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Monday, January 30, 2006
more reasons why i'm such a freak.

1. as i entered fisher library, the nice COLD draft of air conditioned air hit me, so looking around to see that no one was around or paying me any attention i just stood at the entrance right under the deliciously cold cold vents.
i just STOOD at the ENTRANCE enjoying the air con. thing is it wasn't even that hot out today, a relatively mild 29 degrees out but i missed the feeling of air con. it's different from a fan which i've been using the past month, air from a fan is rougher and it just BLOWS air at you, so it can get quite irritating after a while. i hate loose strands of my hair being whipped about my face when i'm trying to sleep. but the air con?
via air con!
it's COLD gentle air that really cools you down, makes you miss milder winter nights, the cold air just permeates your pores, you never really appreciate small things like that until you've been deprived for a long time. your longing intensifies esp when it's summer and the fan is starting to bug you.
the thing is that i like sleeping with something over me like snuggling under a soft smooth good quality blanket or quilt, really hate the feeling of sleeping without something covering me. just feel so exposed, you know.
with the air con, you can cover yourself and yet it's nice and cool but using the fan the blanket simply cuts the air off so it gets really warm stuffy and bothersome under the sheets.

ok this is me trying to best explain the difference between fan and air con.
fan just circulates air around the room, or for certain standing fans it just blows the surrounding air at you.
but the air con drops and lowers the air temperature so it's nice and cold, THEN it circulates the cold air around the room.
the fan doesn't do anything to the air temp it just ventilates and circulates the air around.

did i get that right?

ok since i'm heaping praises to the almighty air con, i shall debunk thee common misconception that the air con takes up the most energy ie uses up the most electricity and therefore electric bills are so high.

but you see, (this is from mr yap, the greatest physics teacher that sparked my interesting and unlocked my great potential for physics, got the a1 in prelims and o's thanks to him)
if you compare all appliances in your house by standard time let's say an hour.
comparatively the air con uses less electricity than anything that uses heat electricity, the most guilty of all, (one of the last things that would come to mind) and yet you people don't know.. is the

this electricity guggling water heater uses SO MUCH MORE electricity than the wrongly accused and long-standing victimised scapegoat air con! it's cause the heat needs to heat up VERY VERY VERY VERY fast almost instaneously infact, just so you can get your hot water!
notice when showering and you turn on the hot water facet, takes very little time before hot steaming water comes out. now think exactly how hot the heating system must be for you to get such hot water in such a short time.

it's the same concept as cars going from 0-100 km/h in seconds, burns up an obscence amount of fuel but if it's maintaining a medium speed for a long period of time it actually burns considerably less. but the thing with hot water is you only get HOT, not some lukewarm temperature.

to get warm temperature so you don't scald your skin everytime you're in the shower, you ADD COLD WATER to it to reduce the water temperature.


the reason why you don't see massive bills from hot water usage is that you use it like only 20-30 mins the most a day? but the air con you keep it running for about 8 hours at least per day so it accumulates over a monthly period..

see the diff! now stop incriminating the poor misunderstood air con.

long live the air con!

note: a woman came up with the idea for the the air con!
all the more reason to love the female race!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, January 29, 2006
hm, the double bacon perscuitto quiche i made today turned out rather well i must say. didn't burn it. it's kinda squishy tho, it's so moist it borders on 'wet'.

really irks me i can't seem to get it to the dense solid consistency that jung the quiche maker gets, wonder what his secret is.
had my reservations about the bacon bits i used. got those dodgy 'house brand' bacon, then again it was the only brand they had there in IGA. when i soaked the bacon i got this dank almost rancid unfragrant bacony smell, and the SCUM! ewww don't even get me started on it.
what my mom says it's true it's always better to buy meat in its more 'whole' forms cause with all those mince and bits, you really have no idea what random bits of STUFF they put in it. for all you know they could have added the dead dog/cat/mouse/unidentifiable 'creature thing' that died in the factory so they can rip people off.
ok we'll see if there's something wrong with the bacon tmr, man i can't believe i'm subjecting my body to be some sort of food litmus test, as if it hasn't endured plenty of crap from me.

i love you body, please don't give up on me k?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, January 26, 2006

aussie aussie aussie!


--Bella Bella Signorina--

i'm currently in my cooking/baking/domestic phase, yes that's right, i'm turning into..
except she doesn't do the cleaning bit, that's ALL me. comes with the OCD you see.
ok what have i done in the past 1.5 weeks to elicit such a.. i'm at a loss for words really.
  1. peacan and white chocolate chip cookies

  2. kellogs cookies (recipie right off the side of the cereal box, it's actually really yummy for something so simple)
  3. peach crumble (turned out pretty gorgeous, did pass the lightly golden brown mark to be hmmm slightly more than golden brown)
  4. banana cake/bread (which potentially could have turned into a total disater, you can ask monkey about that)
  5. minor things included bacon/perscuitto/honey baked ham omelette,
    chirzo/tomato/green olive/capsicum pasta (which is kinda cheating since it was out of a jar)
  6. roast lamb which turned out to be more than just a dream, perfectly done with the tips almost charred but the inside so lovely you just wanted to stare at it instead of eating it. man that was the best roast i've ever done. EVER!

oh something i'm quite proud of for some unknown reason.. okay wait for it wait for it....
CHEESE PORRIDGE! ok before you start saying it's gross, have you tried it? it's seriously delicious, i stand by my choice!
added krafts single slices, parmesan, nicely done bacon which smelt heavenly, perscuitto, honey baked ham, pinch of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. i kid you not, it's good, stop making a face!
you can't comment on it unless you've tried it. auntie joan, from my dad's side used to make it for me whenever she visited little darling sandra, even when just entered teens sandra visited her in KL she made cheese porridge for me.

was proudly reciting the whole list to ed, he wants to try my cooking but he's too dear to me to let him be killed by consuming my cooking! eeps! wait then again he DID have my super wonderful chocolate and butterscotch cookies drowning in the most obscene amount of butter. the cookies obviously were a success, he didn't die or end up in the toilet for years (as i had feared!) the cookies DID fuse together to be this huge mass of COOKIE (too much butter i reckon) so did have to break them instead of having perfectly formed cookies. well you can't have your cookie(s) and eat them.

anyway back to my strange childhood eating habits which most people find it peculiar if not oh so wrong.
for instance:
i love boiled bananas
boiled sweet potato
boiled tapoica
semi boiled egg with loads of soya sauce
spinach dips
those hard flaky pastry with sweet yummerlicious black filling inside
bits of fried.. bits that were stuck into this huge sticky honey block
biscuit ladies fingers covered in chocolate
'lobster' candy
coco crunch!
kellogs frosties
one of my all time favourites that unfortunately is extinct in singapore - mamee veggie crisps, whenever the 'bread man' came around the neighbourhood, my sister and i trotting excitedly behind our grandma would quickly rush to buy those more traditional snacks we've come to love so much. and i would get those chips, even 2 years ago (last time i ever had them) when i spotted them at the 7 eleven at kim's place i bought 10 packets (the checkout person thought i was having a vego party or something)

ah all the childhood food i was weaned on, someday i'm hoping to pass them on to my kids just like my grandma did.

i love you grandma!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, January 23, 2006
oh and yes try to find it in my heart to forgive those guys who called me fat.


--Bella Bella Signorina--

hmmm list of things i aspire to do.
short term ish ones anyway

  1. more gracious probably also less picky (but that does NOT include food)
  2. more elegant (i've got it working there, but could be turned up a notch.. or two) includes improving my posture, really got to stand up straight
  3. improve whatever little cooking skills i have
  4. when i'm back for my short breaks, go out and do something everyday instead of watching the same show 4 times or have the entire cable play list in my head for star world, axn, mtv, discovery channel, discovery travel and living and cartoon channels. list would include going out with my AEP buddies, seems i've been neglecting them, and they're such a great great bunch i really don't want to lose the most magnificent friends over reruns.
  5. just laze about at friend's places do girly stuff talk about rubbish like boys, gush and swoon over fashion things and whatever preconceived stereotypical notion guys think girls do at slumber parties and stuff. CHICK FLICKS!
  6. stop dressing to particular 'themes'
    all time sandra looks include
    - preppy
    - casual ivy league student
    - glamorous rock
    - 'ballerina' which comes under the feminine theme really
  7. after every semester when i'm back for the hols i'm getting a new hairstyle, change can be fun!
  8. VISIT IJ! the bestest bestest best teachers ever! i would definitely send my daughters there provided most of the teachers i like are still there.
    this is a partial continuation, must go visit toot with cinnamon rolls
  9. take up the piano once again, and therefore have more faith in my playing
  10. ahhh something quite important, get in the habit of telling my friends when i'm back from aussie. i'm so so sorry guys! i'll make it up to you all really
  11. be more photogenic (ie stop smiling like an idiot better yet actually smile PROPERLY for the camera)
  12. really got to stop being so OCP (obsessive complusive personality)

--Bella Bella Signorina--

since i'm on the topic of indulgent lifestyles,
ladies here's a way to check if the diamond he gives you is the real deal.
a real diamond would NOT show up under xray.

so HA! beware fellas, we're onto you!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, January 20, 2006
'Every woman should have four pets in her life.
Mink in her closet, jaguar in her garage, tiger in her bed and a jackass who pays for everything.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

another reason to add as to why i'm such an idiot

ever since i heard that ns salary was 350ish i've always been under the impression that it was 350 A WEEK!

ok not very bright.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, January 19, 2006
from judging amy, maxine gray and her grandkid

grandma what's anorexia?

it's a disease when women read magazines.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, January 17, 2006
caught the 'tallest man' episode of little britain and finally after quite while searching for the identity of the hot hot hot hot HOT blacksmith.. tada!
he's graham beasley!

another guy to add to my list of sexiest men ever!
he tops it when topless *wink*

good grief, did i just say that?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, January 16, 2006
been to the gym for 2 days straight, doubt i've lost any weight the only thing i've lost is the feeling in my ass and the part on the trunk that's right beside the underarms think it's the pectoralis major, then again i'm not very good with the muscule groups and the specifics.

well was 10 mins for the first lecture of the history and philosophy of psychology series, and was surpriesd to see that there were less than half of the usual number of students. well students usually tend to skip the first lecture (for summer school it's more like the first day) since it's a overview and introduction into the particular psych topic.
petra van somethingsomething (her surname defies my wretched spelling abilities) was reluctant to use the second hour to move on to the subject proper since there were so many MIA. so she dismissed us after 40 mins! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
though it took quite a while for the class to fully absorb the fact that there were no other lectures after today's brief intro and that we wsere dismissed an hour an 20 mins earlier.

HA! so the rest of the class was whinging wondering what they could do to pass the extremely long break.
thankfully i wanted to hit the gym during the 1 hour break before my tutorial so i had brought all my gym stuff.
righteous! so instead of having to rush a gym session under an hour as i had planned but now i had more than 2 hours to include a decent workout including cardio and weights.

which now i'm kinda regretting since my the army bit of me is hurting now. argh it was really sore and difficult to run without being able to move my arms along for the momentum.

well going to lunch now then hitting the sack for a bit of shut eye before dinner till the PREMIRE OF SUPERNATURAL!

oh oh i can't wait!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
hmmm since it's the new year and i'm all up for change.
could anyone (do people even read my blog? i know pretty and ed do, sometimes even my sis. but who else besides them do?????) suggest any templates for my blog, had this current one for more than a year and it's time for a revamp.
well this is what i'm looking for, or at least hoping to find a template that has these following points:

- girly, but not overly feminine

- elegant even if it's simple. something classic

- something that uses the whole screen rather then my current format that wastes alot of page area and cumbersome scroll bars, it's rather impractical for reading and viewing of pictures.

- something that reflects my character

- artistic but please no modern art, everyone knows i'm pretty much old school for art preferences then again there might be more contemporary works that transcend the distinction between classic timeless art and modern works (good grief i sound like an art history teacher)

- something that doesn't have a dominating black background, i don't know it just seems to lack character. having some print and words against a black background seems rather unimaginative, my current format doesn't 'work' and bring out qualities against the black but rahter both together now seems rather bland and non descript.

if any of you do have something in mind, drop me a note. seriously feel free to use my tag board, it's feeling rather neglected. truly do value your comments, since most of them brighten up my day! (actually night since i'm more of a nocturnal creature)


--Bella Bella Signorina--

Reasons why I'm such a freak

1. I watch lord of the rings just for scenery of new Zealand (that was in preparation for the new Zealand trip, though I still fell asleep AGAIN watching return of the king)

2. I make strange squeaky sounds incessantly

3. I'm not going to eat lamb cause I think lamb are so cute! This 'revelation' came when I saw the most adorable sheep in new Zealand... It was a soft toy..

4. I clean obsessively, I've an obsessively compulsive behavior, basically pretty much anal retentive. Hello even at denise's new year's party I was deprawning prawns and crabs too, much to gracie's delight she didn't eat the prawns cause she doesn't like peeling them. so I was the self appointed deprawner amongst other things.

5. I get adrenaline rushes whenever I come up with the most igneous answers and about to share it with the class.

6. I cleared 36 bags of garbage from mark's house after cleaning it inside out.

7. I finished a 5 litre industrial size bottle of bleach (granted I started with slightly more than a litre of bleach) after sloshing the whole lot all over mark's bathroom.
the sink
the toilet bowl
the cistern
behind the toilet bowl
the numerous corners
the shower stall
the gaps between the shower tiles that have turned grimy with accumulated dirt

8. I'm a less perfect version of bree van der kemp (you know the OCD red head from desperate housewives)

9. I think rugby players are scary due to the fact that they have tree trunks instead of thighs. and whenever I see a huge sized islander I think to myself 'huh, a rugby player.'

10. I scan through people's blogs to see if i'm even remotely mentioned. for instance when Alex posted that some ass had apparently stood him up for a lunch appointment (which was me, but honest to god I had totally forgotten!) I was actually pleased with myself that I got mentioned.

11. I kept the roll of toilet paper from the 600 dollar a night villa in new zealand cause it was 3 ply with uber cute seahorses, seashells and seaweed.

12. I shaved an entire 1 kg block of chedder in 2 sittings.

13. After ed commented about Kevin being in the same company as him, I realized that I still have the poems that Kevin had written for me.. nearly 4 years ago.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, January 10, 2006
quote from a shirt in new zealand, one of the most amusing things i've ever read:

my daddy says when i grow up i can do ANYTHING i want
.... except play for Australia

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, January 9, 2006
complaint that my pic didn't not have a caption.

the picture several enteries below:

this is aaky and i. aaky is what i call my cousin vicky. you can't spell vicky without icky. we are in the botinical gardens in new zealand. new zealand has alot of cows that are lazy and alot of sheep. ness says all the sheep are fake. the tourism board of new zealand conspired with the locals and plant fake sheep in the fields. that is why ness is right. the sheep ARE fake. i'm not eating lamb anymore. toy lambs are so cute with sincere eyes.

--Bella Bella Signorina--


this stupid girl has made a mistake.
they are in the same COMPANY NOT PLATOONS.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

edgar and kevin in the same platoon.
now things would get VERY interesting.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, January 8, 2006
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

--Bella Bella Signorina--

wonder how ed is doing now in tekong?
hmm.. terribly exciting the unknown

--Bella Bella Signorina--

my stomach is churning, feels likes the butterflies decided to take a break from fluttering and pick up tae bo.

arteries feel like they're that much closer to a cardiac arrest.

cramps in stomach and legs.

been hyperventilating so much that the lubricant lining of the lungs against my chest is somewhat worn out by the excessive friction.

throat is so dry and coarse that desert sand would be luxurious compared to it.

basically my body courtesy of my brain has shut down with the onset of a mild panic attack of sorts.

i'm beyond woe is me.
it's now..
dead is me.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, January 6, 2006
i missy my little kitty..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Cherish you,
All i ask of you,
No ordinary love,
Always on my mind,
Every waking moment
by Carly Casey Hammond


Sandra 'Alexander
Size 3 feet!!
Born Wednesday
Dies Mercurii xxiii Aprilis MCMLXXXVI
of the Julian Calender 23rd April 1987

tagboard is now at the bottom of this column so drop me a note!

Domestic Barbie

Vives En Mi Corason
Diamonds :)
lovely dresses
creating things
sparkly things
classical things
GWM Gallery (the Rocks)
piriton yellow
happy sunshine yellow
golden afternoon sunshine
rolling in grass
roald dahl books
art history
roman history
art museums

Credi in Te. Aspirations:

In all honesty, my dream since i was 12 is to be a museum curator in Europe.
To be surrounded by all the magnificient masterpieces and immersed in all the inspirational art history of those glorious days oh so very long ago.
Much to my surprise, my mom is very encouraging and supportive of that.
She had a good nature rib at it, and wasn't scathing or critical of it. i half expected her to say it's a stupid impractical frivalous aspiration but she even talked about it somewhat animatedly. Insists that it's such a typical Sandra aspiration for a cushy artsy sophisticated job.
Of course this revelation got my family exclaiming our catchphrase of 'so HC'.
She's (as does my whole family) have always known my love for art history, and it's something i have the passion for.
When i first stood in front of an actual van Gogh painting, tears started welling up in my eyes.
I was so overwhelmed, felt this connection to the painting, not just as a piece of work. it was a piece of someone's soul, their life, their torment, their dejection, their pursuit to be one step closer to God's, a fragment of everything they've ever experienced. That moment transcended anything i've ever felt.

Artists I Admire:
van Gogh
Armand Guillaumin
Carly Casey Hammond
Susan Bleakley

Maledetta Primavera

Na Sera e' Maggio

'March 2004' 'April 2004' 'May 2004' 'July 2004' 'August 2004' 'September 2004' 'October 2004' 'November 2004' 'December 2004' 'January 2005' 'March 2005' 'April 2005' 'May 2005' 'June 2005' 'July 2005' 'August 2005' 'September 2005' 'October 2005' 'November 2005' 'December 2005' 'January 2006' 'February 2006' 'March 2006' 'April 2006' 'May 2006' 'June 2006' 'July 2006' 'August 2006' 'September 2006' 'October 2006' 'November 2006' 'December 2006' 'January 2007' 'February 2007' 'March 2007' 'April 2007' 'May 2007' 'June 2007' 'July 2007' 'August 2007' 'October 2007'