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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
hmm it's been rather uneventful since my poor tooth/lip/jaw/chin accident, just met up with mark after almost dying of boredom studying at fisher and trying to control myself from grabbing all those delicious art/ancient history books and start devouring them.

gagrgaggrrragh! *me eating books! yum all that fibre!*

he's still just amazed that i'm quite possibly the only person who can get distracted in a library by books and so he's adamant that i'm better off as a geek, and my whole ditzycrazymaddness thing is all a facade for the bookwormy-love-learn-as-much-as-humanely-possible true inner me. which seems to be quite true. then again he also thinks my future children (who he pities since i'm supposedly given them unfortunate names, WHICH IS SO NOT TRUE OKAY!) should be given to social services since their mom's apparently a fruitcake (mmm! i like sheraton fruitcake!)

hmm ok monday was spent as fisher cirriculum trying to finish up (or more like start) my ECOP tute paper which was due at 4.

lalala then about 248 these JACKASS JERKS *grrrrrr* who mostly were from iran and thought they were hippity hip hopping 'niggas' (i would say african american cause i really do respect 'em but those idiots refered to themselves as such) perched their asses on the table RIGHT BESIDE US. of ALL tables, they HAD to choose the one right beside us in the middle of the study area in fisher cirriculum.

it's reassuring to know that people really do have such wide vocabulary. those fellas dictionary's consisted of SHIT, shit shit, defacation shit, shit, blooda fuackin shit, and i swear every alternate word was followed by f**k that, but most irritating of all is BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good grief, i've never heard the word 'bra (the mean brother but once again i must remind you that they think they're THE f'**kin' cool muthafucker ass shit) uttered so many freakin' times outside a 2 day long lingere commercial marathon.

thank goodness i already finished up the bulk of my essay by then, and was doing footnoting and referencing, otherwise i would have told 'em to shove it, or something equally agressive and assertive just to get em to keep it down.

around 340 i gave up trying to proof read my essay for careless mistakes with the whole commotion of what nicknames they should get on their jerseys that-would-pull-the-chicks, i transfered the essay to a thumb drive to send to my tutor on the main access computers since my wireless internet link on my com was unexpectedly stubborn.

after i came back, from sending off my essay 2 floors up, mark told me that that stupid bunch of arses were planning to steal my 'nice pretty laptop (cause i left it at my 'candy' wallpaper) and justified it saying that i totally left it unattended thus i 'deserve to get it stolen by them'.

i left my laptop under the care of mark, so why do you dumb lowlifes say that i left it unattended! and therefore "i had it coming" if they stole it.
note that i wanted to put think instead of the above bolded say, but i doubt they even work what little brains they had


that comment really pissed me off, good for them that mark told me that comment after they had left.

'hey maaaaan (said in ridiculous poseur jamiacan accent), we worked so hard today let go getta drunk! at 430 on a monday afternoon no less! PLEASE! don't make me scoff!
WORK???? WTF WHAT WORK???? you mean thinking up synonmys for shit, or what colours and nicknames you could put on your jerseys that would make the chicks want to 'wank' you, their words not mine!, OR perhaps you sods were refering to making such a tough decision to get the material that would clearly 'show your nipples thus girls find it supa hot' OR maaaaaybe bossing your 'bitches at home to wash your clothes then cook for you' OR simply being a bunch of foul mouthed, unruly inconsideration MCP asswipes!

if it were possible, i would have gotten up and bitch slap each and every single one of their pathetic sorry useless asses till they cried for their mamas.

you know what, i know it's mean and spiteful and very unchristianly to say this, but on their way back from the pub totally pissed drunk, i really do hope that they get beaten by by huge gigantic boyfriends of the ladies in the bar that they tried to push their sleazy filthy cheap selves on.
and in addition to the severe head hemoragging (since their craniums are emptied from the lack of brains anyway, it's safe to assume that it's filled with useless spinal fluid, blood and useless muck all packed tight in that vaccum) AND getting their balls (once again, lackthereof) kicked harder than a pigskin at kickoff, they get their limbs hacked off when the steriod filled boyfriends try to remove the massive amounts of bling they have on themselves.
major bonus if they're passed around and become someone's bitch after getting their packages unwrapped by some huge redneck named bubba (if you know what i mean).

now THAT what i say is "had it coming".

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, September 24, 2005
when it rains, it doesn't just pour, it's a whole goddamn cat 4 thunderstorm for me.

yesterday, for reasons still unknown, karma came and kicked me in the ass across the concrete floor embedded with protruding stone bits and pebbles outside eastern avenue auditorium, not quite appreciative of the irony - of all places right outside eastern ave audi the place where i've skipped many a human resource lectures this semester. damn it really, compared to all places i've been around campus, i HAD to receive retribution at the place i'm hardly ever at. hurmph.

ok here's the long version of it. read if you only have loads of time.

accompanied leech to Broadway since she wanted to pick up some stuff from coles and kmart, then we headed our separate ways she heading off to college with my keys in hand (note: she HAS my keys) and me walking the perimeter of uni to get to the copy centre to pick my political economy reader for my holiday assignments, then drop by Wentworth for the mobile blood donation since it was the last day.

so 25 mins in the unchateristically sweltering MIDDAY sun, (thankfully before leaving college, i had some sense to wear 3 quart cargos and a light 3 quarter sleeved blouse instead of jeans) however i guess some of that well intentioned sense was all used up on picking out my wardrobe.
many can attest to the fact that at times i take even more time deciding on my wardrobe then other women spend to pick out their outfit, pack their purses, put on their make up, do their hair and other morning routines.
so instead of chugging down my usual 2 glasses of water before going out, i had some Assam dikom as a waker upper. since i was trying to make it up to leech for the lousy last weekend and the last thing i wanted to be was groggy.

bad move that i would pay dearly for later (ha, that's an understatement)

so after last minute shopping with leech for presents for her family and friends, it was 5 past 1 so she hurriedly left to college to gather her stuff before catching her 345 flight and i ginerly left to uni copy centre to pick up my dreaded holiday homework.
the midday sun was beating down on poor me unmercifully (to say the very least) as i was walking down city road then i discovered there was a new tea specialty joint/tea and coffee bristo across the road, and figured that their teas can't be as expensive as the $12 each i fork out at T2 for my French earl grey and Assam dikom.

not wanting to jay walk across 6 lanes worth, i did a loop to the nearest crossing which was a good 8 mins walk, only to be dismayed that they didn't stock French earl grey.

so after that furtile detour, i continued to the copy centre and while waiting in line i popped by the uni sports shop for the puma tees embozzled with Sydney university.

pleased that i've made fairly good time reaching the mobile blood collection centre slighty before 2 leaving ample time allowances for a moderate queue before my 3pm mental abilities psychology lecture.

if you recall my previous blood donation experience, there was the same happy bouncy lady who warmly welcomed me once again and gave me a pat on the back for being a repeat donor. after thrusting 2 chilled bottles of water, she quickly ushered me to waiting medical staff for detailed questioning on my medical history.

the nurse was a bit dubious about my weight (YAAAAAYYYY OH JOY!! I"M SERIOUSLY ELATED) well the last time i took my weight i was at a horrendously heavy 46kg, but according to some aussies who i haven't met in a while said i lost weight since returning this semester putting me under 45kg (YAY FOR ME) however i said i probably AM above 45kg barely meeting the minimum weight requirement.

she took my haemoglobin count which was surprisingly low considering that the night before i polished of AT LEAST 600g of PURE BLOOD-Y BEEF medium rare along with quite a bit of chicken and pork UNDER AN HOUR. i'm disgusting but strangely proud of it.

so the blood collection went smoothly as per normal, the uhhh blood collector(?) commented 'you've really big juicy veins for a little poppet, wow such clear veins'. however when they extracted the needle, the wound didn't stop bleeding almost instantly even after i applied pressure but rather soaked through the entire cotton ball really quickly. so i lifted my arm up to reduce blood flow but a thick steady line of blood started sliding down towards the sleeve of my new blouse, so not wanting to stain the sleeves i put my arm back down, which only served to have more blood streaming down my arm in dark thick rivets.

so was watching myself bleed somewhat uncontrollably, lower arm streaked with a bloodtrail panicking on the brink of quiet panic yet i was meserised with such morbid fascination at the very sight.

then breaking out of my slight disturbing daze i got the blood collectors attention and he was taken back at the sight of my bloodied arm. and quickly gave me a wad of cotton balls and pressed on the gaping vein. i was entranced (and sickened but that came much later) when crimson started to diffuse through the cotton wad. so the guy held up by arm and finally the bleeding subsided. then he bandaged my entire elbow.

so i was walking out of the blood collection area when i couldn't navigate myself past the row of chairs down the waiting room then suddenly everything went a glaring stark white.

then next thing i knew, i saw same nice happy welcome lady the thing was that her broad smiling happy demeanor was replaced by creases of concern and she seemed to so much taller than usual.
i was think oh wow she's holding converse shoes that look like mine, and a pair of nice quite skinny ankles in those shoes. hehehe.
then it hit me. i was on my back and she was holding up my legs and several concerned faces were hovering over me.

oh wow. my first time ever passing out. as in FAINTING! cool.

according to this rather homely looking woman clad in a white lab coat she noticed that i was walking wonkyily and i suddenly passed out, thankfully she was right behind me and caught me otherwise i would have hit the metal industrial trolleys. she gently laid me on the carpeted floors where i came to in about 2 seconds. i didn't even realise i fainted, quite an experience really, considering that i didn't even feel it.

then i quietly voiced out do you want me to roll (can't believe i said roll, but it's understandable in my circumstances) to the sides cause i'm in the middle of the walkway. the nurses assured me that everyone else could easily walk around me. so after 5 mins on the floor with my legs propped up on the chair, the woman who caught me and smily lady helped me to the bed in the corner where they insisted i rest till i felt better and gave me a bottle of chilled water with a straw (how thoughtful).

after apologising profusely for the inconvenience caused and potentially delaying their efforts rushing to pack up after the whole week of working HOURS overtime and they just wanted to go back fairly early on Friday after being on their feet since 8.

smiley lady insisted i finish off the excessively saccharine chocolate pudding infront of her before leaving, in between my mouthfuls of that nasty stuff, she mentioned that the sugar would help stabilize my blood sugar levels temporarily.

as soon as i felt well enough i left, not wanting to be a burden on them any further besides i only had 10 mins to get to my 3pm lecture.

whilst crossing over the link between Wentworth and main campus i was feeling a little light headed so sipped a bit more water then headed to Wallace, and happened to chance upon yulike outside eastern avenue, and had a bit of small talk.

when suddenly i was overwhelmed by brilliant stark white light again, then chucked my shopping bags on the ground and good thing i was composed enough to promptly drop to me knees trying to get blood to my head again.

white spots infront in your head is charateristic of oxygen deprivation to your head.

and unexpectedly i keeled over, doubled over FACE FIRST from the throbbing unbearable pain in my cranium. and SCRAPED MY LOWER JAW AGAINST THE SHARP STONES. the impact from slamming FACE FIRST INTO THE SOLID SHARP STONE COVERED CONCERTE left most of my right jaw grazed..

the the real damage was ME CHIPPING MY FRONT TOOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!

a good quarter of it was badly chipped, leaving a jaggered front tooth. the injured tooth PUNCTURED the bottom lip from the inside, and the rest of my undamaged cut my lip. trying to ignore the searing pain and horrific realisation that my front tooth was badly chipped, everything was in a blur - i barely recall getting up with yulike's help and stumbled to the pillar where i slumped to my side in desperation, hitting my head on the brick floor.

i started going hysterical when i realized i couldn't see anything despite my eyes being wide open.
yulike was beyond freaked out, when i was almost screaming OMG, something's wrong i CAN"T SEE! I CAN"T SEE! and almost broke down into tears.

above my hysteria she was waving frantically trying to get me to focus on her hand and then when you thought she couldn't get any more freaked, my face with eyes wide was facing the other direction from her filianing arms and unable to focus on anything in front of me. then tried to calm down knowing that panicking would get me nowhere so taking lots of deep breaths almost to the extent of convulsing while hyperventilating.

several seconds passed, which i swore seemed to be an eternity and i regained my eyesight. thank you God. guess i was fine when vainty seized me, and i went OMG OMG OMG OMG my tooth. then rummaged through my purse for my mirror.
perhaps it was a sign from God, that of all days i didn't carry my anna sui compact mirror, the sight of my badly bruised chin, massively swollen and bloodied lips but worst of all MY CHIPPED FRONT TOOTH, would probably have killed me instantly.

then she asked where i lived so she could bring me back, but i declined saying that mark would be in Fisher special reserve (as always) which was about 100 m from where i was and he knew where i lived. so after taking another swing of water, i gathered my frazzled nerves and called mark and coherently explained what had happened and said i would meet him at special reseve.

got up and managed to get to special reserve without any other incidents then hugged yulike eternally grateful for her help then apologised for the circumstances that we met each other and promised to buy her lunch to express my gratitude. and assured her i was in safe hands and sent her on her way apologising that i had wasted half an hour of precious friday afternoon.

then i walked up and down the desks of special reserve but couldn't find mark, carefully wiping my injured lower face with my hand, i was horrified to find my hand streaked with blood and BITS OF TEETH!! then spun around to go to the toilet where i spotted mark and his face said it all.

noting the time he dragged me to the one stop medical centre at Broadway, i started to lamenting that it was 330 and being Friday most dentists would be closing up soon, and started whinging about my chipped tooth. he shot back saying that i seemed to be fine enough again if i could whine about such superficial things like my front tooth and how i was disfigured for life, rather than a potentially fractured jaw, or injuries sustained to my neck - whiplash.

the walk to Broadway was fine enough, when we reached the medical centre the bleeding and swelling was aggravated. Mark insisted that our first stop was to a GP to ensure that i didn't sustain any damage to my jaw. then i answered his question best i could, explaining in detail the events prior to sitting in his office.
taking my blood pressure he commented it was rather low 90, and approximated that i had lost about 50-100ml of blood in addition to the 400ml from donation. Mark answered the rest of the questions for me since his parents were doctors too.

thankfully my jaw was fine and the tooth damage was superficial only the enamel was chipped but the tooth's nerve was almost exposed and i should get it capped to prevent infection.

during the consultation i was obsessing about my tooth, i'm vain. i can't help it.

then went to the dentist where the dentist was backlogged so we waited for about half an hour and i distracted myself by showing off my buys from the morning. was sitting on sofa displaying off the dress shirts i helped reiner buy and the other tops i got. he quite liked the sass and bide tube top i got for an amazingly cheap 25 from 85! then i started on one of my favourite subjects - piriton!! it's a long story.

after that i got bored flipping through the magazines and pleaded with mark to let me go shopping since the shops were barely 30 steps away and the seasonal sales were insane! he thought MOI was insane after saying that. damn the doctor for saying that i wasn't to do anything strenuous, shopping included (mark was laughing when the doctor said that)

so the dentist did whatever dental stuff he had to do, asking questions. took an xray of my jaw and the poor tooth. oh oh the xray was so CUTE! it was about 1 inch by 1 inch. the dentist rolled his eyes when i was cooing on how cute it was. anyway he was somewhat reluctant to cap my tooth as he rather let the surrounding lip injuries, but i was adamant that i wanted, NEEDED to get my tooth fixed. so checking again that i was fine enough to proceed. the dentist went to work

half an hour later, he was done. and mark exclaimed that i was 'even better than the original' hmph. but i was estactic with his remark..

then paid up it was 250 but 10% off for students.

went to the ladies to check out the expensive handiwork and was AMAZED!
by golly, the dentist's a miracle worker!!
even MOI can't tell the difference so i'm quite pleased..

you know what it's taken me almost 2 hours for this entry.

so i'll stop now and continue later.

yay i'm so happy with my tooth. though now it's rather sensitive and i can't abuse or take my teeth for granted anymore.

--Bella Bella Signorina--


--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, September 23, 2005
if anyone dare complain that they've bad mondays, come and bitch to my face.

how's this for my supposed mid term holiday breakie-
i've a political economy tutorial paper, 10% due this coming monday (which i'm yet to start, reasons shall be elaborated later)
then the next monday i've a main political economy essay which is 30 freaking%,
THEN another main human resource management essay a whooping 30% due monday Oct 10.
AND DEN ANOTHER GODDAMN 15% human resource tutorial essay to be handed in on monday right after that.

Monday back to back to back to back.

so DON"T complain.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, September 22, 2005
oh ha some stupid jokes, that aren't funny funny but i find amusing nevertheless..

starting with yo mamma jokes..

yo mamma sooo fat thaaaaat.
-when she passed the tv you missed a whole season of friends
-when she she told me her weight, i thought it was her telephone number
-when I swerved to miss her on the freeway and i ran out of gas.

and a particular favourite of mine
yo mamma sooo ugly that when she went to MacDonald's she made a happy meal cry! HAHAHAHAH!

this is something along the lines of nisey's entry about the slug:
what did the snail said when it got on the turtle's back?


A random presidential joke.
Three presidents--Carter, Clinton, and Bush--were on a plane.
Carter opens the hatch and throws out a hundred dollar bill, and says "I just saved a family."
Bush opens the hatch and throws out two hundred dollar bills and says "I just saved two families."
Clinton opens the hatch, and throws out President Bush, and says "I just saved the world."

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
it's quite ridiculous that there are an absurd number of birthday in sept. so here's my take on it. think new year and christmas approximately 9 months back, ahh yes you know where i'm going with this.
well let's just say people are all happy (that's an understatement) during the festive season, add bubbly champers, extravagant presents, good food, parties flowing with booze, teamed with the holiday cheer. and *POOF*
pitter patter of little feet nine months later, well not really cause it'll more be like thuds and plaaaats cause it's not possible for the newborns to be well walking about or do anything remotely close to walking.

oh a tip once the hangovers have all disappated, HOT HOUSE YOUR KIDS! no it's not some evil form of torture you subject your kids to, hmm then again the conventions of torture is every changing. it's better than a skinner box i suppose.

i want to hot house my kid, apparently only my psych tutor kristan (it's a he, yes he killed his parents after telling them off for giving him a girls name) and i are the only ones out of 21 people who would like to hot house our kids. of course it won't be extreme, just want to make my kids smart, not freaks. they're already not getting any help from my half of the genes.

random fact - they girl who plays veruca salt in charlie and the chocolate factory (i think she's so amazingly pretty in the classic alabastar/porceline cold beautiful ice queen of sorts) is taller than me (well only by a cm, but STILL!) and she's only 12.
i weep for myself.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, September 20, 2005
hmmm wonder how rockstar inxs would turn out. i'm figuring it's JD who would be chosen.

miG had his fate sealed when he decided to choose bohemian rhapsody - granted he'll be awesome performing it, but it could back fire against him sounding too practiced besides he came to audition to be the lead for a rock band, not audition for the lead role in we will rock you like suzie said.

he's digging his own grave, i mean come on, inxs have been constantly voicing their concern that he's more of a theathre stage material rather than rock star, and that he was always on the safe side, didn't dare venture out of his comfort zone. tho it's is indeed an amazing feat that he remained out of the bottom 3 for 10 times in a row, i thought it was probably a main deciding factor against him since it didn't give him a chance to perform an inxs song till the final elimation round before the grand finale, so he might not be right for inxs since after all they want someone 'right for inxs'.

that's the thing that really made me think that he was going to be eliminated when it was down to him and dear sweet suzie, cause inxs really loves her, they saved the self proclaimed 'reigning queen of bottom three' from going home SIX times!
then again if you were to take into account that during most of her elimination rounds they were surprise time after time that with such a powerful performance the night before, she ended up in the bottom 3 against to their utmost horror, but as they said it's the fans that ultimately buy the tickets and the albums - it's all about the fans. but the fact that miG was on a running streak probably was what saved him in his words 'must be that the fans think that i'm the man for the job'. i sus that the whole of the aussie continent voted for well, well cause he's aussie, and philippines too cause he's of philipino descent, AND uk cause he's now based there with his wifey.

seriously he and marty are such great fun really nice fanstatic guys along with ty, but JD? he's a jerk but says the most poignant things that really makes him not easy to hate.

when marty choose pretty vegas to prevent jd from performing his popular show stopper of a hit, he commented 'i'm here to progress, not regress'. wise words indeed. marty on the other hand decided to choose the pink floyd hit he had previously done early in the competition. bad choice my man.

never liked marty, don't get me wrong i think he's fabulous as a person it's just that i don't like him on stage. like i told ed after hearing his painfully guttural rendition of mr brightside, it didn't do brandon flowers any justice, i found it unbelievably granting on my poor ears, he didn't show any restraint in his vocal poweress (as if he has any to begin with) something he really needs to control, it sounds like he's busting his vocal chords, maybe it's just me but it seems he doesn't seem to focusing on singing per se, he's more screamingscreamingscreamingscreaming then followed but more shoutingscreamingshouting almost to the point of screeching. suzie has the unanimous vote from everyone that she has the best voice, and i couldn't agree more. then again i might be bias cause i really think she's well so lovable and sweet, with a voice with such a rich smooth whole timbre.

anyhoo kudos to JD for daring to tread on unknown waters, besides he chose the stones you can't always get what you want. now you can't go wrong with something from the stones!
woot! more brownie points for his quirk of wanting to request that to be played at his funeral. now he's gained my total respect. any guy even when dead who wants to go out with a bang, has got my vote.

i'm starting to warm up to him, he's talented, pretty vegas really does showcase his talent in many aspects - songwriting, arrangements, ability to perform improtu and still kick ass, the seamless transition from an electrifying performance (for the lack of a better word) to acoustic, his got the showmanship and ability to whip the crowd into a frenzy, that mick jagger would be proud of, clever use of props to really make his performances memorable - the bullhorn and throwing of money, you really do need commanding stage presence.

besides he's got the rugged i-so-kick-ass-and-look-amazing-while-doing-it look. now THAT tops off a rocker.

with such great things going for him, you would even be willing to overlook him butchering we are the champions and being such an major ass.

even if he doesn't win, (which i doubt cause i'm supporting you man!) and pursues a solo career, he'll really achieve a lot, he's a fantastic songwriter with all the contacts and opportunity the show has given him.

either way he'll live the rockstar dream. GO YOU!!

prettier than pretty

--Bella Bella Signorina--

oooer watched JAG last night and man oh man OH MAN! don't you just ADORE guys in uniforms esp the all white ones of the naval pilots or the navy blue with gold trimmings on the cuff. Sizzling isn't it! it's so unbelievably hot, then lee walked passed and said so Sandra I guess you're enjoying yourself now aren't yah! she hit the nail on that one..
fellas, one of the very few benefits you can squeeze out of from your miserable years at national service is the uniform. Seriously, how many times have you heard a girl gush about how hot a guy is in uniform or how they love a guy in uniform (school uniform DOESN"T count, well not really anyway). So you might as well make the best of NS and join hmmm the navy or pilots, even the pilot coveralls are so uhh rugged? The green camouflage of the normal army guys are so boring and shapeless, ewww besides they don't let you keep your hair. the indignity of it allllll..
so yep after you're out of ns, i'm giving guys the benefit of the doubt that you'll be all tan and buff, so all the more the unifrom would look good on you..

you can blame JAG for that..

and wouldn't it just be so dreamy to have your guy wearing his navy/pilot dress uniform to your own wedding, it's a change from all the dreary black tux AND you also get to walk under uhhh a whole little bridgy thingy formed by the rows of naval/pilot people holding up their swords on either side of you, as you leave the church. now how cool would THAT be, huh! HUH!

oh yes sireeeee, the criteria for my dream guy just went flying up several notches. one can hope to dream right..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, September 18, 2005
oh oh disabled the dammed obscenity filter on the tag board, was wondering why everyone was self censoring their own tags thus rendering them unreadable. Ha I'm not very bright now am I? Oh well what to doodydo!
so knock yourself out people, tag away!


hey could you sweeties do me a fave, if you all have any pics of the good ole days in AEP from sec 1 to 4 (no matter how spastic/retarded or idiotic) be a dearie and send 'em to squiggly.spooch@gmail.com. THANKIE!!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, September 15, 2005
i wanna cry.


i HATE him!!!!!!!!! *grrrr*

hope he DOESN"T become the lead singer of INXS,
think of all the poor defenceless guitars that cost THOUSANDS and thousands of freaking dollars!!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, September 12, 2005

bum bum bum bum bum..

willy wonka! willy wonka! the amazing chocolatier
willy wonka! willy wonka! everybody give a cheer
he's modest, clever oh so smart
he can barely restrain it
with so much generosity
there's no way to contain it, to contain it
to contaaaaain it(puppets mellllllllting)
to contaaiiiiiin
willy wonka! willy wonka!
he's the one you're about to meet
willy wonka! willy wonka!
he's a genius you just can't beat
the magician and chocolate whiz
the best darn guy that ever lived

willlllllllly wonka

wheeeeeeeeeee!! clapps very happily! watching all the puppets with their faces melting off and eyes popping out

ha ha ha! wasn't that just magnificient?? i thought it was getting a little dodgy in the middle part, but THAT finale? WOW!

who ARE you?

oh my name is willy wonka

then should YOU be up THERE?

well i couldn't very well watch the show from up there now could i, little girl?

then fumbles through his speech which alot of people agree sounds like something that IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII would write. hmmm TIM BURTON!! YOUHOO!! OVER HERE!! OVER HEEEEEERE!! TIM BURTON!!
ask me to do a screenplay with you!! it'll be demented totally random with lots of irrelevant connotations - plain silly good old fashion FUN! pllleeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeee!

la! i'm going to have dinner with the dancing daffodils! excuse me!

believe it or not, that's all from watching charlie and the chocolate factory ONCE! if only my memory could be put to more constructive things..

f.s (hahaha it's meant to be post script but at the zenith of his fame and glory fans of sinatra replaced postscript with frank sinatra's initials, clever isn't it!)
lmy disclaimer - ike i said i've only watched charlie ONCE, so the lyrics are only PRETTY accurate, so don't come after me if they're slightly wrong.

tralalala willy wonka willy wonka hmmmm hummmm hummm..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, September 11, 2005
everything in this room is eatable. even I"M eatable. but that is called cannabalism my dear children and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, September 9, 2005
mr slientbunny

oh oh! whilst i was sorting through my countless notes and loose sheets on noble death and Roman ideals on suicide or voluntary death, then there it was the print out of plato's phaedo then i thought of Jacques Louis David(pronounced as DA-vee) Death of Socrates 1787 Oil on canvas uhhh if i recall correctly it's about 50 by 80.

Man can you believe that i still can remember these details from art history lessons over 5 years ago? well i kinda cheated, my art history knowledge isn't ALL THAT impressive, i did this painting for my AEP exam in sec 1 so i would roughly know the details.
anyway with that particular painting providing a memory stimulus, i've decided to finally accomplish what i started the begining of last year

- call toot and thank him for my AEP a1.

so i rang up his handphone, yet another astounding piece of my memory - i remembered toot's mobe number and that after more than 2 years!!

sadly the number was out of service, my memory which has failed me many a crucial time but i was pretty sure it was the correct number so had to check my phone and it WAS indeed the correct number, so........

i resorted to calling...

his house.

HA! surprise surprise! it WAS the right number, i wouldn't put it past toot to have passed a phony house number to the psychotic sec 3 aep girl, if i were him i would seriously have done that.. then who could resist the quirky charm of such a darling lil girl? haha

so it was his mom who picked up the phone, then passed me to his sister since he wasn't home.. darn!
anyhoo, she answered so after a rather long pause

i went uhhhhhhhhhh (oh how eloquent of me!) umm right i don't know what to say well HI! (a bit too enthusiatic come to think of it)

i'm sandra, i previously was a student of mr tan's (haha i refered to her brother as mr tan!)

well it seems when i called his handphone number, that particular number was out of service so i was hoping you could tell me his current one cause i'm assuming he had it changed (am i normally THAT wordy? man!)

then she replied after my whole verbal barrage which was said in one breath *phew!* why don't you leave your number instead and he'll call you back.

well the thing is i'm overseas right now...

before i could continue she hollered to her mom (oh man i still can't get over the fact that i spoke to his mom, TOOT"S MOM!! ok i'm freakin' sad you don't have to remind me) asking for his handphone number..

so reviewing my rather awkward uhhhh conversation with his family, i called him
then when he picked up, OH MAN HE HASN"T CHANGED ONE BIT!
i was like

think along the usually intimidatingly hyper enthusiastic way that i do and while you're at it, throw in a very berserk energetic wave.

(i can be so eloquent at times)

note that i didn't even introduce myself, so you can understand on the other side there's this unfortunate man with a rather strange fearful look paniciing and expression saying nothing but OMG THERE"S SOME LOONY ON THE LINE!!

so i was rambling on at the breakneck speed i usually do when excited, and he went GOODNESS! SANDRA????? OH YAY!! how ARE YOU!! long time NO HEAR! hahahahahaha oh i was too busy to talk to you the other time right?? riiiiiiiight? i was like busy and like somewhere else and like couldn't talk to you that time when you called me with your results!! (yes he like DOES have the vocab of paris hilton at times, but that's what's so amusing about him!)

you wouldn't BELIEVE IT!! guess where he was when i called him!
HA!! knew you couldn't!

HOW COOL IS THAT, the only time i can get through to one Tan about his wedding HE'S AT ANOTHER TAN'S WEDDING!!
crap i'm like back to bimbo mode.
not good. not good.
so i spent about a good 5 mins bitching about goatee and the very fact that he's actually getting married warped twisted miracles DO HAPPEN!!

OMG! OMG! okay you know what, don't expect any ostentatious vocab from me in this entry, i've revereted back to the good ole AEP days with 16 year old me clad in IJ shorts and sacrificial oil paint/slit/acrylic/turp/plaster/saw dust/potpourri/ink top, feet grey from running barefoot all around school, the grass oval and the studio, hair tousled haphazardly tossed into an even messier ponytail, brandishing fried chicken in one hand and the other armed with a paintbrush doing everything BUT my work, like blasting music and bouncing/dancing round the studio, spreading mad happy luuuuuuuuuurve and fun throughout the studio.. oh man

the good days..

come to think of it, i'm still the same hyperactive consuming-fried-chicken-by-the-bucket girl procrastinator who blasts the strangest music and go into a mad energetic boucing all over the walls frenzy (refer to the previous entry tralalalalalala I CAAAAAAAN"T GET NOOOOOOO SATISFACTION!!)


back to the entry, i realise that my entries are in actual fact seriously difficult to read since i have single sentences that run for over 6 lines, no wonder lily said that reading my ancient history essay was reading a transcript of me just rambling and rambling and rambling

it also DOESN"T help that i've terribly short attention spans, so i can switch from one subject to another just like THAT! so it's hard to keep up with my train of thought, it's an amazingly jerky motion sickness inducing ride.

hmmm so we caught up on old times, but not before i was done screaming at him for not inviting me to his WEDDING!
and he was wondering HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MY WEDDING!! oh your 'network' ah, already using it, nnnnnnnot baaaad you ah. then i lamented that he SHOULD postpone HIS WEDDING just so i can attend it!
hahahahaha it MAKES SENSE OK!!

then.. we talked bout hmmm

his wifey to be!
he doesn't want to tell me her name, says when i'm back i can visit his OWN house, only if i promise i won't trash it like the studio, and he'll let his wife introduce herself, i bet you he forgot her name and conveniently used that as an excuse..

then about his work


after that i forced him to dish out all the details on how he met his dearie
then the topic meandered to lily and joanna, hhahahaha the way he described them, man i almost burst a kidney laughing and he was blah blah blah they've really blossomed to which i just mentioned without thinking born to blossom, bloom to perish oh great now i'm quoting the wise words of a gwen stefani hit

then suddenly he asked about edgar, i was like how the hell do you still remember him?? he was in sec 3!!
his reply made me want to bang my head repeatedly on the table or maybe just kill myself from holding my breath EDGAR! EDGAR! CHIA CHIA CHIA!! (it's 'pronounced' as EDgar EDgar CHA CHA CHA! with spastic hand actions too) OF ALL THINGS TO REMEMBER!!

of course he has NO IDEA on how he looks like apparently all VS boys look the same, YEAH and while you're at it, i really bet all boys from the people's republic of cheeeeeeeeeeeena high really differentiate themselves from each other *rolls eyes*

so he was talking random rubbish, (like always, sigh isn't it great! some things never change!)

and that's about it i guess


i'm still reeling from the disbelief

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, September 8, 2005
When I was getting out of the shower with crazy dripping hair clad in a pretty peach towel there was a random bunch of people sprawled all over the floorof the room directly facing the bathroom door suddenyl applauded me exiting the bath..
I thought that everyone was either at the basketball showdown or the engineering revue or trill's production - apparently not, after all college students spend their thurs drinking celebrating the arrival of fri so that they can drink even more. thus explaining my very unexpected audience.
so was happily singing in the shower thankfully my singing wasn't all that bad (according to 'em but they had quite alot to drink from the look of all the empty bottles scattered on the floor) -

anyhoo my songlist included:

REM's losing my religion (which I did the original version and a suzie arrangement, like the song it doesn't really require much vocal range)

Rolling Stones I can't get no satisfaction

Haiks reasons answered (it's this guy who bears an amazing resemblance to Desmond from electrico)

electrico studman (the acoustic version)
the killers glamarous indie rock 'n roll..

Mandy Moore feat. Jonathan Foreman someday we'll know

Rod Stewart have i told you lately

farrago of frank sinatra's witchcraft, come fly with me, the way you look tonight

yes I DID sing ALL those tonight, well usually I can do about 4 songs, 5 the most but since I decided to compensate my hair for all the abuse I subject it to, i had lots of time whilst I indulged in a deep conditioning treatment while hmm whileing away the time soaking in the deliciously warm water was going mad liberally slatering on body lotion made from gorgeous apple blossoms MMMMmmm!

anyway some guy from my 'audience' (never seen him before) looked extremely bemused by my shower entertainment commented that the intercol singing competition was over and I've a fair chance of doing pretty well next year..

hmm maybe I'll try out,
and come to think of it..

why wasn't I embarrassed being in a towel ??!!??

--Bella Bella Signorina--

man after my very restful 12 and a half hour sleep last night, i just wanted to lazy all day long in my bed (which i did) so there i was spening more than an hour getting very frustrated at my CD player, it only seems to be able to play the song for the first 1.04 mins of the song before it starts blinking like a freaking strobe light 'error! no disc! reading no disc!' so finally i gave up and flipped to the radio instead.
my first time this year listening to the radio, i really can't stand all the mindless jibber jabbering in between songs, would they shut up already and just play music.
so there i was snuggled under my thick luxurious sheets surrounded by several large pillows 11 in the morning with the blinds partically drawn down and the pretty flower stalks embrioder day curtains diffusing the bright almost midday sun, singing along to the acapellas the radio was churning out..

I ADORE acapellas, pity they never have enough of those sort of concerts in singapore or here for that matter, it's so.. sigh.. ah.. feeling of serene bliss.. ok back to my day

lazing in bed, singing along to whatever was playing on the radio, munching on a snickers bar followed by a simmering cup of my special blend french earl grey brewed with assam dikom.. yummers. the wonderfully earthly floral delicate scent filled the whole room.
just lovely isn't it..

ocassionally switching channels and suddenly....

dum dum dum dum dum I CAN"T GET NO SATISFACTION bum bum bum!
i sprung out of bed and starting boucing all over the walls doing very strange but fun spontaneous dance teamed with lots of shimming, high kicks, mick jagger esqe pouts, hair flipping, energetic leaps and jumps, and tumbling in bed, plain silly fun.

what a sight i would have been, my all time favourite flattering love child of spag and wife beater top completed with pink PJ pants with happy unicorns and little rainbow prints teamed and quite literally out of bed hair boucing all over the walls singing along to i can't get no satisfaction with much gusto.

before i could even catch my breath, the all too familiar electro funk intro of unconditional started blasting so i continued the maddness, of course after picking up the very rock star esqe oversized shades off my vanity. so the mad unrestrained bouncing was turned down a notch and replaced with lots of hair tossing and grooving taken straight out of the unconditional video..

man it was fun!

great way to destress after those ouchers of essays..
unfortunately i've still 6 more essays to go - 2 more political economy, 1 psych experimental report, 1 psych essay, 2 human relations..


then again more excuse to go mad!!

tralalalala i can't get no satisfaction lalalalala

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, September 5, 2005
Sometimes I let my anger get the better of me, something that was so trivial I let my ill temper escalate it into something of grossly epic proportions. So here I am propped up against the window ledge overlooking the darkened oval typing this entry, the window frame barely separating myself from the biting cold of winter outside.

why do I endure all this? Is it really enduring, in all probability I am indeed taking it a bit too far, totally out of context. Is there something that's eliciting pain on me that I have to endure it? Without a doubt it's a joy to be with ed, but sometimes it really rubs raw my nerves. It may come as a surprise but I've actually lowered my standards of what is to be expected and conversely become more accommodating, but at times it seems a Herculean task not to make a fuss over it. Time and time again, it really can wear down your intentions wheter you like it or not.
I'm not depicting myself as a martyr of sorts but sometimes I just feel like that. i full well accept the hastiness and hysteria of my actions, sometimes you reach that breaking point where you snap and all that you've tried so hard to supress and delude yourself, just attack in torrents.
what is the matter with me. i say things i always regret, i do things i always regret.
what's the point of it all.

nothing but a tearful sorry.

oh sigh, john's oval in the dead of night. Hmmm interesting choice of word isn't it. Dead. Sigh now it dredges up the events of the past week.
There was a john's fresher Patrick who had everything going for him, great university education, endless opportunities, an adoring girlfriend who he met at college, a college which instilled some semblance of belonging into him, whole intercollegiate community and a family that adored him. And in that fateful night at manning, he passed away from a heart attack.

those the gods love die young

he was only 19, a year older than me, so very young, a fact which lily reminded me shortly after his passing when she cooed in an almost protective way '18? Oh my god, you're barely a baby'. nothing is for certain, i could be here today and gone tomorrow, oh sigh cliches nothing says it better than cliches.

there was 2 masses in the space of 5 days held in memory of this gentle soul who was taken up before his time. Tragic, yes. Undeniably everyone was affected by this shocking and unexpected loss. Which only makes me reflect right now, whilst I'm still seething in anger after talking to him, what would happen if it were me. God forbid.

but what if

would I be missed as much as anyone else. What would I be remembered for? Surely not my fortitude, my wit, intellect, disposition, philosophy in life, virtuous life, ideals or deeds.

then what?

I'll be the blip in people's memory and destined to fade over time. would people lament over my sudden depature, would those go on in life regretting not telling me how they felt, would those who have not expressed their intentions for me live to regret it, would those who have wronged me find it in themselves to gain acceptence in forgiving themselves.

perhaps i award myself too much credit.

death, the omnipresent yet elusive entity that hang over us. i mentioned not about myself, i know i would take many things to the grave but yet death is somehow liberating for it is the living that have to deal with the loose ends of someone's death, not the dead themselves.

For Lucan, death is sweet and fitting, but
"only those whose onrushing fate is already upon them are granted this revelation: those who will go on living - the gods keep them in the dark, that they may endure to live on: death is a blessing!
(Pharsalia 4.517-20)

Ah, How did death become the measure of life for the virtuous citizen, a poignant essay question I'm attempting right now. Indeed.

how would death become the measure of life for me.

somehow I would measure up to nothing. I wouldn't leave in such ignoble yet glorious downfall of Pompey, neither die knowing that I meant anything to anyone.

my exit wouldn't mark a good person's life,

I've nothing, no one to die for.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, September 2, 2005
too bad mugger, I CHOUP HARRISON FIRST!!
and livy alexis too, so those who want those for their kids names..
i'm copyrighting those

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Cherish you,
All i ask of you,
No ordinary love,
Always on my mind,
Every waking moment
by Carly Casey Hammond


Sandra 'Alexander
Size 3 feet!!
Born Wednesday
Dies Mercurii xxiii Aprilis MCMLXXXVI
of the Julian Calender 23rd April 1987

tagboard is now at the bottom of this column so drop me a note!

Domestic Barbie

Vives En Mi Corason
Diamonds :)
lovely dresses
creating things
sparkly things
classical things
GWM Gallery (the Rocks)
piriton yellow
happy sunshine yellow
golden afternoon sunshine
rolling in grass
roald dahl books
art history
roman history
art museums

Credi in Te. Aspirations:

In all honesty, my dream since i was 12 is to be a museum curator in Europe.
To be surrounded by all the magnificient masterpieces and immersed in all the inspirational art history of those glorious days oh so very long ago.
Much to my surprise, my mom is very encouraging and supportive of that.
She had a good nature rib at it, and wasn't scathing or critical of it. i half expected her to say it's a stupid impractical frivalous aspiration but she even talked about it somewhat animatedly. Insists that it's such a typical Sandra aspiration for a cushy artsy sophisticated job.
Of course this revelation got my family exclaiming our catchphrase of 'so HC'.
She's (as does my whole family) have always known my love for art history, and it's something i have the passion for.
When i first stood in front of an actual van Gogh painting, tears started welling up in my eyes.
I was so overwhelmed, felt this connection to the painting, not just as a piece of work. it was a piece of someone's soul, their life, their torment, their dejection, their pursuit to be one step closer to God's, a fragment of everything they've ever experienced. That moment transcended anything i've ever felt.

Artists I Admire:
van Gogh
Armand Guillaumin
Carly Casey Hammond
Susan Bleakley

Maledetta Primavera

Na Sera e' Maggio

'March 2004' 'April 2004' 'May 2004' 'July 2004' 'August 2004' 'September 2004' 'October 2004' 'November 2004' 'December 2004' 'January 2005' 'March 2005' 'April 2005' 'May 2005' 'June 2005' 'July 2005' 'August 2005' 'September 2005' 'October 2005' 'November 2005' 'December 2005' 'January 2006' 'February 2006' 'March 2006' 'April 2006' 'May 2006' 'June 2006' 'July 2006' 'August 2006' 'September 2006' 'October 2006' 'November 2006' 'December 2006' 'January 2007' 'February 2007' 'March 2007' 'April 2007' 'May 2007' 'June 2007' 'July 2007' 'August 2007' 'October 2007'