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Monday, October 31, 2005

unfortunately, with grey's anatonmy and JAG being at 830 and 1030 tonight, we couldn't go trick or treating. we had planned to go round.. college!
(or colleges) and ask for candy, greedy little piggies, aren't we.

for paul we had intended to knock down, either fred, stewart, jordon's door. however since the break up between jordon and jenny, that option was struck out but it would have been such a hoot. we'll probably end up getting booze from jordon, tea from stewart and fred apparently a tightarse (according to jenny and the rest of paul's) so we aren't expecting to get anything from him. helllllooooooooo, he's the son of the SWISS AMBASSODOR for cryin' out loud. oh well..

back to candy, i've loads of candy canes which i'm using to decorate my room, (getting all festive you see!!) all the pretty red and white SANCTA stripes really brighten up a room and what could be better than edible decorations!

anyhoo there's always next year for trick or treating and by then we would have made load more friends who would be good sports when a bunch of whacked girls come around asking for candy.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, October 29, 2005
ahh the end of the year is approaching and yes.. THAT time of the year is approaching..

the naming of the sexiest man alive by people's magazine. so people are raking through magazines, films, shows, interviews and other media trying to make the very tough choice of deciding who would crowned with that very lovely title.

well looking at last year's winner, jude's antics in the past year really doesn't help with his already shaky position, but HOT DAMN was he every so delectable on the cover of people's magazine, if memory serves me right he's was sharing the cover with some random people. snazzyily dresses metrosexual womanisers have never looked so good since...

yeah you know that was coming didn't you, tho he's fully heterosexual, would be such a waste to relegate him to the fellas don't you think.

so in light of the upcoming decisions, i've decided to compile my own list of the OOOAAAHHHHHH top 10 sexist men to ever grace God's ever so green earth (in no particular order but if you know me well you'll know who are the top of the top on my list).

Hugh Jackman
whenever he came on the set topless, the film crew and cast would be clapping and cheering wildly for him.
during the flashback scene of X Men 2 while he was filming the corridor run (in which he is nude YUM! and backlit), he turned the corner and saw the female cast members, including James Marsden (cyclops) mother, waiting for him, hooting and waving dollar bills. Definitely would have joined that crowd.
And so to ensure that he had as many cast and film crew present for certain days, Bryan singer would tell them that they would be filming scenes of jackman without clothes - there was always full attendance on those days.

George Clooney the reason I got started on watching medical dramas, oh George George practice on me! *inside sancta joke*
would totally go for him if he was much much younger, then again i would go for most of the guys on my list if they weren't so old (compared to me anyway)

Harrison Ford talent and looks! deadly combination esp when teamed with whip and teaser of a hat and witty lines. when i was reading Da Vinci Code *gasp, yes i did read that book when i should have been studying for my O's* and as soon as Dan Brown mentioned that langdon was harrison ford in harris tweed, my loyalties went straight to the gorgeous protagonist from that point onwards i couldn't bear to put the book down even when the content was at it's trashiest but i HAD to know what happened to the good looking hero.

David James Elliot

Pierce Brosnan
no list would be complete without agent Mcdreamy now would it? oh oh Thomas crown affair! Feast your eyes on him, and HE LIKES ART AND SAILING! *swoooooon* oh yes indeed this charmer has stolen my heart away..

Prince William
yeah the only one i could get off dating and not seem that i'm a sarong party girl of sorts, man he's the only reason why i would support a monarchy in England (even if it IS a constitutional one) otherwise he wouldn't have been in the spotlight and us wee lassies would be deprived of his royal good lookingness

Val Kilmer
hahaha yes ming you DO know me rather well, kilmer is just so worthy of all his on screen time on the saint, *grumble grumble* daft SA can't even come up with a more original school logo without having to rip it off a movie. Unfortunately his role as king Phil father of Alexander the great didn't do much to his image, not a pretty picture I must add. but man was jolie ever so freaking gorgeous, she was the sole saving grace of the movie.

Patrick Dempsey
just cause i watch so much gray's anatomy so it only seems fair i include him in since he is the eye candy of the show, just like George Clooney from his ER days, sigh! can't stay away from the charming slightly cocky good looking bad boys.

notice a pattern, i like my MEN classic vintage old school.

the hot blond god i saw at uni several months ago.. alas i never was fortunate enough to meet him once again

oh woe is me


JFK jr.
aaahhh the days when American politics entranced the whole world, lucky duck, he got looks from both of his extremely photo friendly parents, JFK and Jackie O - the epitome of class, decorum and grace.

Hugh Grant
only for his floppy hair and goofish sheepish grin that never fails to get girls squealing in delight

Jake Davenport
i know i know what's up with me and the English? how can you resist the lilting accents and well manner charms of such well brought up class, come to think of it Jake davenport is a devilishly slightly more rugged version of Hugh grant don't you think.

James Marsden from the bar crooning Ally McBeal days

the hot ass gigalos from deuce bigalow European gigalo

where is brad Pitt i hear you scream in indignation? or Johnny depp for that matter? i suppose they'll have to fit under token mentions though this compliation is based solely on my preference for looks and no way talent otherwise Johnny depp would be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up there.

any suggestions who should be included?

i'll add pictures later on when i have the time, or trying to procrastinate.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

No brainers for guessing this is an WHACKED AMERICAN DAD.

A letter to the editor of Men's Health Magazine from a 'concerned' *cough* father about his son.

My son is a decent kid, but I started picking up signs that he was gay recently. He is about to turn 17, and I've noticed that he has not had many relationships with girls until now. His first girlfriend he had when he was 15, and now he's been dating a girl for about 5 months. But like many people have pointed out, gays often try to date girls to cover up their homosexuality.

So apart from the inexperience with girls, there are some other clear signs of homosexuality. For example, he likes music and he even plays an instrument in high school. Also, he plays tennis which means he probably likes to watch fit men running around.

What worries me is that he may not even know he's gay yet. I don't want to shock or anger him when I reveal this to him, but that may be unavoidable.

Also, how should I tell his girlfriend? This could potentially devestate the both of them, so I need to do it in the right way.

The problem is that he's been getting pretty serious with his girlfriend lately. They stay out late together, I see them kissing alot when they're getting into his car, and I don't want them to get too attached before he becomes gay.

---------------This only gets better..------------------

Frankly I'm concerned that he's not really acting gay at this stage. The gay "hobbies" are there but the actual gay behavior has yet to develop.In order to expedite the process I need to make sure he knows that he's gay and to move him into a more typical gay state of mind. At the rate he's going now, he might not ever become gay. He needs me to help him come to grips with who he is.

The thing is, I've already told all my friends that he's gay and if I can't get him to admit that he's gay, I'll lose a 500 dollar bet.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, October 27, 2005

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Bland. James bland.

thought I should post something related to the horrible choice of Craig what's his face being cast as James Bond, was utterly devastated and absolutely indignant (to say the very least) when I heard that the coveted role of bond went to him.
and he HAD to be ugly.

you had Hugh jackman! I mean HUGH FREAKING JACKMAN!!

what in the..

hmph, after the bombshell that agent mcdreamy wasn't going to be bond anymore I though oh great there goes my very implausible dream of every wanting to be a.. ahem.. Pierce Brosnan Bond girl. I mean COME ON! It's a fairly respectable even prestigious fanstasy albeit strange.

for reason still unknown I still can't get my head around the fact that of all the celebrities I drool over, most of them are about a decade younger than my dad!
ewwww right.
no offence daddy.

but you get where I'm going. but how can you not think he is just absolutely gggaaaarrrggghhh *mouth wide open drooling at the thought of him*
OH OH! david elliot too!
who's he you ask?
WHO"S HE!!!!!!!

he's the more than swoon worthy slightly roguish cocksure charmer harm!
man oh man oh man oh man!

there are several exceptions to that tho.
army guys are so gay, it's really not funny.
GAG! i'm being superficial and callous, but it's the sad truth.
army uniform esp with the little cross between a beret/cap/sniper's cap, you really should just do the world a fave and kill the guy who came up with such a stupid ensemble.
who in their right minds would think that was remotely appealing to the ladies!

i'll finish this entry up later, I wanna go to sleep I only had 5 hrs last night and had a fairly long day. god damn it.
I HATE spring!
just not spring!

there's flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies flies EVERY FREAKING WHERE!
and the weather is almost as bad as singapore! in singapore I can deal with the heat, at least I can endure the scorchers of 37 degrees here if I could be comforted by the fact that I can happily retreat back to a nice air condition room.
I don't even GET a fan for crying out loud.

I HATE spring.
oh where are the biting autumn nights I love so much?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
note: in tribute to T2, i'm using their trademark colours for this entry

mmmmmmm how can you NOT love teaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
popped over to T2 i love that place, it's almost meditative the devine floral smells of gently brewing tea wafting through the gorgeous mild spring afternoon air, the last vestiges of deep rich golden sunshine streaming through the window ah sigh, the place for tea, appreciation of the best life has to offer (books, art, sydney uni grounds, ancient history, the sun around 4pm, psycho happiness..)
the store's truly inviting, lacquered ancient chinese and japanese newspapers cover the walls- a comination of deep but not overpowering raspberry and warm elegant muted colours, eclectic oriental and simple yet classic furniture, bambo pieces mixed with stark contemporary clean line blacks..
guilty as charged!
bought french earl grey to mix with my assam dikom, and botanic floral tisanses for a lighter fruity taste to welcome the first signs of the spring (just minus the damned flies that keep buzzing on and on and on and on)

the john's oval is just so pretty! the entire field dotted with patches of dandelions and tiny little daisy like flowers, was doing my part by encouraging dandelion growth. brought out a nice cup of tea to enjoy in the warm 4pm afternoon sun plucking a whole bunch of dandelions and blowing them, watching them be carried off my the wind and start sneezing when the wind suddenly changes direction and the dandelion fluffy goes right in your face, *sniff sniff*

anyhoo perhaps when my pockets are lined, i'll head over and buy

bai mu dan - pale elegant full leafed white delicate buds plucked ealy spring, it's really smooth on the palate. compartively priceier than the already expensive selection at t2 since it's one of the most rare teas.

still it's not as hard on the wallet as first flush darjeeling tea, that mark being psycho rich ass person that he is, wants to get it for his girlfriend, what the.. it's 130 aussie for i think 250g and here i am complaining about my french earl grey being 12 moolahs for 100g, i think i might quite possibly built up some allergy to french earl grey or perhaps it's an excessively 'cooling' tea cause my nose is running non stop and since i've ceased coupious consumption of my brew my nose has more or less been fine, or perhaps the piriton and the whole medicine concotion kicked in.. oh man, me raving about piriton, don't you think it's the most lovely shade of yellow, it's this mild yet deeply rich vibrant shade of golden sunshine yellow, which if you all didn't already know is one of my favourite colours, my bedsheets are of that same shade - really brightens up the room, its' so cheerful you can't help but adore it

so i'm buying that bai mu dan for the hell of it, but teas i really really really really wanna get:

kenilworth or fikkal illam
best blend -
yummerlicious rich blend of malty assam dikom softened by the delicately pretty fragrant darjeeling. it's this really mmmm refined brew quite indulgent really, an alternative to my own assam dikom//french earl grey brew to enjoy gorgeous late afternoons


china jasmine -
cause i'm quite picky about my green teas - i only take them with jasmine

buddah tears -
it's about 60 for 100g, it's a fresh bud and 1st 2 leaves which are plucked and hand shapred into tiny pretty pearls which are rolled with fresh jasmine flowers, so so pretty to watch it unfurl when you steep it

lung ching formosa -
yummy top quality taiwanese lung ching, it's almost floral in aroma and taste , same price as buddah tears which if i'm not wrong are the 2 most expensive green teas

now this gets unconventional! yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

artic fire - doesn't it just sound so scandanavian and dangerously inviting, the deep dark lavender blue flower strand made me think of thrilling blue flames. slightly spicer than my usual teas. surprisingly very tasty

blue mountain - one of the popular alluring T2 classics it's vanilla scented tea with such loely cornflowers and floral overtones, velvet flavour and texture

caramel cuddle - the name says it all doesn't it? indulgent combination of caramel, lemonbalm and the barest hint of honey

china rose - fragrant black tea infused with the lushest rose petals. mmMMmmMm

cinnamon toast - i think i'll next have it with french toast yums!

madagascan vanilla - self explanatory, haven't tried it yet but smelt the leaves tad too sweet for my liking

mellow mango - ahhh furity soothing mix of mango and calendula petals with chinese black tea

monk pear! what i got for lily maybe one day i'll go to her room for some tea

raspberry rush - summer flavours! ooodles of raspberries and hibiscus, probably would get some for vicky, mmmmmmmmmmm

very berry - oooooah so many berries! berry overload! wheee! blackberries, raspberries with the hint of strawberries! drool! now THAT"S what you called ice fruit tea!

peach ginger punch - i HATE all those bullshit ones that you get from instant mixes1 URGH! URGH! mass manfactured tea loaded with artifical flavours and the tea leaves have gone through so much processing that the end result probably isn't tea anymore. besides i don't really trust tea bags, it's tea leaves all the way for me. the tea leaves in tea bags have been crush into powders and usually to cut corners, other cheaper random leaves are added in so the intergrity of the tea is compromised. at least they can't cheat you with whole tea leaves!

ok basically i love tea, people appreciate their wines, i do the same for tea. yum!
i would go on i still haven't covered the HERBAL and FRUIT TISANES!!! *gushes* i'll do that some other day there's about 20 more flavours!

so the reason for heading down to T2 was too pick up some tea for lily in apprecation got helping me with my ancient history.
i know i know i got my essay almost a month ago but i didn't want to go and thank her for her helping me so much with the essay and clearing up alot of questions about republican rome, which luckily for me, is her area of speciality when it comes to ancient rome.
so consulted the extremely friendly and chirpy people there about what tea would be suitable for lily who adores chai and english breakfast tea, since her flavour in teas deviate more to flavoured black teas, the ever lovely person recommended monk pear which is a big favourite esp with lovers of chai.

yay after exams i'll go back and buy more teas and expose you all to tea when i'm back!

get excited!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, October 23, 2005
angels playing with me

totally craving to listen to electrico's mine
ugh, amazingly good song
damn you all
hurry up and release the new album already
there's only so long i can wait

..this feelin so fine
i know you are mine..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, October 22, 2005

You Are Best Described By...

The Starry Night

by Vincent van Gogh

What Famous Work of Art Are You?

HA! true van gogh fan aren't i! AREN"T I!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Your Inner Child Is Surprised

You see many things through the eyes of a child.
Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.
You cherish all of the details in life.
Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things.
How Is Your Inner Child?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

sigh was listening the the radio whilst finishing the 800g, 98% fat free apple pie when the painfully familiar chords of the 3 doors down's here without you started playing

a hundred days have made me older
since the last time that i saw your pretty face
a thousand lives have made me colder
and i don't think i can look at this the same
all the miles that seperate...

i scrambled to get the remote to switch the radio off before that line came on, even with the remote in hand pointing towards the stereo i couldn't help but just listen to that very line before i switched it off.

i'm here without you baby
but you're still on my lonely mind
i think about you baby
and i dream about you all the time

i'm here without you baby
but you're still with me in my dreams
and tonight it's only you and me..

everything i know
and everywhere i go
it gets hard but it won't take away my love
and when the last one falls

and when it's all been said and done
it gets hard but it won't take away my love

you're right
the absence IS taking its toll

--Bella Bella Signorina--

No Hoffence!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, October 21, 2005

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.

In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, October 20, 2005
Regina George

Which Mean Girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, October 15, 2005
The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me.
That's what I hope to give to you forever.
I love you.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

can i just kill myself?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, October 13, 2005
hmmmm just got off the phone with the family, was really great to hear my dad sound so chirpy the kind when you have a spring in your step and you think to yourself hmm all is right with the world.
man i finished off a whole jar worth of jam, my combination of strawberry and raspberry jam, yummers. i'm really undermining my efforts to lose weight! BAD SANDRA!
just for dinner i had had 4 bread rolls, 300g of cereal, and carbonara pasta from this place pasta shot down in newtown, the owner was really friendly tho the pasta was a tad pricey but the take out container was such a novel adorable orange carton, it's exactly like KFC's popcorn chicken but this lovely shade of orange. well i'm incorporating lots of carbs back into my diet since carbs apparently facilitate muscle formation.
no no NO!
i'm NOT going into some body building crazy, heaven forbid!
with more muscle, it's a more comprehensive weight loss situation- i'll leave the bak bak to my brother, who is SO DAMN CUTE! say anything against him and i'll kick you senseless.

so anyhoo i've been playing my handphone recording of billy joel's the way you are for the past hour, just love to dance to that song, correction, i'll love to dance to that song, it's quite silly to be dancing by youself with an imaginary partner you know.
maybe when i'm back i'll find somewhere or someone who teaches waltzes and other variations of the simpler types of ballroom dancing, yes the really really princessy girly part of me is emerging once again.

come on almost ALL the disney princess's could dance - belle, cinderalla, (ok fine they're both not princesses by birth but still princesses) anastasia, sleeping beauty, lalalalala SEE?
so all the more reason i must learn how to dance, well not really, all the more reason i shall make GUYS learn how to dance, the girl FOLLOWS the guy's lead, so it is pertinent that the guy really knows how to dance. hm.

ok this entry wasn't very meaningful, then again hardly any of my entries ever are, but i'm kinda updating for the sake of updating. so yeah, and thanks for the comments pretty!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, October 8, 2005
anydiddlyhoo, jsut finished my psyc tute quiz and waiting for the results,this time it was totally unassisted so let's see what my memory has retianed from all the classes besides the fact that helluva lot of my classmates are inked. how very interesting. you wouldn't quite expect it from psyc people i suppose.
diane has 4 of the most intricate and perfectly done horses all in various stances across her entire lower back, looked as if it was done in watercolour, it's really amazing how it was done. she used to be a horse trainer so it seems.
there's this other indian guy who has chinese characters tattooed along the length of his forearms and on the area between your index finger and thumb when clenched into a fist.
another guy has a pattern of sorts on the nape of his neck that trails down into the collar of his shirt
someone else has the infinity sign behind her ear
quite a handful have running pattern that encircle their whole arms
and lastly, not forgetting kristan my tutor who has his forearms all covered in dark inks, couldn't peel my eyes off them from the whole tutorial and yet for the life of me i can't quite recall what exactly his tat was.

ok what was the purpose of this entry, ah yes. while waiting for my tute quiz results, the msn today thing popped up egging me on to take on the classic rock star quiz. for 3 quizzes my ave score was 7 which is quite sad really, but not too bad an effort considering i had to guess some of the animal/def/dylan questions. so yeah and there was a whole offering of various quizzes and me being me i HAD to do the fairy tale one.

no prizes for guessing what i got. lalala 9! ok i should have gotten 10 but i vaguely recall reading the story about bluebeard when i was in hmmm p2 causei know it freaked me out, but i couldn't remember how he knew that his wife had open his closet and taken a lookie inside.
btw the closet contained all the corpses of his dead previous wives. and the thing that gave her away was that the keyhole of the closet stained the key permanantly with blood.

unknown to many, most of the well known fairy tales of today aren't all happily ever after as depicted by disney movies, come on! it's disney.
when the little mermaid movie first came out i read the original story and it was so tragic she killed herself in the end after that fickle ass of a prince left her when he tired of her, then she threw herself off a cliff and overwhelmed by such immense grief. the white horses like her poor poor broken heart just crashed into the cliffs, all i remember it was very poetic and i was left jaded and somewhat resentful at the prince.
hmm some kind of prince charming he turned out to be.
if i'm not wrong sleeping beauty was deemed the most violent and 'terrifying' of all disney movies. sigh what fond memories it brings back.
since our 'gang' always watched all these princess based disney movies and were girly to the core, the adults labelled each three of us girls after disney characters.

oh oh try guessing which fairy tale princess, vic, ness and i were? we share very similiar traits to whatever princesses.

come on, guess!

fine fine i'll give you some hints. shortlisting possible characters:
snow white
belle (she's the prettier half of beauty and the beast)
sleeping beauty
jasmine from aladdin
little mermaid

lalalalala, okay.

if you guessed that vicky was beauty/belle, you're spot on! no brainers right, since she's really pretty and all. and she really obsesses about flowers too, fine belle adored roses, but this youngin is psycho about hibiscus. seriously.
besides she had a belle barbie too! oh was i not suppose to say that? ooopsie. well her dad christened her older brother daryl as..... GASTON! hahahahahaha! ok you won't quite get it, it's somewhat of a family joke but go watch the movie, everything would make more sense after that.

ok nessie's should be really really easy to guess. major hint if you haven't already figured it out. SKIN TONE!
yup that's right! snow white she is. aaaaahhhhh i hear you go, really is appropriate for her isn't it. she's really really fair, snow white. get it? haha she'll probably kick me for saying this. but a more recent behaviour of hers, really earns her the title of snow white.


don't you deny it ness, cause it's TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE!

mine isn't really hard to figure out if you know my lifestyle habits, they haven't changed much since i was hmmm 7?
sleeping beauty!
the first half of it is irefutably true, the other half? let's not go there shall we. hmmm the whole concept of beauty sleep could have originated from her. then again if it were the case, i would have been one hell of a beauty right now won't i.


anyhoo you know how the story goes, she falls into a deep deep deeeeeeeeeeep deep slumber after pricking her finger on a spindle. i can relate to her inner klutz.
people tried to kill her since young, come to think of it, that sounds rather plausible for me. hmmm

ok ok those weren't the actual reasons
i obviously got labelled as sleeping beauty since she sleeps so damn freaking much, even more so like the dead. sound familiar?

some things haven't changed cause i'm still waiting for my darling price charming to sweep this pint sized princess off her feet onto a horse (horse drawn carriage too please) with a precious little bunny in hand. happily ever after.....happily ever after eh? it'll be hardwork but we'll make it happen.

i know you
i walked with you once upon a dream.
i know you
that gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
yes, i know it's true
that visions are seldom all they seem
but if i know you,
i know what you'll do
you'll love me at once
the way you did once upon a dream

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, October 5, 2005
the whole table was abuzz about the upcoming formal and so me being me i naturally had to steer everyone into the topic of dresses, making me think on the obscene number of dresses i have:

3 of the EXACT chiffon dresses in DIFFERENT colours
1. pale cream yellow
2. emerald green
3. staple black
need boobs to carry this one off, but hot damn i adore the silk bodice. when i'm back i'll add a white silk ribbon across the bodice and it'll be simply divine very classic chanel clad audrey hepburn

2 IDENTICAL denim dresses
4. grey which looks like a mechanics outfit
5. tradtional denim
it's like instant lipo and butt lift

pink striped one that is absolutely ghastly, leech's fault for pressuring me to get it, anyone thinking of buying it from me??? please say yes

6. white 'beaded' spag one
very 40s - think christina a in the tilt cha head back music video bought it for a costume party which got cancelled last minute damn it

7. black 'mooks' dress
another black one is absolutely flattering, despite it being cotton it's more of a casual day one

8. strapless pink chanel tweed
not forgetting this very very pretty dress, there's a story behind it and i never fail to tell it over and over again

9. chocolate brown halter dress
it's a very casual cotton dress, can't seem to describe it, it's nothing great really just want a different colour and cut to my other dresses

so i've
yellow, pink, emerald, pink tweed, denim, chocolate, grey, white, black, black

went back a couple of weeks to forcast unfortunately the pretty sales girls weren't there so i didn't get additional discount on the dress i got. bought a black one after pip was incredulous with disbelief after i mentioned i didn't have a black dress when i have dresses of all other imaginable colours.
and got the other black cotton dress when shopping with mark for anniversary present for his gf, which i got him/her the most fabulous white tie back halter top with huge intricate aztec pendent in the centre and the material just fell in the most flattering of folds simply a wowser of a top, i was lusting so badly for it unfortunately the smallest size was 10 but since it's was made of really good stretchy material it looked perfectly alright and that happened to be the last top as well.

so mark got it for his gf, not like i can afford it anyway it's 60 bucks!!!! i was wincing when i saw the price tag, then my face was all downcast after realising that top and i were not meant to be
anyway he still bought it not knowing the price later he was all OMG you mean that top was SIXTY!!!!!! WHAT!!

idiot. make that AC idiot.

i DID warn him, oh well not like he can't afford it. jsut take it as working for 1 hour in uni.

60 bucks, that's alot, then again i've splurged that much before but now i'm more prudent REALLY I AM! but yeah 40 more and i can get my cowboy boots, yeeeeeeeeeeha!

i'll have to try em on with a mini before getting them but my mind's already 75% get them get them!

i know i know i shop alot, but you see i'm doing my part for the economy!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, October 3, 2005
went to nagoya, which i can officially say i'm super sick of it. considering that i went there last thursday with leech after a bout of not very successful late night shopping. oh well. they were so unbelivably accomadating by letting us dine there despite it was quater to 10 and they were 'closed' by the hour. so we gouging ourselves silly with copious amounts of red meat, seriously i think i polished off slighty more than 800g of meat that night.
anyway back to that particular friday.
so after a not too bad productive day at fisher, mark and i headed off to nagoya since i wanted something realy meaty and value for money. besides i needed to replenish all the iron lost from blood donation since i don't quite believe in taking pills even if they're supplements unless it was those yummy bunny shaped vitamins that i used to get.
arrived there shortly before 7 and was surprised that the place was packed, and so we were seated in between this insufferable guy duo, and this family of 3 with a rather cute toodler.
recited all the meat cuts off the top of my head, unfortunately most of the wait staff only understood jap. so resorted to pointing at the pictures on the menu. the first serving of meat was absolutely delicious, however subsequent servings were just ghastly esp since they had inadequate marinate, the frozen meat was just chucked on the plate so i had to coax the individual slices out of the whole frozen chunk.
so anyway we were talking about his final psych assignment FOREVER and trying to poke holes in the theory he postulated (it's his favourite word) was feeling a tad uncomfortable since i was getting vibes from the guy sitting beside mark, no offence he and his friend had faces that would send people packing in an instant.
so he was leering at me the WHOLE FREAKING DINNER, it got to a point that he didn't even look away when i shot my evil slimy eye look (which my uncle says it's a trademark sandra stare), the audacity of it all!!!
whilst i was washing my hands, mark commented that the guy sitting next to me had the nerve to just tell his friend that he wished i wasn't wearing a bra!!!!

(ha finally i used one of those stupid jap anime type emoticons)

my hot pink vee neck was far from suggestive, i do believe that it was vicky's shirt that i was wearing. i accidentally packed it when i haphazardly packing my suitcase since it was so similiar to the colour and cut of my favourite hot pink silk vee neck from bum equipment and i didn't realise that it was of different material. sorry acky!

and he said this AT THE TABLE JUST LIKE THAT! right in front of mark for cryin out loud!!
then again they were speaking in chinese with canto thrown in, their accents were too thick to be placed as singaporeans, neither did they have the distinctive honky or cheena china accents. blissfully unaware that we could understand their entire conversation, not that we were eavsdropping or anything.
earlier during the evening, the guy beside mark was bitching about us, saying that we were ' something kang tang' i don't quite know how to spell that but i know the literal translation was eat potato meaning that we were very ang moh kids. i had that phrase used on me countless time before and always took it as a compliment.

so anyway they refered to us as american children, not western per se, but British to be more precise. they assumed we were British since we only conversed in english and it was slightly accented well mark anyway, you ssssssssooooooo can't tell from his accent that he's remotely singaporean, me on the other hand, every now and then, i have the tendency to lapse back into slightly more singaporean talk (mind you, not singlish)

i was seething when i heard about the bra comment, thankfully for them mark told me when we were a good distance from the resturant otherwise i would be screaming bloody murder or plotting my devious revenge as best i can.
then it occured to me that the guy beside me WAS trying to look down my top the whole time, mark's other comment on that only confirmed my suspicions.

what is wrong with those guys. besides i wasn't looking my best anyway. the pink top was slightly too large for me and my flattering form fitting jeans were starting to look all tired and slack after being worn for 5 days straight, thus it was hanging somewhat baggily. once again not very flattering,

if those comments didn't originate from such sleazebags i would be quite flattered.


--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, October 1, 2005
during the man u game, i was behind the sofa blowdrying my hair at 2 in the morning and bitching to mark (a man u supporter no less) about how i really dislike man u (amoungst other EPL teams) for other reasons besides their crappy team, majority of which is overrated overpaid undertalented but well that's just me and i'm biased - just because.

on game nights, when talking to ed (for reasons still unknown he's quite basically the mad mad stauch supporter), the whole conversation for the night would basically be, oh brb, hold on, the game is lalalala, half time is this this this, goodness this guy did this pass that trick to some whatever guy who kicked it to blah blah blah blah, i'm sorry baby but i'm totally disinterested in soccer, unless it's the world cup like in thailand where i was betting with people and earning quite a tidy bundle then i'll start paying attention to footie when it's a nice little side income (oh man the thai days with the aep girls was sigh.. so fun, i just wanna cry when i think about the great times doing the most silly things with all my aep dearies)

anyhoo talking to me about football is the same thing as me discussing the finer points of impressionist movement or fine food appreciation or fashion to you. everything is lost on me, so really don't bother, i'm really not appreciative of it when it doesn't really concern me anyway.

i can't quite decide which is worse his bouts of man u football talk which occurs whenever there's some man u match or his ever constant thoughts that revolve around guitars. *shakes head* the price one would pay for a guitar god, oh well what to do.
you know what he's probably the only guy who i know who could possibly pull off incorporating man u into a love message, like how i know some guys create odes to their honey comparing them to sports gear or 'the ashes' and what have you not.
but guys will be guys i suppose

can't demand that most guys grow out of their ridiculous phases when i'm no better, come to think of it, quite probably worse considering i'm a UNIVERSITY student who makes funny sqeaks/squeals/sqee/gurgling sounds etc, is wishing for her 'my little pony' pony that she had when she was about 6 so she could play with it, or rereading all the kiddy roald dahl stories and cooing in delight at all the adorable illustrations by quetin blake, walking around college in my pink pajama pants with unicorns and colour swirls, or waving overzealously to little kids, making faces and playing with them, running along the aisles petting/squishing/prodding/playing/cuddling random really cute senile looking soft toys and conversing with 'em.

if what the BFG says is true i'm only about 9, make that 7 since i spend more than half my life sleeping.
so actually it's perfectly acceptable what i do. hmmm. goodieeeeeeeeee!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Cherish you,
All i ask of you,
No ordinary love,
Always on my mind,
Every waking moment
by Carly Casey Hammond


Sandra 'Alexander
Size 3 feet!!
Born Wednesday
Dies Mercurii xxiii Aprilis MCMLXXXVI
of the Julian Calender 23rd April 1987

tagboard is now at the bottom of this column so drop me a note!

Domestic Barbie

Vives En Mi Corason
Diamonds :)
lovely dresses
creating things
sparkly things
classical things
GWM Gallery (the Rocks)
piriton yellow
happy sunshine yellow
golden afternoon sunshine
rolling in grass
roald dahl books
art history
roman history
art museums

Credi in Te. Aspirations:

In all honesty, my dream since i was 12 is to be a museum curator in Europe.
To be surrounded by all the magnificient masterpieces and immersed in all the inspirational art history of those glorious days oh so very long ago.
Much to my surprise, my mom is very encouraging and supportive of that.
She had a good nature rib at it, and wasn't scathing or critical of it. i half expected her to say it's a stupid impractical frivalous aspiration but she even talked about it somewhat animatedly. Insists that it's such a typical Sandra aspiration for a cushy artsy sophisticated job.
Of course this revelation got my family exclaiming our catchphrase of 'so HC'.
She's (as does my whole family) have always known my love for art history, and it's something i have the passion for.
When i first stood in front of an actual van Gogh painting, tears started welling up in my eyes.
I was so overwhelmed, felt this connection to the painting, not just as a piece of work. it was a piece of someone's soul, their life, their torment, their dejection, their pursuit to be one step closer to God's, a fragment of everything they've ever experienced. That moment transcended anything i've ever felt.

Artists I Admire:
van Gogh
Armand Guillaumin
Carly Casey Hammond
Susan Bleakley

Maledetta Primavera

Na Sera e' Maggio

'March 2004' 'April 2004' 'May 2004' 'July 2004' 'August 2004' 'September 2004' 'October 2004' 'November 2004' 'December 2004' 'January 2005' 'March 2005' 'April 2005' 'May 2005' 'June 2005' 'July 2005' 'August 2005' 'September 2005' 'October 2005' 'November 2005' 'December 2005' 'January 2006' 'February 2006' 'March 2006' 'April 2006' 'May 2006' 'June 2006' 'July 2006' 'August 2006' 'September 2006' 'October 2006' 'November 2006' 'December 2006' 'January 2007' 'February 2007' 'March 2007' 'April 2007' 'May 2007' 'June 2007' 'July 2007' 'August 2007' 'October 2007'