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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
In light of the approaching Wednesday's slosh party all-you-can-drink-till-you-just-hurl-then-proceed-to-drink-even-more, knowing that I'll be getting so inebriated on Wednesday I decided in preparation of that to honour my intoxicated behaviour, ha!

Don't know whenever I'm wasted, chances are I'll be attacking Bohemian Rhapsody with gusto like I always do, don't know why THAT song of all songs.. hmmm..
Curious, how curious indeed..
Then again after one too many BOTTLES of bourbon it'll be quoting Shakespeare and horribly embarrassing confessions that I started reading his unabridged works by 9 and a half..

Ha without a doubt I'll be prancing about and screaming the lyrics, one hand cluctching an imaginary mike, doing a shimmy every few steps, think erratic rock star on dope and yep that's me for you, anyone who's ever tried singing this song in Queen fashion would know you need all the guts and maddness to pull this off, so what better way then getting relatively wasted and pretending you're part of Queen! but seriously you can have so much fun doing it, you should channel Justin Hawkins (he's the psycho frontman frontman of the Darkness, ha i like bands if they're mad and have a great time rocking not caring about what others think, hmmm i should adapt that way to live, if anyone disagree you can tell them 'Hey! You can stick that sign up your ass, the one that says it won't last, My sugarbuzz is growing higher and higher everyday, i'm gonna have the time of my life') haha..

Back to the Bohemian, the first bit you start off all sorrowful, voice slighty shaky quivering with vulnerable emotion with the facial expressions to boot before you burst into the most memorable part, all with the trademark pout, jumping, stumbling about screaming your lungs out with flailing arms crouched down trying to hit all the high notes, twirling about with true classic head banging rocker style and dotting the song with strange random high kicks and massive MAJOR AIR GUITAR with awesome power rifs and busting kick air moves just as playing a flaming guitar with my teeth while jumping about all over stage, everything CLASSIC hard rocking ROCK!..
and for sections that I can't remember the lyrics I'll be sticking the mike in the direction of the imaginary audience, trying to whip them into a mad sing a long frenzy hollering the usual prompts of 'I can't remember the words help me out I'm too drunk!! lalalalaaaaaaaaa I can't hear yooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, hot damn! You all sure can f***king siiiiiiiiiiiiing, and yell out random things 'like don't think you think for a minute we're gonna pull this shit off!!'

Well i've got this marvlous theory, people my age gripe while reminising about their childhood say oh we can't do that crazy shit anymore, but HEY! think about it when you're pulling crazy shit off, you can now blame it on the alcohol! HUH! think about THAT! and even when you're NOT drunk, alcohol's your ever faithful conveient scapegoat! lalalala..
oh man, good stuff, good stuff indeedy, anyone got the mp3 for this song? Hot damn, haven't heard it in AGES, if you do SEND IT SEND IT to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Mama, just killed a man,
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away

Mama ooOOoOoOo
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters
Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body's aching all the time
Goodbye everybody - I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama ooo- (any way the wind blows)
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

I see a little silhouettooooooo of a man,
Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the fandango!
Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening
Galileo, Galileo, Galileo Galileo
Galileo Figaro-magnifico!
But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go-, will you let me go
Bismillah! no-, we will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go let me go
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
Oh baby - can't do this to me baby
Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here
Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters - nothing really matters to me
Any way the wind blows

--Bella Bella Signorina--

this is ooooold school

Here comes the rain again
Falling on my head like a memory
Falling on my head like a new emotion

I want to walk in the open wind
I want to do what other lovers do
Want to dive into your ocean
Is it raining with you
So, Baby Talk to me like lovers do
Walk with me just me and you
Talk to me like lovers do


I was the kind of kid back in school
Who wore a members only jacket, thought he was cool
That's when I met katrina, she was best friends with seshel
I thought she was the one, yeah I thought she was special
I saw her in the hall about quarter til three
I said I'll take you in my nova, to the tasty freeze
She said I know all about you, more than I should
I know all about the dirty mags you keep in the woods

So tell me how I'm supposed to be when I've been stalked by a lesbian
I can't sleep a wink, and I'm married to the ephedrine
How am I supposed to sleep when I've been stalked by a lesbian now

Now don't take it light, it might seem funny to you
Yesterday my science project, was covered in glue
So I asked that guy seshel, was it something I said
He said quit being so fuckin' paranoid, it's all in your head

The way she's looking at me, I think she wants me to be,
The guy that always gets shot in every movie you see
Oh god she's walking this way, oh god what should I say,
I hope and pray that one day she'll be straight

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, June 24, 2005
was pretty much bored and procrastinating having to hit the books, lost the momentum from the absolutely mentally exhaustive first 3 days of the exam period oh well, give it my all since it's the last and final paper! Gulp 60% paper, it's do or die and it's sigh oh sigh short essays I hate the word don't you? Essays ewww shudder shudder SUHHHHDDDEEEERRRR gulp it's 9 essays pain pain pain pain pain.. Then after that I"M GOING SHOPPING I don't care, know how difficult for me to walk past sportsgirl, preview, jay jays, jeans west, kookai, just jeans, portmans when they all have the same sign posted all over the shop SEASON SALE!! Up to 40% discount on irregular sizes such as 6-8 (YAY MY SIZE), 14 onwards.. Lots of sheer will power..
anyhoo yeah about me doing anything but study, was trying to find marvelous 3's live concerts mp3 and then I found the modeling ads they did at the zenith of their career..

abercrombie ad - not the first bunch of people that would automatically associate with the wholesome preppy image of a&f then again from the looks of the ad below they've def washed up, practically squeaky clean, no eyeliner whatsoever and tats all out of sight.. all non m3 fans would be none the wiser hmm doesn't butch (in the centre) look just SO CUTE (?) yeah quite possibly one of the last words people would use to describe him, but here he has that dishy you can't help but swoon look..
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

..don't you wanna be all that,
like a calvin klein model in a video..

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, June 23, 2005
Googly-eyed little fluffy balls of fur that giggle, squeak, and sneeze as you push them across the board! That's Chuzzle for you! You're supposed to group them in lots of 3 or more then they go.. POP! and little bits of cloured fur goes flying all over the screen hehehehe...
It's so damned cute, just to mess with them your circle the cursor around them and their little eyes follow everywhere SO CUTE! Man, I wouldn't mind having one as a pet, they're lovable balls of fluffy adorableness (I know there's no such word but heck! They're so ) their like fluffy lil drawf hamsters and fat blob of bunny rabbits hahaha, (i've definately lost it) you can get the game on yahoo or popcap
man it's really the sort of game that I play much to the dismay of my warcraft/sim playing brother..
Well the reason being cause (hate to blow my own trumpet/horn/tuba) but ha it's cause I'm uber tres really good at the sort of pattern games (but i suck at everything else, like basketball where i spent time running away from the ball, screaming no no DON"T throw it to meeeeee! NO, DON"TTTTTTT! i can block, steal the ball away from our opponents and throw pretty far but don't expect me to shoot or do anything else with the ball haha now you know why i think basketball's so gay)
ok back to chuzzzzzzzzzzle, it comes with the temporal memory of mine, besides it's my highest skill in IQ quizzes, even got some psych faculty paper which I did (not surprisingly well, had the fastest time! And highest accuracy to match teehe!) don't know why I can't put this to academic use instead I waste it playing arcade games with balls of fluff!
oh I'm such a loserfied freak honest to god I'm such a nerd/geek though people who only come to know me after sec school just think I'm this ditz (doing the AEP bimbo cheer and being highty flighty does little to dispel their deeply entrenched preconceived inaccurate notion that I'm purely a ditz and they think I'm kidding when I tell them I'm such a bookworm-discovery channel-encyclopedia reading nerd) anyhoo the point of bringing up this character trait of me is cause I was happily accumulating all the strange sort of awards 'trophy badges' for chuzzle, I got 7 within the free hour trial of chuzzle oh oh and also highest score for classic chuzzle and was very sadly displaced as champ for speed chuzzle by some MAJOR FREAK oh well you can't have 1st place for both categories
hmm for the trophy badges, I got the 3 combo, 4 combo, speed freak (ha how appropriately named), lock master (it's getting rid of 3 or more locks with a single move)

oh for those wondering temporal memory's hmm how to put it in layman terms it's well visual/association memory based I guess.. It's not a very practical form of memory it's mostly found in.. BABIES!
dot dot dot
ha it's a somewhat inefficient way of remembering things, the reason it's not very common in older children and adults is cause people would mostly store things in their memories and in relatively proper (dare I say logical and coherent) worded structures and ideas as they've the capacity of language as opposed to babies who don't.

it's like you see an apple and your brain tells you hey thay's an apple cause you've stored it in your brain that that's an apple, you have a word for it but to babies and young kids who have not yet learned the names and words for particular things, it's this red shiny thing with this brown stubby short thing and a flat green oval thing with pointy end stick out of the top and well recognize it subsequently as the red shiny thing with a brown stubby short thing and flat green pointed oval thing sticking out from the top not an apple per se..

the thing about this form of memory usual recedes to a minimal portion as you acquire language as your brain switches to more efficient sophisticated and developed storage methods rather than the comparatively 'primitive' one with imagery association, however in my case it's my dominant form of memory, that's a lot are amazed with my ability to remember practically everything that's complete rubbish, for the instance when mark and I were walking through uni back home after Mr and Mrs smith, while we were walking through the usual path I was doing this running commentary that went along the lines of oh at this spot I was tell you this, and at that spot you said this and this, then whilst we were cutting through the grand hall you did this, or I replied to your particular comment with this retort so on and so forth, blah blah blah and he was in awe albeit freaked out at my memory retention and the thing is, it's not even a conscious effort of my part to remember anything, it just.. goes in

pity it doesn't apply to my studies though I can remember all where this section of info that I need is on this particular page at this certain section, at times even paragraphs but for the life of me I can't remember THE INFO ITSELF!! Bloody selective memory that fails me so.

but this proves all the more that i really do look at the world with child like wonder

and take it all in like a wee little kiddie

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, June 20, 2005
Sigh, the econometrics exam was .. Yeah basically it was "..."
the past few nights I was slowly gaining confidence in the subject, spent hours pouring over 4 textbooks including howell's fundermental stats which is pure genius, if you're ever have problems trying to understand the basics of stats, he's the guy you should be going to for help, miracle worker!
you know how exam revision test papers given by your teacher should be fair gauge of the actual paper you're gonna die sitting for? an indicator on the format and question type that would come out?
BULL! the exam paper was complete bogus crap! out of the 57 questions, 41 were about confidence intervals which has always been the concept that tutors and lecturers harp over all semester and it was understood throughtout the whole cohort that out of the 3 open ended questions worth 50% would be about confidence intervals and what the bloody freaking hell did they give instead? 15/25 marks worth of WRITTEN EXPLANATION FOR ANOVAS IN RELATION TO KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS!! I was cursing and swearing as soon as I flipped to that page during the reading time of the exam, URGH! There was this guy all across the other room upon seeing the question, the f expletive he hissed was clearly audible from where I was sitting
AND WHAT IS UP WITH THE MCQ?? the questions were so lengthy that the worst case was just a one mark multiple choice question was close to half a page long and i'm not even including the options..
needless to say i didn't even complete the whole paper, i'm bloody freakin screwed big time! oh well english 1001 here i come next semester!

not much consolation BUT the most the faculty is allowed to fail is 15% of the cohort provided the person's score was below the 50% passing mark, it's unethical to fail the person once he has reached the safety zone.. Just hope everyone did badly (I doubt so since there's cheeeena biang nationals who just screw up the whole status quo, consequently the mark distribution's gonna be damn skewed against poor me) so they'll moderate everyone..
one can hope, can't they..
hope floats, hope floats..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, June 18, 2005
yes that stupid bugger reiner corrected my ever horrendous spelling for my previous entry - the proper spelling not the rubbishy one i conjoured up is prosciutto. there! happy now? haha, yeah i HATE EXAMS, oooo if only i had 10 mins with the bugger who invented the concepts of that wretched wretched thing.. *grrrr* thinking of possible ideas something that would make happy tree friends get a rating of G.. heh ok ok now back to pretending to study about keynes eww at least it was rather comforting to know that whilst i was slaving over keynes ed was being tortured over the multiplier, hmm any of you all suffering like me??
GOOD! misery loves miserable company.. now we can all suffer together but it would be better if there was no such freakin thing as exams then instead of suffering we could be frolicking in fields of daffodils, dandelions and daisies!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, June 16, 2005
I SHOULD wash my hands before I start to type this entry out since I did have 6 pieces yes eeewwww 6 pieces of yummer yum yum frank's special which had hmm pineapple, carbonassi (it's a type of suagage) 2 diff kinds of capsicum, sun dried tomatoes, purchiutto (i can't spell for nuts anyone can tell you that), olives, told them to leave out the onions, bacon, mushrooms all on this thin crust, good thing frank's is the sancta food haunt you get the extra ice cream here, the free upsized pizza there, more garlic bread, extra helping of sides, nice people.. Then after having the 6 pieces the mad girls, Phil, Kim and isheeta went to shoot some hoops.. With a beach ball.. hm yeah.. suprsingly I didn't even feel the pizza, it was like I didn't even eat anything at all.. ok i'm too lazy to continue this entry, have to pretend i'm studying..
till later!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, June 12, 2005
back to promoting blood donation and everything else.. strangely enough my current zealous motivation was from.. a year 3 psychology exam prep reading, well under environment factors there was this very brief paragraph on tragic choices it went something along the lines of oh when you discover more about the real world you realise, and see the bipolarity surrounding you - on one side there's the leisure class devoting prodigious economic resources to thier conspicious consumption and frivalous extravagant parties where vintage champange flow like water, free flow beluga almas caviar (it's 24,000 US per kg, almas means diamond in russian, very aptly named in my opinion) and people light their cuban cigars with 100 dollar bills that sort of thing whilst on the extreme end of the spectrum you have 3 children dying every second of poverty and millions more being affected with AIDS and indeed the tragic thing that the article states there is very little one can do to change that situation and eradicate abject poverty once and for all.
somehow i feel that the author resigned himself to that conclusion being a skeptic having witnessed failure after failing trying to reach utopia but..
idealistic and niave i know, i really do believe that we CAN make a difference to those affected by HIV AIDS subjected to appalling living standards, brutalities, and what else has the cruel world possibly inflict on humanity?
hmmm i know i'm seeing the world through heavily tinted rose coloured glasses but in the very unlikely event that the UN is more flexible in its standards (in about 5,6 years time) to admit people to the area regarding AIDS, women and children rights protection, 3rd world country debts and general situation.. i would want to be part of the closest thing the world has to a government body (though you all know i immensly hate politics) but right now the prerequisites FOR INTERSHIP (i'm not even going to mention actual employment) are insane - PhD, be fluent in english AND french, you're required to place applications at least 6 months ahead, afford the living and other expenses approx US 2500 per month and you're NOT allowed to hold other employment during your intership.. man are they strict so it'll take more than a miracle to get in, hmm wishful thinking on my part..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

I'll never understand why some have this totally unjustified impression that me being in an aussie college equates to me doing/smoking pot/joints for a good portion of the term when I'm supposedly 'not already at the pub/clubs/bars/parties/college informant/drinking bashes getting stoned pissed drunk', basically becoming the hell raising helium that is my parent's ultimate fear (for good reason too).
Come on I don't even smoke to begin with and those really intense overwhelming cravings for a ciggie when i'm in really extreme lows don't count.. now for some reason that escapes me you all think I'm doing pot - hello? The only time I've ever had ciggies on me, was
1. Receiving a packet of cartier ciggies as a 'initiation present' should I ever decide to smoke in the future based on the rationale that for my first time I might as well get the good shit rather than those common crapass prevalent ones, does make sense albiet warped.
2. Picking up kim's davidoff ones from her place under auntie li's very nose
3. Keeping the aforementioned pack with me whilst at angels
4. Tossing jeremey's relatively unused pack into the bin when he wasn't paying attention (it's nasty and self righteous of me to do such a thing, but hell he'll thank me somewhere in the far future when he still has his lungs even if they're already tar/nicotine/tumor infested, at least they're one packet less harmed)
5. Disposed of about 5,6 packets of college seniors which they passed to me to look after since I wasn't going to drink at all during informals or social events, it's horrible me betraying their trust but they were so freakin wasted they couldn't remember even passing them to me in the first place..
Simply sent subliminal messages to them that they smoked it all in their alcohol induced stupor, then they'll go damn! I smoked THAT much in one shot? then will go on a smoking hiatus to make up for that supposed smoking binge..

anyway the ciggie incidents aside, can someone explain all that to me cause I sure as hell don't know what's making you all think along those lines..

by the way when I say oh I'm finally doing coke don't take it freakin literally man, I'm referring to the pernicious soft drink that rots you inside out, why it's phrased like that is cause when I'm offered the choice of all those sodas/colas/pop drinks, I ALWAYS reply I don't do no soft drinks and so the I'm finally doing coke phrase naturally rolls from that, that's all..

fact of the day: butch walker co wrote bowling for soup's punk rock 101

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Damn! the members of Duran Duran are seriously complete utter loons,
haha all effects from the cocaine/booze/farm set purchases/picasso buying with your credit card/jet setting lifestlye must still linger even after 2o years..

was reading old articles about them dating back as far as the early 1980's, and they're mad, they do stuff i would have definately done at the peak of my maddness (AEP, figures..) if i had the money to.. oh well..

here are excerpts from an interview with simon le bon (he's the lead singer for those who don't know ooooooooooooooo he earns extra brownie points with me for being a sailor)
he's whacked la, i kid you not..
if you really focus on their lyrics, interviews and basically any of their writing you'll be damned amused by the witty randomness, think along the lines of a fun fruitcake-nutcase douglas adams only this time it's with boppy tunes, catchy addictive hooks and powerful riffs whilst stylishly clad in pouffy white shirts looking very pretty (!!!) and with gorgeous brit accents to boot

so here's the interview, he's mad, i wish he was my friend.. i wish they all were..

Do you have to work out to keep looking so good? Any beauty tips?

I've got some very serious beauty tips. Don't run too much. You'll fuck your knees up. I go for nice long walks now, uphill. And one of these days, I'm going to get a dog. But I've got a very physical job, and I'd hate to have to go to the gym. That would be awful.

What can we expect from your latest tour?

Naked women, dripping with illegal drugs. That's it, that's all you can expect. Actually, no! Naked women dipped in illegal drugs! Like sex drug lollipops? Yeah! Sex drug lollies.
You know what, I think we've got a song starting here:
"Sex drug lolly!
She's my new dolly!
Used to be called Molly!
Bet your momma's sorry!"
There you go, you heard it here first.

Is it true that you nearly drowned on the video set for The Wild Boys?

No, it's not. People think that because I was strapped to a windmill and my head went underwater, it was really dangerous, but it wasn't. Of course, when we get asked this question in interviews, Nick Rhodes always says: "Well, we've got the DVD now so, if you pause it, you can keep his head underwater for as long as you want."

Which I think is so crass, but he thinks it's funny! He says it in almost every interview. I think repeating yourself is a sign of old age, telling the same joke again and again. Especially if they're jokes that don't make people laugh. Yeah, you've really been trying with that one, Nick, but you've gotta give it up.

Is it true that you turned up to the Duran Duran audition with a book of your poetry? Do you still write poetry? Any plans to publish?

It's not strictly true. I turned up with a book that had some poems and lyrics in it. I was wearing pink leopardskin pants, which I can't wear any more - an ex-girlfriend gave them to charity. But I do still write poetry. The last poem was a rude one. I used the line, "Her Royal Whoreness". It wasn't about fellatio though. Fellatio sounds like a character from a Shakespeare play.

I love the book reviews on your website. Might you start a Duran Duran book club?

It gives me a chance to have a bit of a rant sometimes, which I did about The Da Vinci Code. I mean, it's tosh, isn't it? There's always this sense of potential nookie.

But I like full-on sex, I do.

"Robert stepped sexily from the shower. Dressed in a tight towel with a noticeable bulge by one of his knees." Well, that's kind of what it's like, isn't it? But the book club is mostly for Nick [Rhodes]. He never reads any books. He just asks me what I think of them and pretends to have read them all.

Do you secretly miss the old eyeliner?

No, because i've got some new ones!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Duran Duran's Bedroom Toys, yes Duran Duran,
stop rolling your eyes, they're good ok!

You want it, you got it. Now whatcha gonna do with it?

I been around the world
I seen a lot of things
'D make your chicken curl??
You're squeezing like boys 'N' tease like girls
Confusing like boys AND! girls
Plan an exit route... parachute... rubber suit
Are you ready for a little swim?
There's regular, queen size, flip it on the B side
Solid gold
*sound of drawer opening*

I saw the bedroom toys
Now I'm stallin'
I can't believe my eyes
I saw the bedroom toys
Now I'm crawlin'
I've learn to improvise

Checkin' out the five star atmosphere
You want some expertise
If you got treasure,
A-paying for the pleasure
It'll bring you to your knees
Silicone romance,
'what's your name fancypants?'
Fraternize with the employees
Forget about the reel-in
talkin' about the feelin'
Solid Gold


You want it... you got it... now whatcha gonna do with it?

Now you're washed up beat,
smash 'N' grab, no receipt
Takes the platinum off your shine
Lazy bed-star, lah di dah, petit bourgeois
'Oh my would you look at the timeeee'
Until we wise up,
You know we're gonna line up
For pimps and snitches to dip into yer riches
If you can't destroy it, might as well enjoy it
Solid gold
*sound of drawering opening*

astronaut's (pronounced by le bon as astronaught) a brilliant album if you like bowie eletro funk feel good music.. i started laughing on the 'bed' during the blood collection when i heard the oh my gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd what's this?!?!! the staff would have thought i was convulsing or something.. heh well just drop a note if you want the song and i'll send it to you, to whet your appetite for MORE Duran Duran songs then you'll rush out to buy their album or at least go download from their site legally..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, June 7, 2005
hmm ok nessie, DON"T TELL MOM AND DAD OK?? Yeah went and..

no.. i didn't get a tattoo though i wouldn't mind one
nor did i get any piercings
nor did i join hell's angels
nor did i start doing drugs
nor did i start smoking
don't worry, nothing dodgy..

ha, ok on my way to mereweather building to get some studying done in my 3 hour break before political economy lecture when i realised that I had unconsciously drifted across the flyover to Wentworth then it struck me the red cross blood drive was on and held at Wentworth, decided had nothing to lose by just enquiring about the criteria to be a blood donor.. The surprising thing was I hard ever go to Wentworth but somehow I got to the correct location without the help of signs or anything.. hmmm curious.. Anyway as soon as in stepped into the dimly lit corridor this woman bearing a strong resemblance to Sharon Osborne but with cropped hair practically bounded towards me, think me after one too many beers/goon/shots (I'm a very friendly happy drunk according to Wesley college students.. rightO) then before I could even say a word she mused outloud hmmm poppy, think we'll have to put you on the scales you look like you're on the lighter side of 40 (you can't believe how delighted I was after that comment) once I had forced my facial muscles out of that huge grin plastered all over my face I asked if it was possible for me to donate blood since I had dengue (it's considered somewhat of a blood disease) when I was bout 3.. She checked with the doctor present and he gave the A okay, so she promptly sat me down then gave the whole routine briefing asking if I had at least 4 glasses of water or juice in the 4 hours prior to donating as well as had brekkie, which she made me list what I had for brekkie to be sure..
well I had 2 smoothies, a glass of milk, half a bottle of jasmine green tea, 4 bowls of cereal, a nutella peanut butter sandwich, banana and 3 spoonfuls of nutella all in the span of an hour, and that's not even heavy brekkies! No wonder I seem to be adding layers of insulating fat instead of shedding it =(
after she made a face to the list I recited, she handed me a stack of forms I had to fill in..
the questions were more or less the expected ones like healthy, if I was on any medication, did I have malaria/AIDS/HIV/hep A/hep B had cancer or any major surgeries recently, done illegal drugs (seriously who's gonna put yes there? They'll haul your ass straight to jail) that sort of thing
.. Now came the interesting part.. ahem the sexual history.. Ha can see you sit up in anticipation of me dishing the dirt on my bedroom activities (very apt that I'm listening to Duran Duran's bedroom toys as I type this haha I'll list the lyrics in the next entry, it's so strangeeeeeeee oh my gawd what's this?)
ok this is me spilling the beans..
hmm to the questions
the first question: have you had male to male sex? uhh I can safely say no

have you had sex with a male sex worker? uhh no once again

have you had sex with a female sex worker? besides it being an obvious no, I'm a repressed lesbain well according to some purity online quiz I took

have you engaged in oral sex with a male sex worker? you know what? No to all questions in this section! No surprise there..

have you engaged in oral sex with a female sex worker?
C'mon what's with questions like that???

are you a sex worker? the last time i checked, no!

have you engaged in sexual activities with more than one person at a time?? uhh does that mean orgies or per day or what??? Ambiguous wording of questions, note to self ask nurse about it just to be a smart ass..
as the first question they should say have you ever solicited sex before? Could save the potential donor a whole lot of time.. hmm nevertheless, proceeded to amuse myself with the questions..

in the past 4 months have you..
had sex? sadly no, having a very slow sex life here in fact it's nonexistence

engaged in oral sex? refer to above answer

exchanged bodily fluids (making out doesn't count unless you had sores/ulcers/cuts in your mouth while you were making out)
can't remember what else..

then after filling out the relevant paperwork, I was directed to a lil cublicle where the nurse drilled me every few seconds for my name and birthdate, then asked for my weight to which I gingerly replied.. I"M NOT TELLING YOU ALL! Well it's above 45 boo hoooooooooooo! Then she asked me to step on the dubious looking weighing scale which I'm convinced is extremely inaccurate but I'm gonna take off 2 kg cause I was wearing a scarf, jacket, heavy leather belt, jeans (heavy), shoes, had my discman, handphone on me during the weighing.. so 2 kg's a fair estimate.. After my gripes on the huge weight gain, she took my haemoglobin count, you have to be a minimum of 120 to donate, the range was roughly around 110-160, the limits are just estimates.
To her utmost shock, my haemoglobin count was a startling 155! The girls she had checked on for the past week didn't even hit 140 and here I was with 155, I actually had a higher count than some of the male ang moh ruggers *raised eyebrow*!
the thing was I haven't had red meats in the past 2 ,3 months (surprising I know!), save for the pathetic disappointing steak on my birthday and the measly servings of bacon for Sunday brekkie..

after which she asked if i was pregnant, umm well i wish i could say i WAS pregnant at least that'll explain why i'm so fat, but no, no bundle of joy.. then she said it was mandatory to ask if i had given birth before??? HELLO I JUST TURNED 18 for cryin' outloud.. then asked if i ever had an abortion, to which spurred me to go on my whole verbose speech on why i could not go through an abortion.. and she just gave me that look.. guess i did deserve that

so yeah after a whole lot of clarifying my health and history she ushered me to this room with a whole lot of collapsible beds then i chose a nice one near the window, as if that makes any difference, so then this marvellously lovely doctor named mike was assisting in the blood drive and then he explained the whole process saying that it'll take about 6-9 mins to completely fill the bag which would be on this rocking machine for the whole blood collecting duration (i asked why it was rocking back and forth the whole time, he explained that it was to evenly distribute the anti coagulants throughout the blood to prevent clotting). after patiently answering my whole barrage of questions about practically EVERYTHING, he took my blood pressure then proceeded to find a nice vein to stick the needle in.. to which he asked if i did any sport, and i replied that i was sadly not active as much as before, or as much as i liked to be then he mused that in all his 4 years of collecting blood he had never seen such nicely defined, pronounced veins.. which brings me back to sec 3 where my bio teacher mrs chu noticed that i had rather translucent skin thus you could very clearly see my veins and she used me as a living reference for the chapeters on human circulation since they were so obvious.. heh.. she's a GREAT bio teacher, best i could ever ask for..
ok i just realised how long this entry is, and i have to start on my political economy essay before i kill myself for getting a crappy grade for that essay which really affects my whole grade for the entire unit of study i'll continue but till then.. DONATE BLOOD! a single donation can save up to 3 lives..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, June 4, 2005
lock up your chickens..

Did Alice Cooper really commit poultricide?

"I've always talked about that. First of all, a chicken gets thrown up onstage, I throw the chicken back, the audience rips the chicken apart. Next day, the paper says, 'Alice Cooper kills chicken.' I never killed a chicken onstage. First of all, it would be too obvious; I would never do anything that obvious. It was the audience and it wasn't just an audience; the first 10 rows were in wheelchairs, they basically crippled the chicken. That is even sicker than me doing it."

Golf is his passion

"My handicap is four. I read an article in a golf magazine where Tiger Woods was rating celebrity golfers and he said, 'I would not give Alice Cooper two strokes start.' It's a weird thing that Alice Cooper, the scourge of rock'n'roll, the man who literally changed the look of rock'n'roll, would also be, if he wanted to be, a PGA pro. It would be like if Marilyn Manson was also the world's best ping-pong player."

Was down in the dining hall picking up my packed lunch and planning to scoff down some cereal before heading off to econometrics when i spotted the spectrum section (it's the life equivalent of the Sydney morning herald) front page full page picture with the heading the horror.. The horror! but that wasn't what caught my attention - it was the picture of this past his prime 60 plus rocker with wizened features, long jet black tight curls and mascara coated thick heavy eyeliner lined eyes screaming into a microphone, then after closer inspection I realized that it was Alice cooper, no, it's a he.. The rest of this entry are quotes from the feature on him in light of his upcoming concert here in Sydney.. Man is he whacked but you can't help but think man! He's whacked but so kicks asssssssss! Yeah man!! long live rawk!
just found it terribly amusing that journalist's interview with him was so blantantly honest and extremely tongue in cheek

He was doing rock-horror before Kiss, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and pervert-come-lately Marilyn Manson, putting on the kind of theatrical shows that brought vaudeville and schlock to the deadly serious rock world of the late '60s and early '70s.

The scariest thing for his audience is Britney Spears, whose effigy has for some years now been the sacrificial body for a climactic moment of the Alice Cooper show.

"Britney Spears, of course, is the most frightening character of all time and by
far the most dangerous," Cooper says. "We're just blood and guts; she goes much deeper than that."

She corrupts at the core?

"Absolutely. She's much more sinful than anything we've ever done. But I think Paris Hilton should definitely get Cooperised.

We could do a pregnant Britney, but we're going to let Britney rest for nine months until she has her kid. Paris Hilton is by far more absurd than Britney is now. I would really love to see the chihuahua rip her throat out."

Who said rock'n'roll doesn't keep up with the times?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, June 2, 2005
Sometimes the conversations of some girls can be totally ludicrous parallel to insensitive male locker-room-macho-alpha-male such as the case at lunch where everyone was swapping accounts and gossip about what happened last night (wed nights are usually when most college students spend at their sponsor pubs or whatever else clubs/bars getting pissed drunk since Thursday's their off day from uni, most think I'm in bad form since I don't go out clubbing/partying/boozing/getting high besides the occasional informal or two, other than that it's not my idea of fun coming back to spend your time slumped over the toilet bowl being reminded what you had for dinner and lunch and maybe even breakfast before passing out covered in substances you rather not know their origins..)
ok back to the story at hand, they were exchanging their tales of who did what with who, who DID who, who did what..
you get the idea and then they started elaborating further (I was hiding behind the newspapers, staring blankly at the Arthur Anderson article whilst listening in to the conversation but kept well hidden from sight since the last thing I wanted was to be a participant of whatever was going on.
it was advice on how to handle a guy,
if a guy seems only interested in a very short term relationship, ooohhh let's say about a night? Don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't fork out money willing to spend on you - don't bother, dump him
if a guy is non accommodating to your requests - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't praise you enough - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't call/sms/email/writes regularly - don't bother, dump him

if a guy is nonchalant about you flirting with other guys infront of him, it's cause he's probably screwing some other girls - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't give you constant attention, say he focus more on sport, guitars, cars, typical guy stuff - don't bother, dump him

if a guy listens to his parents and he's really obedient, too obedient in fact - don't bother, dump him

if a guy is still under his parents control and doesn't seem to be disturbed or even aware of that fact- don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't really prove his supposed devotion for you like he claims - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't know what you want - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't do what you want - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doens't change himself for you - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't spend a good portion of his income/allowance on presents and dates - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't do at least half of everything romantically - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't know when he's being clingly - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't know when to stop being possessive - don't bother, dump him

if a guy isn't good in bed - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't take you seriously - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't do extra nice things for you - don't bother, dump him

if a guy doesn't buy you presents on a regular basis - don't bother, dump him

if a guy can't be bothered about meeting up/spending time with you or whatever else - don't bother, dump him

no wonder the longest relationship someone ever had at that table was 4 and a half months, to them it's a record long time..

then the topic expanded from that to marriage material, they wanted to play the field for as long as humanely possible ie take advantage and sleep with as many guys possible without passing off as sluts and still seem relatively prim and proper (doubt that's gonna happen but oh well.. not my business) anyhoo it was unanimously agreed throughout the table that the youngest age to get married at is 30, 31 and best age to have kids is about 33
this was where I turned the page of paper and with my limited space to flip to the other side, the others realised that I was there and ask what I thought to which I meekly replied saying that I hoped to settle down by 24, 25 and have kids a year or two later.
I probably shouldn't have added in that I would marry 'the one' as early as 22 if I was completely sure that he wouldn't bring me any heartache cause I wouldn't be able to handle it, I'm too emotional volatile. Well I know it doesn't seem to leave me much allowance considering that if all goes well I'll finish my degree at 20, then if fate permits I'll do honours completing by 21, what about my PhD? That's another question cause I'm planning for something in the US and that's 2, 3 years? And I haven't even added working into the equation! Could always rely on my man BUT let's say, well chances are anyway that I'll snag myself a Singapore guy - keeping in mind that the typical Singaporean guy has 2 and a half years of NS, assuming that he took the JC path, he'll be done with his NS by 20.5 years of age, then assuming he continues his education at NUS that's another 3,4 years so he'll be armed with his degree by 24, then.. argh I don't even want to think about further education, ok ok then we're going to assume that he starts working after that, superficial of me as this may sound, I full well know his starting salary would be modest and I can't depend on my parents forever you know though it would be nice. hmm more assumptions let's say that my dad does give me the house at maple ok that solves the home problem cause from previous experiences parents hate me, so no way in hell are we staying with his parents, ugh that sounds so gay..

so it makes more sense not to be even have this age set at 25 even if I know it's unlikely that I would be settling down at such a young age, but you see the ages and everything were chosen in relation to the ticking of the biological clock. for females, our bodies look its best at 22-24 with the sole purpose of attracting a mate since females are at their most fertile (to put it somewhat crudely), you'll get the best quality kids during the ages of 22-27,28 - very small window of opp for passing on the best possible genes to your offspring thus my rationale though somewhat flawed but stilllllllllll..
besides at the rate I'm going I'm not going to live very long so should I die before my time *god forbid* at least my kids would be at a relatively old enough to cope with it, selfish I know, hmmm maybe I should at least try to prolong my potentially short life for their sake.. hmm oh well what to do right..
don't even know why I've given this so much thought since I was what 12 or some insanely young age.. It's probably just me I guess, yep that's probably it

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Feeling somewhat angst bout what's been going down in uni,

the presentations (marketing and industrial relations both of which I wasn't up to my usual standards which really peeves me now when I think about it incessantly) the upcoming econometrics quiz I'm to flunk miserably, the bloody political economy tutorial essay on
which of the various schools of economic thought have influenced my own thinking and why?
as if my life isn't miserable as it is without this stupid question bugging me the worst thing was professor stilwell (I'm not quite used to calling lecturers and other tietairy educators by their first names considering some of them are older than my dad, it just.. lacks respect I guess, perhaps it's my upbringing that inculcated the need for proper formalities as a sign of respect towards your elders? ) reminded us that the paper was due this wed, there I was looking quite surprised then it hit me that we still had one final assignment due, DAMN!
I thought I had gotten rid of them once and for all, apparently not.
to rub salt on open bleeding gaping mucky wounds, my tutor (they're called tutors now not teachers) told me that my previous 20% essay didn't fair so well, think along the lines of a barely substantial pass and that was incongruent with my normally let's say highly 'passionate' contributions in tutorials (my comments and arguments in class seem to have more of a socialist Marxist lefty charateristic, oh great, now I finally know why this guy in my class thought I was china Chinese ie from the people's republic of communist china cause of my anti capitalist/corporate stance esp critisims on the US more specifically bush administration and equally damn screwed up foreign policies, the comment the oil man has invaded the white house didn't help dispel his preconceived notion of my supposedly communist/socialist/Marxist/Lenin-ist or whatever left winged views) and so she's getting a 2nd opinion on my essay before I get an official final mark on the essay but there's little chance it'll be anything more than a minimum pass.
oh to add further insult to injury, the marker was surnamed khoo! OH BLOODY FREAKIN' GREAT!! For those who've gone back with me further, you'll know what's my position with khoo, UGH! screwed by khoo back in Singapore and now? And NOW? I'm being screwed by another one here too! onquelei! (I'm just spelling it like how it sounds, so I'm not responsible for it being wrong, you all should know my spelling's the epitome of horrendous) being screwed left right and centre by khoo-s, I swear they have some eveil eveil personal vendetta against me. *rising urge to throttle someone to death, better yet a more gory violent graphic tortuous death*

thennnnn I have stupid marketing group meeting for 3 hours (I'm sooooooo sick of the other group members I can assure you the feeling's purely mutual) after Friday's econometrics quiz which is undoubtedly going to go down horribly THEN I have a 'debate' for industrial relations the motion being THBT the introduction of decentralization in IR has benefited workers, where I'm the 3rd speaker of the opposition this debate is 6% of my course mark and I've a feeling that my 40% essay didn't do so dandy either, so now I have to bang on this. stupid thing is that we're not allowed POIs I mean COME ON!! Then what's the point of a debate if you can't have POIs and the rules laid out by the tutor is strictly NO antagonistic attacks, *rolls eyes* I might as well just sleep during the whole debate now cause we're practically not doing anything then..

it's a crappy week ahead, just wish I could kill a whole lot of people!!! Think kill bill style,- laughing aggressively whilst gracefully lopping off limbs for the hell of it just to see Chinese condoms squirting pints of fake blood all over the place, making a big bloody (couldn't resist the pun heh) mess of everything and emerging unscathed with lots of hacked off legs, arms and what have you not (oh doesn't that simply remind you of star wars? let's go cut off everyone's legs, arms, heads, other protruding sticky outy appendages with our pretty lightsabers that sound just like electric razors)

oh yes, now that you now what my week entails, and how stressed I am as a result, so on my way back from a good social psychology lecture I decided to buy velvet revolver's contraband album cause I needed something loud and angsty to suit my mood right now, besides I was craving for some good classic rock something along the lines of AC/DC but much more angsty and cynical almost, besides the discount voucher I had was going to expire soon so might as well.. so right now HECK those who don't like rock cause I'm gonna be blasting the CD till I take my nap OR decide to start on the whole pile of crap

..somebody kill me please, I'm begging on my knees, preeteeeee preteeeee please, kill meee, I want to dieeeeeeeee..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Cherish you,
All i ask of you,
No ordinary love,
Always on my mind,
Every waking moment
by Carly Casey Hammond


Sandra 'Alexander
Size 3 feet!!
Born Wednesday
Dies Mercurii xxiii Aprilis MCMLXXXVI
of the Julian Calender 23rd April 1987

tagboard is now at the bottom of this column so drop me a note!

Domestic Barbie

Vives En Mi Corason
Diamonds :)
lovely dresses
creating things
sparkly things
classical things
GWM Gallery (the Rocks)
piriton yellow
happy sunshine yellow
golden afternoon sunshine
rolling in grass
roald dahl books
art history
roman history
art museums

Credi in Te. Aspirations:

In all honesty, my dream since i was 12 is to be a museum curator in Europe.
To be surrounded by all the magnificient masterpieces and immersed in all the inspirational art history of those glorious days oh so very long ago.
Much to my surprise, my mom is very encouraging and supportive of that.
She had a good nature rib at it, and wasn't scathing or critical of it. i half expected her to say it's a stupid impractical frivalous aspiration but she even talked about it somewhat animatedly. Insists that it's such a typical Sandra aspiration for a cushy artsy sophisticated job.
Of course this revelation got my family exclaiming our catchphrase of 'so HC'.
She's (as does my whole family) have always known my love for art history, and it's something i have the passion for.
When i first stood in front of an actual van Gogh painting, tears started welling up in my eyes.
I was so overwhelmed, felt this connection to the painting, not just as a piece of work. it was a piece of someone's soul, their life, their torment, their dejection, their pursuit to be one step closer to God's, a fragment of everything they've ever experienced. That moment transcended anything i've ever felt.

Artists I Admire:
van Gogh
Armand Guillaumin
Carly Casey Hammond
Susan Bleakley

Maledetta Primavera

Na Sera e' Maggio

'March 2004' 'April 2004' 'May 2004' 'July 2004' 'August 2004' 'September 2004' 'October 2004' 'November 2004' 'December 2004' 'January 2005' 'March 2005' 'April 2005' 'May 2005' 'June 2005' 'July 2005' 'August 2005' 'September 2005' 'October 2005' 'November 2005' 'December 2005' 'January 2006' 'February 2006' 'March 2006' 'April 2006' 'May 2006' 'June 2006' 'July 2006' 'August 2006' 'September 2006' 'October 2006' 'November 2006' 'December 2006' 'January 2007' 'February 2007' 'March 2007' 'April 2007' 'May 2007' 'June 2007' 'July 2007' 'August 2007' 'October 2007'