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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
gosh i'm so oh no about the sweden vs england game, please please please get through sweden!!

i'm even more oh no oh my gosh i'm so dead over my math which is in 8 hours time. i'm so damn screwed!!

God save me.

i hate biology

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, June 19, 2006
It amazes me, everytime I listen I listen to na sera e maggio, (an evening in may) it seems that I'm listening to totally new dimension of it. I've no idea what the song is about exactly, even the short description of this song by patrizio about it being about 2 lovers.

somebody promises their partner that they will be together forever, but one day in May she leaves without explanation.


one of saddest songs I've ever heard, god it's so beautifully sung with such deep moving rousing sincerity leaving me in awe.

it's haunting with pure simple but masterful delivery really showing the brilliance of his voice using every vocal colour he's been blessed with leaving listeners in deep reverence.
just the rich mellow resonance of the guitar (which i think is a spanish one) he playing it during the concert really tugged at my heart strings as his fingers grazed the strings with the gentlest of touches whilst he was thinking of his late father throughout the song.

to me na sera e maggio conjures up images of a gorgeous evening in Roma with cobblestone stradas, with passing gondolas on the placid waters, the delicious aromas of freshly baked warm bread /pastries /fresh produce /pastas /wooden baked pizzas /spices /sundried tomatoes /expresso /freshly ground coffee beans etc wrapping their seductive tendrils around you, beckoning you to just be entranced and fall in love wholeheartedly with the country so steeped in culture and history.
or sometimes, the song paints a slightly downcast day right after some rain, you can anticipate that the weather would soon match the lover's tender broken heart, the pain of unrequited love. unexplained unrequited love.
if she had given him some reason, he could get over her much more easily with anger or melodramatic anguish, but to live his life wondering of a love that could have been and ended up as not, for reasons that would always be unknown to him.

the great unknowns about love is what scares me the most.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

don't have to check soccernet to know that aus got trashed by brazil
know why?

2 very simple answers:
1. it's brazil for crying outloud, aus ain't gonna beat the golden team, no offence but it's true
2. the streets are deadly quiet as i type this (it's bout 10 mins since the end of the match)
the last time (well the first time actually) aus beat japan there was manicial cheering and blaring of horns that lasted through for almost 3 hours.

oh well at least they'll progress to the next round.

good luck next time socceroos.

haha i like ronaldihnooo (you'll get it if you watch kongfu mahjong 2)

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, June 18, 2006
ok i like totally hate myself for only watching the 1st half of the italy and US game, planned to take a quick name during half time but slept through it damn it!

nevermind derek taped it for me. thought it would have been 1-0 in italy's favour but how they hell could the US tie with one of football's giant???? w-freaking-tf

a bloody nose??? deja vu totti!
3 red cards a wowser
sadly most of the players weren't very good looking to begin with =( otherwise i wouldn't have fallen asleep, HOW COULD I MISS THE BEST BITS!!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

this post isn't procrastination..

ok maybe it is, but it has something to do with biology exam prep for evolution, i really should just say that i can't do this contentious aspect of biology citing reasons of religion.
hey it's a plausible cause i seriously believe in creationism.
but that would be very unscientific of me won't it?

but my stand is more on the middle ground but still closer to the creationism end of the spectrum.
i believe that god created man and most creatures as they were though slightly less sophisticated, it is here where evolutionary comes in. shaping through natural selection and other evolutionary processes we are what we are now. even now we're still evolving so to speak.

putting in something a bit more academic so i can kinda justifiy that this blog is study related.

chatacter state reversal and convergent evolution (both of which are technically homoplasy since they rise of similiarities in characteristics between different species do not reflect evolutionary relationships)
eg streamlined body shape between sharks and dolphins

ok so the whole point of this biology related entry is on occam's razor as the basis for accepting the phylogenetic hypotheses created.

It is often used between alternative explanations for something, especially where no one alternative has been either proven or disproven. But what is it?

Many people will tell you it says, "Choose the simplest solution".
and that was the case of the biology lecturer who states again in her notes that occam's razor 'translated mean the simpler one is preferred'.needless to say indignant me (who could more or less figure out the latin phrase) was getting worked up in my seat as her oversimplification did not embody the original meaning of the razor as occam's razor literally translated from

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate


plurality should not be posited without necessity.

i had the general impression that it meant 'complicated without necessity' or unnecessarily. forgive my latin, i'm mostly self taught with formal education being from ancient history and extra cirrcular latin from my ancient history tutor in uni.

anyway his razor doesn't say choose the simplest solution.

however the latin needs to be interpreted for modern context cause most people sure as hell won't get exactly what it's trying to say unless you like interpreting things like shakespearean literature. got this from a website that revamped the saying to:

Do not invent unnecessary entities to explain something.
the example is also taken from that above site, find it quite funny really.

Suppose I have a cat. One night, I leave out a saucer of milk, and in the morning the milk has gone. No one saw who or what drank the milk. Lets say there are two possibilities:

  1. The cat drank it
  2. The milk fairy drank it
Occam tells us to reject option 2. This is because option 2 requires us to invent an unnecessary entity - the milk fairy. It is an invention because we have no proof that the milk fairy exists. And it is unnecessary because there is a plausible explanation that does not require the milk fairy - the cat. (We know he exists.)

Note: we haven't proven that the cat drank the milk. Or disproven the milk fairy option. Strictly speaking, we keep an open mind about both options. But Occam says that if you insist it could be the milk fairy, you have invented an unnecessary entity. And why would you do that?

Note also that strictly speaking, both solutions are equally simple. The cat hypothesis is only simpler in that you haven't had to invent a new, unproven entity. Also note that there are additional options that we could choose if we abandon Occam. For example, it could have been ghosts, or aliens, or the boogieman or Santa Claus. Why choose one of these over the others when there is an equal lack of proof for any of them?

Occam Applied

Occam can be applied to a myriad of supposed paranormal events, including ghosts, psychics, UFOs, people who talk with the dead, reincarnation, the soul, spoon benders, near death and out of body experiences. Usually, the paranormal explanation for these phenomena cannot be disproven, and this is often given as the reason we should consider the paranormal explanation. But Occam says go with the natural explanation for now, until any new evidence challenges it. But if there is a natural explanation and you believe, without proof, that the paranormal one is possible, you are inventing the milk fairy.

argh studying for bio is so annoying!
considering getting a priest to sign a special consideration form stating that the evoltuionary theory is against my religion

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
in the whole spirit of the world cup!


haha it's easy to get swept up in the whole festivities, the streets and people are buzzing with the excitement of the multiple world recording breaking australian vs japan match.
i was support japan simply cause the aussie supporters here outnumber the japan supporters by at least 90,000:1. think it might be more but i'll settle for this more conservative estimate.
to think of it, aus really deserved that massive victory last night.
they have so many EPL players, seria players, UEFA. the big leaguge ones!
and singapore the wonderful team that boasts of the player who had TWO FREAKING OWN GOALS IN A GAME! they actually beat japan 2-1


anyway cahill's kinda cute in the giggs kinda way, or one of the liverpool players from so many yesteryears ago. no offence aussies but seriously what's the big deal with harry?
yes he's much loved by the nation..
but for what exactly!???!?!
cahill's the one you all should have had your eyes on.
suspect the whole world is going to sit up and pay him attention after last night's breathtaking performance by him.

totally forgot that today was the 13th ed's formal dinner thingymagig,
he rang me up which was an extremely pleasant surprise, to which he was on the receiving end of my mad barrage on the match last night. seriously.


3 goals in the final 8 minutes? that's record 1 broken
2 goals by the same player cahill in 4 minutes! record 2
1st team to ever win a match on their 2nd world cup entry

then again the world cup is never what you would expect anyway.
last world cup, senegal the then unknown team beat golden favourites france.

think it was extremely poignant that the commercial break right during half time was the nike ad that had some senile bald wrinkled old dude who stole yoda's wardrobe standing on the top of the empty bleachers hurling abuse at some of the australian players.

'blah blah brazil.. kick.. your ass.. you don't even know what (mumbles some unintelligible phrase which i reckon is brazillian) is! *cackle cackle cackle*!

and as all nike ads go, they do some fancy footwork after one guy gives the 'yo, let's show HIM what we're all about' nod, and the cliched yet very spectacular side kicky thingy while in midair (that's ALWAYS in slow mo *rolls eyes*) and whack the old dude right off the bleachers.

OMG we like so didn't see all of THAT coming, like OMGosh!
*rolls eyes again and stops lest optic nerve snaps from too much eye rolling*

2 dramatic dun dun! then the nike splotch:

'stuff history!'

we'll make our own!

indeed that was one, i mean 3 claims proven!

viva la italy!!

haha and australia too mate!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, June 8, 2006
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie
That's amore
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine
That's amore

Bells willl ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling
And you'll sing Vita bella
Hearts willl play tippi-tippi-tay, tippi-tippi-tay
Like a gay tarantella

When the stars make you drool just like pasta fazool
That's amore
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet, you're in love
When you walk in a dream but you know you're not dreamin', signore
'scusa me, but you see, back in old Napoli, that's amore

(When the moon hits your eye like a big-a pizza pie, that's amore)
That's amore
(When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine, that's amore)
That's amore

Bells will ring


And you'll sing "Vita bella"

Vita bell-vita bella

Hearts will play
tippi-tippi-tay, tippi-tippi-tay

Like a gay tarantella

Lucky fella

When the stars make you drool just like pasta fazool
That's amore (that's amore)
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet, you're in love
When you walk in a dream but you know you're not dreaming, signore
'scusa me, but you see, back in old Napoli, that's amore

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, June 7, 2006
when the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, that's amore

when you swim in the sea, and an eel bites your knee, that's a moray.

obviously you would know that the 1st line was from dean martin's massive trademark hit 'that's amore'. was reading the Callahan touch that made really bad puns on his song and I couldn't stop laughing at the 2nd line above, it's one of the most amusing butchering of classics there is!

on another note, blast! For not being able to do the 'that's amore' bit of the song right sound like I'm trying to do a bad impersonation of a male baritone singer. Then again it's alright, the song started out as an affectionate ribbing against the Italian-American stereotype with the whole overkill of Italian imagery and madolin scoring. Besides he didn't even bother trying to pronounce the Italian phrases in authentic Italian accent, (though he was raised speaking Italian), instead he opted for an American trying to bumble out the Italian accent which is rather endearing if you think of all the underlying effort and stories behind such classics.

apparently the line
when the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool'

is still debatable on whether it is jocularly either the best or worst rhyme in the history of music
that is the bilingual rhyme of drool and fazool
since the Neapolitan (Naples eng. or napoli Italian.) dialect word for beans is fasule.

interestingly enough, there ISN"T an Italian version of this song, so as a good natured retaliation from the Italians they perform it in its English entirety returning the American dig at them in the first place.

bet it was something you never knew.......

anyhoo I do the rest of the song rather well, even if I do say so myself. Last month when I was serenating jen at the ice cream counter with the whole

in napoli where love is king, and boy meets girl here's what they say...

with dramatic failing of arms, some random sancta fresher commented that it's a really good version, holding the lower notes quite well. haha she very fortunately didn't get to me trying to belt out the that's amore lines.

yesterday after the stupid brain and behaviour tutorial quiz (which I reckon I did quite atrociously) I was prancing around in the rain (actually it was more like a storm) stomping into wet puddles in the oval, spinning around gaily and twirling the umbrella - singing at the top of my lungs
that's amore,
an evening in roma,
spanish eyes,
quando quando quando,
fly me to the moon
and ended with a man without love

ahhh.. my wonderfully gloriously happy mood a stark contrasting to the surrounding grey dreay weather, I like the rain, it's cloaks and encloses you so whatever singing you want to do no matter how wretched, go on and do it.
no one can hear you anyhow.

people wonder how I can be so annoyingly happy, chirpy with so much energy and life.
it's my hopeful optimism they hate.

whatever others say
I like that about me, fine they might think I've constantly popping my massive stash of anti depressants or E or some happy drugs anything that makes me insanely happy and joyous.

reminds me of what nikki said when I was serendaing her at the ice cream counter (dont' know why my singing side keep gravitating towards the ice cream counter) so she was digging out the cappucino and chocolate chip ice cream whilst I was providing the background music of....

winter wonderland

ha ok I know you're losing respect for me as I'm seemingly losing my mind. But I don't think I am.
then again most crazy people don't know they're crazy.

hahahah you can tell I'm in one of my very happy for no reason moods
so ANYWAY she was giving a mock scowl on how happy I was, and the perculiar choice of song. well it was rainy and usually in equatorial countries we get Christmas during heavy massive raining seasons (similar to the one I experienced today) thus the song selection. She and Sam hate me for getting that song stuck in their heads.

then at the dining table when Sam mentioned 'when when when' to which I automatically replied quando quando quando and nikki who very hilariously broke out of her nikki space outs to say 'michael buble?'
don't know how we got onto tom jones and I blabbed out
oh I LOVE tom jones
wait, did I just say I LOVE tom jones?

laughing ensued then I couldn't resist but break out into it's not unusual using my ice cream cone as the mike..
then we almost died of laughter after I did the most horrid rendition of the part
it's not unusual to find that I'm in love with you

as I was bouncing and leaning back with every OH I was half on the floor and half on the chair, the table and I alike in mad fits of laughter..

I LOVE tom jones..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, June 4, 2006
once and for all i've switched to firefox. really was the last straw when internet explorer crashed 11 freaking times on me today!!!!
extremely annoyed besides the firefox logo is so much prettier!
yay i'm very pleased with firefox =)

cutey cutesy pretty foxy!

p.s and seriously what's with the word verfication on blogger?
apparently it's to ensure that computers don't post entries (right.......)

--Bella Bella Signorina--

some little known facts about me:

-about 4 years ago before my confirmation i shortlisted certain names i wanted as my middle name however the churchy people rejected them since they weren't
1. saint names
2. and my reasons for wanting them were deemed extremely frivalous:

gisele (thought and still think the model is gorgeous)
jolie (cause it means 'pretty' in french)
elise (it's such a delicate sounding name)
charlize (like how the 'lize' dies off on your tongue)

hindsight note: never really noticed till bout last year they all have l's and end with e.

-2 years ago my dad seriously considered buying this quaint vineyard in hunter valley as nice getaway-retirement-holiday place.

- had my first handphone (illegal one) in june right after the thai trip

- my favourite french fries are from long john silvers along with their battered chicken
favourite snack is macdonald's chicken nuggets

- i adore chocolate cigars

- keep sneezing whenever there's ammonia nitrate or my nose gets very irritated around body shop's oceanus collection

- lilies are one of the prettiest flowers around but they STINK!

- first soft toy was a 'radioactive green' beaver with a neon yellow nose, white shirt and flourscent underpants

- add honey and sugar to my cereal

- rather proficient at knife throwing (the koi canvas piece in my grandparent's house is testiment to that)

- think daisies are such happy, cheery, friendly flowers

- ate random leaves in the garden as a child

--Bella Bella Signorina--

last night ed thought i lost it when i threatened to sever all ties/never ever talk to again/disown/not be his date for his commissoning ball if he..

KILLS THE POOR BUNNY! (well hare, but STILL!!)

edgar chia hongzhe, i will KILL YOU if you kill the poor bunny in brunei.
so you better ask them to let you kill other stuff, kill another 2 quails or something, i don't really care, just don't kill the poor bunny.


--Bella Bella Signorina--

Cherish you,
All i ask of you,
No ordinary love,
Always on my mind,
Every waking moment
by Carly Casey Hammond


Sandra 'Alexander
Size 3 feet!!
Born Wednesday
Dies Mercurii xxiii Aprilis MCMLXXXVI
of the Julian Calender 23rd April 1987

tagboard is now at the bottom of this column so drop me a note!

Domestic Barbie

Vives En Mi Corason
Diamonds :)
lovely dresses
creating things
sparkly things
classical things
GWM Gallery (the Rocks)
piriton yellow
happy sunshine yellow
golden afternoon sunshine
rolling in grass
roald dahl books
art history
roman history
art museums

Credi in Te. Aspirations:

In all honesty, my dream since i was 12 is to be a museum curator in Europe.
To be surrounded by all the magnificient masterpieces and immersed in all the inspirational art history of those glorious days oh so very long ago.
Much to my surprise, my mom is very encouraging and supportive of that.
She had a good nature rib at it, and wasn't scathing or critical of it. i half expected her to say it's a stupid impractical frivalous aspiration but she even talked about it somewhat animatedly. Insists that it's such a typical Sandra aspiration for a cushy artsy sophisticated job.
Of course this revelation got my family exclaiming our catchphrase of 'so HC'.
She's (as does my whole family) have always known my love for art history, and it's something i have the passion for.
When i first stood in front of an actual van Gogh painting, tears started welling up in my eyes.
I was so overwhelmed, felt this connection to the painting, not just as a piece of work. it was a piece of someone's soul, their life, their torment, their dejection, their pursuit to be one step closer to God's, a fragment of everything they've ever experienced. That moment transcended anything i've ever felt.

Artists I Admire:
van Gogh
Armand Guillaumin
Carly Casey Hammond
Susan Bleakley

Maledetta Primavera

Na Sera e' Maggio

'March 2004' 'April 2004' 'May 2004' 'July 2004' 'August 2004' 'September 2004' 'October 2004' 'November 2004' 'December 2004' 'January 2005' 'March 2005' 'April 2005' 'May 2005' 'June 2005' 'July 2005' 'August 2005' 'September 2005' 'October 2005' 'November 2005' 'December 2005' 'January 2006' 'February 2006' 'March 2006' 'April 2006' 'May 2006' 'June 2006' 'July 2006' 'August 2006' 'September 2006' 'October 2006' 'November 2006' 'December 2006' 'January 2007' 'February 2007' 'March 2007' 'April 2007' 'May 2007' 'June 2007' 'July 2007' 'August 2007' 'October 2007'