can't emphatise for the characters if you've only had a shallow introduction to them. bah to all the glitzy special effects if the characters are one dimensional with no depth or personal nature I say.


the book that inspired this entry is sophie dahl's man with the dancing eyes. the illustrations doesn't do her charater and this brilliant novella justice.
it's poetic without being try hard or pretentious. it epitomizes every ideal of a romance work that i mentioned above.
the man with dancing eyes just entrances you and gives you hope about love and life. it's rivieting stuff that quite frankly makes you giddy with all the optimism and romantic ideals it fills you with.

her words are almost lyrical. she captures the quirks of everything so beautifully, just remiscent of her grand dad roald dahl.

ooh i just love fairytale happy endings

the world needs more of them, it may be unrealistic

but like I said,

i'm an idealist.

--Bella Bella Signorina--



so you'll just have to accept the intial draft of this entry. argh i'm just so annoyed right now damn it.

Read several reviews and summaries of Jane austen's work after recalling lake house. of which the inconsistencies to this day still nag me.

this entire entry consists of spoilers. Go to my earlier entry directly above this one for a related entry without spoilers.

1. there are several references to the attic where there lies a mysterious dusty old box, from all the numerous external shots of the lake house, you can clear see that there is improbable for an attic to be included in the house's structure unless the attic has an extremely low ceiling which didn't seem the case from the shots when keanu reeves visited the attic briefly.

2. took a liking to the song which played in the background whilst Alex and Kate were dancing in the yard in 2004 and found out that it's Paul mc cartney's it's never happened before from his 2005 album chaos and creation in the backyard. And so that would be anachronistic.
I considering getting the album for my mom as her birthday present, him being her favourite beatle and all.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, August 3, 2006
Last night when I was wrapped snug in a fluffy terrycloth bathrobe perched on the foot of my bed, ed asked.

seriously what do you want to do when you're older?

with all honesty I replied well I want to be a..

museum curator.

for either an art or historical museum in Europe, preferably in France, Italia (Roma) or England. or any country steeped deep in cultural and art history.

only limit would be modern art, I refuse to be anywhere near those really ghastly rubbishy post-modern art ones that require no talent, or any art fads that just come and go with the tide.
or perhaps a restorer of old art pieces, now that would really take the cake.

well he DID ask what I wanted to do, it's a want, doesn't mean I can get it but those are my ideal jobs.

hmmm maybe on a slightly more realistic note, probably would end up at the casino. oh sorry I mean integrated resort.
not old enough or even look the least bit intimidating to be one mean pit boss. So that's out. But it would have been interesting to observe first hand gambling psychology.

I think I could quite possibly be best suited to be a host there.
(hey! I did say slightly)
it's unanimous that my sister and I are excellent hostesses. We're warm, friendly, intuitive, willing to go that extra step to make your visit to our house or even college room as pleasant as possible.
she's the more hyper one of us two, and a highly reputable cook.

but I have an edge over her, I'm naturally persuasive, thinks very fast on my tiny toes and devious!
so that would come in handy to poach high rollers and keep them very happy with the casino. Man I' ve been watching too much las Vegas. But it's goOooOood.

yeah.. Something along the lines of a host that would be fabulous.

ness and I put the HO back in hostess!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

'your poor blog seems so lonely.. like you have no friends'

can you see the tumbleweed tumbling in the abandoned old west town that my blog has now become?

cause i can.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Last night I had done this really heartfelt entry, unfortunately there was some complication with the word verification below and so that entry couldn't be published or even saved.

huh?? What word verification?

it's not a usual addition to entry publication or saving as I discovered from ranting to ed about losing that entry. It was amusing to learn that my blog was recognized as a spam blog by
..'their irrelevant, repetitive, or nonsensical text..'

haha can't blame them for this false positive cause my blog at times, I mean, most times is irrelevant, repetitive and nonsensical.

uhhh the above false positive is saying that something is happening (spam blog) when it's not. so they're incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis that this is a normal person blog and accepting the alternative hypothesis that it's a spam blog.

this would be an example of a type 1 error. haha, see you can apply statistics to real life not only for psych stats analysis.

p.s this is soOoOoo strange, i was running a spell check and the word blog keeps getting picked up as a spelling mistake!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, August 1, 2006
When I was unpacking my room, I was thinking what 'tests' could you put people through to reveal the true extent of their friendship/relationship to you.

simple: unleash my family upon them.

and so it was the very first victim was dear dear Edgar.
hey sweetie I just realized from typing the above sentence that your name is dear with an extra g!
somehow it's strange calling him Edgar since my siblings and I have been calling him eded since.. Well forever!
actually since my sister met him at my GKA 4 years ago.
has it been really 4 years since I started learning how to sail?? gosh it didn't feel like it. hmmm maybe next december eded and I can go and coach GKA, he'll obviously want to teach the more advanced ones and I would go straight for the opti classes.. gosh the kids are simply adorable!

as you all know I want kids, at least 3! and adopting another 2.

well my mom told all 3 of us off for calling him eded
'stop calling him eded! he has such a nice name Edgar.
eded sounds like you're calling a little dog. alright?'

so we have to address him as Edgar... at home that is.

anyway I digress.

back to the story of the endurance test of eded.
the poor boy spent several Saturdays hanging around my house with my family milling around him, incorporating him into their own individual interests which unknowingly to them could be considered cruel and unusual torture.

it was like watching a horror reality tv unfurl. ratings should be rather good.

first family member unleashed: Derek

as soon as ed has stepped into my house, my brother would call first dibs on ed's attention, motioning him to the com where he is always either:

1. playing his battlefield 2 wargame
2. watching anime. the normal anime that is. hehehehehe!

so he would show ed his progress and any fancy new tricks learnt to which the two boys would excitedly discuss and demonstrate more 'tips'.
damn ed being in logistics, now he's so obsessed about all sorts of tactical games and the like, so it's almost impossible to tear the 2 apart.
usually when my parents are out derek would play the game throughtout the day and that's including meals so when lunch/dinner is announced Edgar would pull up a chair to the com and watch/provide help, so I end up feeding the two boys with their eyes unfortunately glued to the screen.

as such I always try to quickly whisk ed to either my sister or my room before my brother gets his hands on him, otherwise it's impossible to get him to hang out with me.

but my brother is child's play quite literally when compared to the next family member,
*bum bum bum*

most dangerous family member unleashed: dad

there are many horrendous tales when it comes to my dad but none of the previous ones comes close to this....

the last sat we spent together, my father intercepted my poor boy before he could even get into the lift.
so for half an hour downstairs near the pool he subjected ed to a 'bible IQ test'.
as soon as I heard what my father was doing to the poor soul, I called my dad's handphone and ranted one angry rant, to which he tried to placate me by saying that he was almost done, and that ed was doing extremely well, he even matched my dad's score.

that's impressive considering that my dad apparently dedicated 7 years developing the testing system.

man now even ed knows more about the bible then I do..
hmmm wonder how JYM is going, maybe i'll pop by one day to see how everything is. man during JYM and embarrassingly enough, Super Power Kids, I was very close to God, went for choir practice and bible study and group sharing.
then I just stopped going altogether,
well I'm making a vow that from now on when I'm back in Singapore I would go there or at least become someone who's more Christ oriented. not only in times of need but be a good overall Christian.
maybe i'll even bring ed there one Sunday, haha hear that ed??

i'll continue on how ed's doing in my 'HOuse' (ok that's admittedly lame) in the next entry cause this one is long enough.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Cherish you,
All i ask of you,
No ordinary love,
Always on my mind,
Every waking moment
by Carly Casey Hammond


Sandra 'Alexander
Size 3 feet!!
Born Wednesday
Dies Mercurii xxiii Aprilis MCMLXXXVI
of the Julian Calender 23rd April 1987

tagboard is now at the bottom of this column so drop me a note!

Domestic Barbie

Vives En Mi Corason
Diamonds :)
lovely dresses
creating things
sparkly things
classical things
GWM Gallery (the Rocks)
piriton yellow
happy sunshine yellow
golden afternoon sunshine
rolling in grass
roald dahl books
art history
roman history
art museums

Credi in Te. Aspirations:

In all honesty, my dream since i was 12 is to be a museum curator in Europe.
To be surrounded by all the magnificient masterpieces and immersed in all the inspirational art history of those glorious days oh so very long ago.
Much to my surprise, my mom is very encouraging and supportive of that.
She had a good nature rib at it, and wasn't scathing or critical of it. i half expected her to say it's a stupid impractical frivalous aspiration but she even talked about it somewhat animatedly. Insists that it's such a typical Sandra aspiration for a cushy artsy sophisticated job.
Of course this revelation got my family exclaiming our catchphrase of 'so HC'.
She's (as does my whole family) have always known my love for art history, and it's something i have the passion for.
When i first stood in front of an actual van Gogh painting, tears started welling up in my eyes.
I was so overwhelmed, felt this connection to the painting, not just as a piece of work. it was a piece of someone's soul, their life, their torment, their dejection, their pursuit to be one step closer to God's, a fragment of everything they've ever experienced. That moment transcended anything i've ever felt.

Artists I Admire:
van Gogh
Armand Guillaumin
Carly Casey Hammond
Susan Bleakley

Maledetta Primavera

Na Sera e' Maggio

'March 2004' 'April 2004' 'May 2004' 'July 2004' 'August 2004' 'September 2004' 'October 2004' 'November 2004' 'December 2004' 'January 2005' 'March 2005' 'April 2005' 'May 2005' 'June 2005' 'July 2005' 'August 2005' 'September 2005' 'October 2005' 'November 2005' 'December 2005' 'January 2006' 'February 2006' 'March 2006' 'April 2006' 'May 2006' 'June 2006' 'July 2006' 'August 2006' 'September 2006' 'October 2006' 'November 2006' 'December 2006' 'January 2007' 'February 2007' 'March 2007' 'April 2007' 'May 2007' 'June 2007' 'July 2007' 'August 2007' 'October 2007'