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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
this week i can't seem to avoid the topic of babies!

-next week's episode of grey's antonmy, christina finds herself to be on the 'mummy track'

-mark told me he bumped into an old friend at uni who was in her 2nd trimester and she's only 20! thankfully she's married otherwise, sigh, it breaks my heart to think of the choices single women have to make when they discover an unplanned pregnancy

-it is said that roman civil war that tore the former glorious rome apart could possibly have been prevented if julia, caesar's daughter- wife of pompey the great had not miscarried the only child of combined powerful bloodlines.
interesting story behind that,
there was a bloodbath at the senate house where pompey was, resulting in his robes being heavily soaked in blood, so he changed out of his regalia and handed to a footsoldier to pass it to pompey's servant to bring it back home to wash.
meanwhile, julia heard the commotion coming from the senate house but was unable to leave the house and found out what it was about due to her pregant state, and upon seeing the bloodied clothes of her husband, she hastily made the wrong assumption that he had died.
overwhelmed with intense grief for her supposedly deceased husband, she fainted and miscarried the only heir of caesar and pompey's blood alligence.

many have said that if the baby had survived, his birth would have prevented the most distructive of roman civil wars as caesar and pompey would not constantly be at each others throats.

- then today i meet such a delightfully bright toddler at the bakery, i waved and smiled at him and was returned with a toothless gummy grin and beautiful gurgle accompanied with an enthusiatic waving of his bunny soft toy, so there i was for several minuted in the queue playing peek a boo and making silly faces to the child, ahhh yes, it warms my heart, oh man i love children don't you?

and so you know the background inspiration of today's entry.

what would I do for my kids in the future

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, August 27, 2005
I'm beyond busy all the assignments come flying at you at full speed before you know what's going on WHAM! 4 major assignments in your face, you know I basically hate political economy the most esp when it's involving a particular buddy of bush..

great I'm resorting to using my blog as a mass way of apologizing to people for not replying to their emails, squeezing in some time I've checked my inbox and it's crammed so much so that apparently for some weeks now I haven't been receiving ALL my mail, even so the 20 plus emails I have yet to read and reply to is intimidating in itself, sorry pretty! I'll get around to mailing you on what's been going down, besides the amount in my bank account and at a very rapid rate I must say. No brainers for guessing that it's the shopping sprees which are responsible for that.

anyhoo, too busy to reply to you guys and stuff it's this DAMNED essay that keeps me from going online and chatting cause you know self controless me..
I mean who wants to write a damn tutorial paper on.. The thing even more stupid that the paper itself it's is format. It's in 3 freaking parts!
I sure as hell can't

1. which sectors and which industries of the Australian economy are most reliant on government assistance
(NOTE: to answer this question combine the data from the productivity commission on assistance [which is budgetary assistance and tax concessions] along with other data that show sector and industry sizes (in terms of output and employment)
what are the characteristics of these sectors and industries that deem them most likely to receive the most support? (approx 100 words)

2. does business welfare contravene the basic principles of free trade? Explain your answer:

if no then explain how the two are to be reconciled

if yes explain where policy inconsistencies might arise

(approx 300 words)

3. use your answer from part 2 to evaluate the 2004 assistance package offered to sugar producers in the aftermath of the Australia US FTA negotiations (approx 300 words)

as you can tell that's why I'm dead, as if the pages upon pages of readings and notes isn't punishment in itself. man I need an essay to fall from the sky this weekend, seriously I don't care if it's a good or borderline essay, all I want is something fairly substantial to hand to the tutor on Monday..


I'm freaking in a lousy mood right now, not even the though of being united with a nice pair of unique leather boots in my size would make it the slightest bit better..

oh essay oh essay
where art thou essay?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, August 18, 2005
hear that? that's the sound of quite easily more than a thousand prepuberscent girls wiping away their tears, saddening ain't it - brandon flowers (yes! that IS his real name!) the rather swoon worthy even with a hint of eyeliner front man of the killers got hitched to his long term sweetie on aug 2 in some small intimate wedding in hawaii.. what you expected them to do it in vegas? come on growing up in sin city would have thought you a thing or two about the eventual state of vegas based matrimony
oh well he still hasn't lost his appeal, hmm leech said that mr brightside was..uh about a prostitute? dubious, i'll ask her this weekend when we go on another shopping spree, which this time would be a more sensible measured money spending time as opposed to last week.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, August 12, 2005
my tres cool CD player is up and running after i had spent so freaking much on a voltage transformer since labelled all across the top flap of the philips box in huge bold print (that only a blind person would miss) was:

WARNING blah blah blah voltage does not apply to players in aussie, nz and blah blah blah, along those lines..

so then the philips customer care was closed by the time i realised the stupid above warning, then my mother was screaming at me, going on and on and on and on AND ON.. about me being so irresponsible for not checking it sooner blah blah blah, my brother is more responsible than me, the usual.
so called up best denki on the pretense that i had purchased the player from there and asked if the player could function down under, explaining to the salesperson that apparently the voltage in singapore and aussie were different, he then mentioned a realy simple solution - just get a voltage adapter..

then after the ordination service held in church, mom dad and derek stayed for the dinner with the archbishop fortunately for ness and i, our parents didn't get us tickets for the dinner so we didn't have to waste a perfectly good evening at some boring sit down dinner with predominantly an old fogey crowd (man i can't believe i just said that)
anyhoo so i was bugging ness with constant reminders to stop by sim lim on our way back home so i could get the damned troublesome adapter, and it suddenly struck ness that there was a hardware shop at farrer market so saving us the trip to sim lim, we got the adapter from there after much doubts as to what the hell i was getting exactly -
i had no idea what the voltage difference was and if i should get a step up or step down transformer (that's the only part in physics i would without an inkling of doubt would fail, much to mr yap's puzzlement, is that even a real word? oh well you get the idea)

i'll just fast forward over the part where i spent DAYS trying to open the damn adaptor with a screwdriver meant for glasses and when i finally did open it with the proper screwdriver borrowed from john the handyman of the college, i realised there wasn't a switch. frustrated that the stupid adapter said 'switch inside' i started picking at it viciously to which the little cover popped open.
i could have killed myself
throttled myself to death if it were possible

so was figuring out what the HECK you're supposed to set it to. then went online to find out the voltage specification of singapore and aussie, after more than half an hour shifting through useless sites
i kept getting pages on AC/DC after typing in voltage australia, doesn't help that it keeps refering me to anything that was remotely related to AC, as in the current, and that ACDC was an australian based band AND to complicate matters further, they had an album entitled voltage, you see my situation right

for your future reference
singapore's 230
aussie 240

FREAK! there was hardly any difference between voltages, once again i was overwhelmed with the urge to kill myself for that. i could happily plugged it in and it would be fine!!!!!!!!!!!

called philips customer care to be on the safe side, wouldn't want to make a $150 mistake should my assumption be wrong, and guess what?
no brainers!
it was certified as FINE TO JUST PLUG IT IN LIKE THAT!!


and now i'm very disatisfied with the player, it's uber sensitive, comin upon a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny scatch on the CD, the damned thing would deem it unplayable ie NO FREAKING DISC! ERROR! ERROR!

so now i'mfuming cause of that! all the effort and what did i get in return!

wasted hours and PLENTY OF FRUSTRATION and i'm highly irritated now..


--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, August 10, 2005
i'm quite upset that i won't be able to catch RockStar INXS whilst i'm here damn! been following that show religiously..
well vote for Suzie! she's my fave, i don't know she's so cute, good natured and she's a really sweet thing..
yep that's her msn blog space..

hmmm really adore the huge metallic disc earrings with amazing intricate engravings that she picked at the RockStar clinic. yay so vote for her k?
support MiG, Ty and.. basically that's it i guess, really was impressed by Daphna's performance of Joan Jett's Hate Myself For Loving You, was absolutely shocked when she was eliminated a couple weeks later, stupid world audience for not voting for awesome talent!! she's this hmmm feline grace and such stage presence, don't know why she was voted out! still reeling from the shock that stupid freaking JD's still in the competition..
really can't stand JD he's such a pretentious cocky condescending patronising person, he might do great musical arrangements but he's such a horrid attitude. apart from the comment that got the rest of the rockers worked up, ohhhhh unlike the other rockers who learn INXS songs because they have to, i know the song because i love the band.. something along those lines, wonder why they haven't put something in his food to screw up his voice, oh well, he singlehandly messed up's Queen's We Are The Champions (HA! karma DOES come back and bite you in the ass!) after bitching, whining, complaining the whole lot to Jordis as to why HE DESERVES to get the first Queen song of the competition instead of her,
i'm thankful that freddie mercury's already dead (rest his soul) otherwise he would have died hearing JD's slaughtering the song that he actually meant for it to be an anthem of sorts for the gay community..

well for RockStar INXS updates, just clicking on the side tab of MSN messenger it's the black and red circle with a white star in the centre, it's right below the normal contact list tab, you can't miss it.. conversly you can catch it on hmm star world channel 18 wed morning is the live broadcast on what's going down in the house and preparation for their weekly performance, and thursday morning is the performance ratings, and elimination round and snippets on what would be one next week. there's repeats on the respective nights, star world does about 3 reruns altogether for particular episode, go check your tv guide..

remember to vote!!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, August 8, 2005
Man! I really wanna go for the bravery gig this Wed at the Metro Theatre, any idea how the one in Singapore went?
The tickets weren't as bad as i thought they would be, $41.80+Bf (what IS Bf? this being aussie and all, i'm guess it's proably booze!!) and it's held at a place i actually know how to get to! Let's see what's the line up for that night -

The Spark 8-8.30
Faker 9-9.45

the supporting opening bands seem decent enough,

woot! the bravery at 1015

i say they'll only come out closer to 11, it's always like that, i've never been to a gig where the bands performed on time or close to the stated performance time. stupid sound checks! Hmm poor me ain't got no credit card so i guess i'll have to make a trip there before Wed night, just to get a ticket.. darn. They're so strict about the cardholder being the only one who can collect the ticket.

I wouldn't be obsessing about it if I had not caught their performance live on MTV a few weeks back, they looked like they were KICKING ASS!! They got the audience into a wild rocking frenzy, such psychotic energy!
If someone hadn't described their music as electro synth and something along the lines of new wave 80 revival group reminisce of an edgier Duran Duran, (hmmm have critics and reviewers run out of bands to compare the up and coming groups?)
just recently on a MTV spot, the killers were hailed as our generation's answer to Duran Duran.

Starting to see a pattern? - it's either that I like these 2 bands simply cause they're supposedly derivatives of Duran Duran or.. hmmm that's funny I can't think of an alternative choice to that..
Sidetracking - hmm or could the reason why critics constantly draw parallels between the killers and Double D is cause both groups cite Bowie as a major inspiration to their music.. Quite possibly I suppose.


Duran Duran created the whole music genre of electro synth rock which later spawned the whole new wave 80's revival from there both the Bravey and Killers carved themselves out from the slightly edgy 'wannabe' pop/ mainstream pop/ rock-popular music that's been flooding the airwaves recently to this particular type of music that you can't quite put your finger on as to aforementioned category to would fit in.. And since the two groups placed emphasis on more synthetic sounds (which is characteristic of Duran Duran) people decided that they should be described at new wave, 80's reminisce, electro synth rock (blah blah blah whatever music genres and descriptions you would liberally use on Duran Duran)
ok my brain's burnt out rambling about really nothing if you think about it.. I'll make a horrid music reviewer cause I'll start thinking too much about obscure theories and concepts that have little relevance to the task at hand..

OH OH! guess what? guess whaaaaaaat!

For formal dinner tmr night, the editor of COSMOPOLITAN is our guest of honour, maybe I could send subliminal messages to her to put more photo sets of jolie and longoria *drool!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, August 7, 2005
msn messenger has been rather erratic lately, so apologises for not being online as much these days!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, August 6, 2005
*hic hic HIC*
curse you hiccups!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, August 4, 2005
Been back in aussie for almost a week, traveling when I had a harmless running nose proved uh disaterous (can't think of any other words at the moment, the fever had eradicated all my poor brain cells rendering me unable to think clearly the past couple of days) cause the damned sniffling caused by my dusty sofa in my room (sadly mom threw it out.. awww) I quite liked that sofa, all those hours of endless shows followed by another slew of shows, and channel surfing it's amazing the amount of telly I watch in Singapore considering that I watch on average hmm 14 hours per day during the holidays, keeping in mind when I was in aussie last semester I barely clocked in 2 hours for 5 MONTHS! talk about extreme..
anyhoo spending the last couple of nights on the sofa was a horrendous decision cause it left me sneezing away which developed into running nose.. urgh..
so then as you all already know, I've been having the most wretched cold and a parched throat no matter how much water I consumed didn't really help, the air stewardess must have thought I was a camel in my past life, was chugging glass after glass after glass.
You know what? The flight there was terrible to say the very least to my side there was this guy who pretty much reminded me of this guy I know preet lookswise, and he was freaking snoring the whole flight. Swear I wanted to bash him or better still pop some valium and get conked out for the rest of the flight, almost did resort to medication aided sleep but decided against it since I was unsure if you could even take it along with zithromax.
And as fate would have it, I had the misfortune of being sandwich between the snoring monstrosity with a lady who was mumbling to herself and making strange sounds throughtout the entire flight.
of course my sleep was intermittent at very best..
to make matters worse, when was barely wake during the in flight meals I was chuffed to discover that they were playing sin city! However whenever I requested for a pair of earphones the stewardess promptly forgot getting me a pair of earphones and when asked another one for headphones the strange woman who occupied the aisle seat shot me this irritated patronizing look proceed to clear her throat which deterred me from intiating my planned third attempt to ask for a pair of headphones..

So I resigned myself to the situation and watched sin city and read the Chinese subtitles, ugh Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller would be unappreciative of that, even tarrantino who guest directed a minute's worth of the film would be indignant at that! But what to do?
man the movie was gory, if it was in colour imagine how much corn syrup and red food colouring would have been used!

come to think of it, I think tarrantino primed cinematic audience to the excessive blood and gruesome violence of sin city with his kill bill movies, somehow you can really visualize these directing geniuses gleefully thinking of ways to make everything a blood fest - remember desperado? Yeah that was mild compared to kill bill and sin city, YAY Steve buscemi!! Oh man that reminds me, I didn't get a chance to host a Steve buscemi (and quite possibly William fitchner) movie marathon, ha I'll get DVD boy to help me get those movies *grin* HINT! YOU HEAR THAT DVD BOY?

okaaaaaaaay, the whole point of me posting this blog was to say that since I'm sick and no condition to go out and have fun with the rest of the uni population whom are at the coolest party at Manning's SnowBall event.. Can hear the fireworks from my room man.. So saddening..

Guess it's consolation seeing all those scantily clad girls decked out in their clubbing/partying outfits going to the party and freezing their asses off whilst i'm in my new very adorable robin blue prep school sweater in a toasty warm room piled under a mountain, ok more like molehill of sheets, nice cuppa tea in hand..
Besides I'm saving money from the entrance fee and all the alcohol, yes yes alcohol's empty calories and something I really don't need at the moment..

Since I'm already doing a mindless post here are my goals for this semester!

1. Get a good role in the Missenden Players production
2. Try to weasel my way into the debate team although competitions have started already
3. Join the soccer team even if I can't play just for the exercise and accumalte points for my room selection process next year, i don't want to be living in a closet!
4. Lose another 4kg and tone up!
5. Get minimum Credit average for all my subjects but a Distinction for Pyschology, need to impress Michael Walker!!
6. Related to numbber 4, maximise gym membership.

i'll add more when they come to mind..

any suggestions people?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Cherish you,
All i ask of you,
No ordinary love,
Always on my mind,
Every waking moment
by Carly Casey Hammond


Sandra 'Alexander
Size 3 feet!!
Born Wednesday
Dies Mercurii xxiii Aprilis MCMLXXXVI
of the Julian Calender 23rd April 1987

tagboard is now at the bottom of this column so drop me a note!

Domestic Barbie

Vives En Mi Corason
Diamonds :)
lovely dresses
creating things
sparkly things
classical things
GWM Gallery (the Rocks)
piriton yellow
happy sunshine yellow
golden afternoon sunshine
rolling in grass
roald dahl books
art history
roman history
art museums

Credi in Te. Aspirations:

In all honesty, my dream since i was 12 is to be a museum curator in Europe.
To be surrounded by all the magnificient masterpieces and immersed in all the inspirational art history of those glorious days oh so very long ago.
Much to my surprise, my mom is very encouraging and supportive of that.
She had a good nature rib at it, and wasn't scathing or critical of it. i half expected her to say it's a stupid impractical frivalous aspiration but she even talked about it somewhat animatedly. Insists that it's such a typical Sandra aspiration for a cushy artsy sophisticated job.
Of course this revelation got my family exclaiming our catchphrase of 'so HC'.
She's (as does my whole family) have always known my love for art history, and it's something i have the passion for.
When i first stood in front of an actual van Gogh painting, tears started welling up in my eyes.
I was so overwhelmed, felt this connection to the painting, not just as a piece of work. it was a piece of someone's soul, their life, their torment, their dejection, their pursuit to be one step closer to God's, a fragment of everything they've ever experienced. That moment transcended anything i've ever felt.

Artists I Admire:
van Gogh
Armand Guillaumin
Carly Casey Hammond
Susan Bleakley

Maledetta Primavera

Na Sera e' Maggio

'March 2004' 'April 2004' 'May 2004' 'July 2004' 'August 2004' 'September 2004' 'October 2004' 'November 2004' 'December 2004' 'January 2005' 'March 2005' 'April 2005' 'May 2005' 'June 2005' 'July 2005' 'August 2005' 'September 2005' 'October 2005' 'November 2005' 'December 2005' 'January 2006' 'February 2006' 'March 2006' 'April 2006' 'May 2006' 'June 2006' 'July 2006' 'August 2006' 'September 2006' 'October 2006' 'November 2006' 'December 2006' 'January 2007' 'February 2007' 'March 2007' 'April 2007' 'May 2007' 'June 2007' 'July 2007' 'August 2007' 'October 2007'