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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
hmmm, perhaps for job attachments in 2nd year i just might try for internship at JCDecaux, they've the nicest friendly most professional staff, spend quite a while on the phone with some guy called Kelley from sales, he, yes Kelley is a he, just playing around with potential ideas for promotion of Fisher and Paykel's DishDrawers through JCDecaux, was tres interesting and speaking of French, as the name suggests the group is French, so when I went to the main site I was thinking damn it it's not in English, then after trudging through various search engines for the JCDeaux Australia site, I gave up and returned to the official site and spent quite a while trying to figure out all the French, thank God for the bastard language Anglais - could make sense of a substantial amount of the webby to navigating through, ha so my dabbling in other Europeans languages has paid off.. Well blame it on my sleep deprivation that I didn't realise in the far right hand corner there was this button for an English version of the site, sanglant enfer! So there I was wasting almost 45 mins of precious nap time argh!
well got to finish up on my part of the powerpoint slides for my group presentation tmr, better remember to try to borrow a blazer or a better fitting white blouse cause this time I don't have my acker to cover up the safety pins darn.. Ok toodles!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, May 30, 2005
hmmm don't like mondays for the reason that it's my post packed day at uni
10-11 eveil eveeeeil econometrics (which i stone out anyway)

11-1 marketing lecture waiting in vain for it to end sooner the lecturer is so boring but still not as bad as econometrics

1-2 thankfully marketing's held at Bosch so it's only slightly more than a 10 min walk back to sancta so nip back for lunch or what's left of it, but usually I take the opp to stock up on food for later tonight cause Monday's are formal dinner - the food's excellent but in teensy teensy portions and you all know what a glutton I am, so I pile up the usual carbonassi, buns (with obscence amounts of nutella! woot!), bananas (adore bananas), salmon, ham and cheeses, that's about it

2-4 industrial relations lecture which is the only lecture that's close to sancta just about 5 mins walk the lecturer's a loony seriously he pokes fun at himself all the time, has the most entertaining stories and he would suddenly burst into laughter halfway *raised eyebrow* then he'll share whatever was going on through his head half the time it won't quite make sense but oh well. And we get decent breaks unlike marketing where the dumbass goes on and on oblivious to students bum's going numb, their brains too, not even a 2 min breather. You think he would know better, and what's up with playing stupid AFL promo marketing videos.

4-5 social psychology lecture- yay! Highlight of the day!! The lecture that gives me hope to last through the day, the best thing is that don't even have to get out of my seat since it's also in Wallace like IR , usually it's Michael walker and I adore that old coot he's like this lovable teddy bear the nice jolly friendly slighty rounded granddaddy all kids love to have, and he'll giggle, yes that's right giggle at his own comments and grin broadly before shifting his glasses back to the bridge of his nose and continue on with the smile plastered on his face, you really can't dislike him even if you tried

6.30-8 formal dinner the only reasons I like formal dinner is that we're required to dress up, wear our academic gowns, and the food serving though small is excellent and we get rather elaborate desserts too!
the only change for this week is that i'm doing the pre and post formal dinner drinks from 6- basically serve the guest speakers, college and house committee, drinks such as the wine, sherry, port, coffee, tea and whatever else.. and no i won't drink any of the alcohol i haven't touched any since the half standard bottle of bourbon straight up in one shot *ugh* not something i want to taste for a long time..

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--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, May 28, 2005
Was digging into my 4th bowl of double chocolate chip ice cream when pip Simmons knocked on my door, her head just about touches the top of the door frame, HA! THAT"S TALL FOR YOU! IN YOUR FACE BEN! She towers at a enviable 1.89m and still growing.. I would be happy just to be 165 instead of my cursed diminutive height..
she approached me with an unexpected question? what race are you? Cause I think you're Chinese American.. Sorry hon, I ain't but thanks for the compliment though.. So it goes that she's on her way to a friends 21st part and her friend is of Chinese Irish descent and so she wanted me to help with a temporary tattoo on her hip with the character's east and west, so there I was raking my brains on them, mind you I haven't touched Chinese since mid sec 4 a good 2 years ago, and endless mahjong games during Chinese new year or anytime at auntie liz's house does NOT count.. The character's came together easily enough but finding their appropriate English counterpart was a whole different matter. At least I knew nan was south, funnily thanks to art history, yes art history and NOT Chinese classes, and no, our art history lessons were all taught in English but I can't say the same for the people's republic of communist high or nanyang.
So there I was agonizing whether bei was north or east cause I was fairly sure that west was xi.. It's amazing how I can remember dong in fan ti zhi but not what everything else meant so anyway every couple of seconds I would glancing up from the hastily scrawled characters and apologizing profusely for not being able to recall correctly which was which to which she would reply nah it's ok in the typically friendly pip way of hers if it's wrong it'll be an interstin topic starter anyway, but still I felt the pressure to at least try to get it right, oh well at least it'll be half right, I could always seek consolation with that..
After just picking any one (later found out I was wrong as expected, should have known and NOT gone with my gut feeling - it was probably the craving for a 5th bowl of yummy chocolate chip ice cream) I did xi bei on her hip, at least my writing's still as pretty as ever.. sigh, I really should try to brush up on my Chinese before I completely forget everything, then I'll be another language short (French is preferable language desired by the UN or so states the official site) of my growingly improbable UN internship in the far far future Image hosted by Photobucket.com

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Movie that one should watch
pirates of the Caribbean
Thomas crown affair
pulp fiction
be cool
hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
American psycho II: all American girl
van wilder: party liaison
taxi 2
loves me loves me not
a river flows
the saint
airplane with Leslie nelson
anything with Steve buscemi, bet you didn't realise he plays lots of uncredited roles in Adam sandler movies (he was the hobo they met on their way to macs in big daddy, crazy eyes in Mr deeds, Dave in wedding singer..)
slightly more obvious roles - Armageddon, con air (he's got the whole world in his haaaands), spk kids 2 and 3, airheads (again with sandler! *esaperated*) Fargo, pulp fiction, trees lounge.. don't know what others cause i haven't watched the other film/tv appearances with him.. Should try to find the SNL episodes featuring him..
well planning on having a Steve buscemi movie fest when I'm back, don't know why he's my favourite actor, must be cause the always takes the demented unconventional whacked psycho genius roles, something you could say i relate to..

BUUUUUTTT you GOTTA watch Armageddon - come on there's buscemi AND William fichtner! i never realised how good looking he was till i watched longest yard, which really truly really did kick ass (along with a whole lot of other body parts) for those that don't know, fichtner was colonel William sharp in Armageddon, but hot damn! Did he look gooooooooooood in the longest yard, woah nice silhouette *drools drools*
hmmm he played the gender bending detective in what's the worst that could happen, oh oh he was the arrogant

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, May 27, 2005
Still quite surprised to find out that hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy was released in aussie so much earlier than in Singapore, cause movies lag so much behind Singapore, i watched constantine nearer the end of March and it was released in Singapore, what? around Jan? Also love me if you dare aka jeux d'enfants and the thai movie ong bak were released here only late last year and 2 months ago here respectively.
I watched hitchhiker's guide 3 weeks ago here, I quite enjoyed the the first out of the 'trilogy of five', not so much the third one i think, um it had salmon in the title.. The highly popular series with an almost cult following was recommended to early last year to me by lesley cause she mentioned talking to me and trying to make sense of my more random moments and lines, made her feel like she was reading a Douglas Adams book..
I take that as a compliment. Image hosted by Photobucket.com
In my opinion the movie was much better than the book, almost expected the movie to be a let down since movie adaptations hardly ever do their literary counterparts justice. Well then again Douglas Adams did write the movie screen play so it was actually really a good watch, just pure maddness (don't know why i have a penchant of spelling madness with double Ds), lots and lots of witty lines and classic moments, (unlike those crappy cringe worth puke inducing ones from anakin) incredible highlights, simply great fun! Pity he died of a heart attack before he could watch the his creation materialise on the big screen.
Mark commented I kept bursting into fits of giggles at the strangest most unexpected times besides the obviously funny parts, told ya my sense of humour is more of a quirky acquired taste (if you all have heard of my 'man eating cheese joke' and chimes of 'budgetttttt cut' you'll know what I mean). After the movie, when i was outside the theatre half singing half humming to myself the so long and thanks for all the fish ditty when this guy approached me commenting about my peals of laughter throughout the film*eeps sorry!* supposedly when he heard me he swore his little girl was there.. nice to know i remind people of their darling 7 year olds.

yep the movie was good stuff, anyhoo being dear ole me with my blasted memory absorbing just about everything, more often than not, the most useless of things, here are some of the memorable lines from hitchhiker's guide.. don't read them if you're planning of watching the movie.. Don't say I didn't warn you *singsong*

oh oh this was the opening bit of the movie - singing dolphins *ooooos and ahhhhs* the tune was stuck in my head for the rest of the week, couldn't quite catch all the lyrics but here's what's playing in my head now..

so long, and thanks for all the fish
so sad that it should come to this
we tried to warn you all but oh dear
you may not share out intellect
which might explain your disrespect
for all the natural wonders which grow
around you

so long, so long, and thanks for all the fish!

the world's about to be destroyed so there's no point getting all annoyed
lie back and let the planet dissolve around you
despite those nets from
the tuna fleets,
we thought that most of you were sweet
*something about
kids and pregnant women*

so long, so long, so long, so long, so long!
So long, so long, so long, so long, so long!
So long, so long, and
thanks for all the fish!

if I had just one last a wish, I would like a tasty fish!
if we could
just change one thing
we would all have learnt to sing!

*another line I can't quite recall as of this moment*

so long, so long, so long, so long, so long
so long, so long, so long, so
long, so long
so long, so long and thanks for all the fishhhhhhh!

a whale that's falling from the sky along with a bowl of petunia's after being conjoured up by the improbability drive of the heart of gold - that's the spaceship the president of the galaxy who's such an egotistical mindless self absorbed narsasstic ditzy git kidnapped himself in, yes that's right, he kidnapped himself.. told you the movie won't make much sense.. ok back to the whale trying to make sense and discover the meaning of life - his which is extremely short lived..

"What's this thing coming very quickly towards me? It's flat... nooooo... It's
hmm round. Round... round. Ummm... Ground! Yes, that's it. That's ground. I
wonder if it will be friends with me. Oh hello, ground!"

*SPLAT* awww..

speaking of Zaphod there was this news report on him after staging his own kidnapping, the only reason people, actually creatures including aliens and other life forms voted him as president of the galaxy was that they were tricked by him cause they they voters were under the impression that they were voting for the worst dressed person in the galaxy by which he won by a landslide.. harhar

an alcoholic moment:

"According to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the best drink in the known
universe is the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster [I think it was called that, or
something similar]. It has the same effect of having your brains smashed with a
slice of lemon... Wrapped around a large gold brick."

Arthur: Normality? Noramality? We can talk about normality until the cows come home. *somewhat incredulous*
Trillian: What is normality?
Ford: What is home?
Zaphod: What are cows?

Marvin: Freeze? I'm a robot. I'm not a refrigerator.

Deep Thought( machine created to answer THE ultimate question, the questions of ALL questions: "The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything issss... *pauses* (wild cheers from audience, waving banners enthusiatically then complete silence anticipating the answer they've been waiting for 7 and a half million years)"

Hmmm well, back tracking, vorgon's are stupid stupid things, dense moronic aliens, with skin and horrid hygiene practices similar to jabba the hutt, according to the guide:

"they're one of the most unpleasant races in the galaxy. Not actually
evil or anything but they're bad tempered, bureaucratic and callous. They
wouldn't lift a finer to save their own grandmothers from the ravenous [some
giant vogon grandmother eating alien bug, haha pointer - watch what's going on
outside in the window during the little animated clip about vogon's whilst the
book is doing a voice over] without signed orders done in triplicate, sent in,
sent back, sent here, sent there, lost then found again, then subject to public
inquiry then finally buried under a pile of soft peat for 3 months then recycled
as firestarters. Oh and on no account should you EVER allow a vogon to read
their poetry to you."

what was it I wanted to say about vogon's initially? hmm oh yes, some of their side splitting quotes:
Ford prefect smacked the towering vogon with his towel: "Oh no! he's got a TOWEL!" then he locks the gates "Oh no, he's closed the gate from the inside, we'll have to go round." ha! what idiots..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, May 26, 2005
i feel so cheated by the john's informal, how can they put roger explosion at 7-8pm slot when people only start arriving from 10 onwards, what a waste of good talent! grr...

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
hmmm photo taking went surprisingly well, didn't sleep the night through so was just waiting for the photo shoot at 10 to 7 to arrive. at about 615, strained my ears to hear the first signs of girls up from their slumber ie. oh no i forgot my stockings! *blowdrier whizzing to life*, *hollering down the octa corridor* who has hair straightners, concealer, mousse, blush, hair spraaaaay.. the like. *banging on the toilet doors* hurry up already!
promptly at 630 the seniors starting blasting Michael Jackson's can't stop on the PA system, never realised it was one of those songs that you really cannot ignore and try to go back to sleep. so there i was being a smug ass spectator to the pandemonium unfolding around me - all nicely decked out in my 'modified' white blouse (i spent quite a while trying to alter the oversized by 8 sizes blouse to fit my smaller frame, thank god for the academic gown cloaking everything else save for the front. The back of the blouse was quite ghastly with a couple of large safety pins pinching back most of the 'excess' shirt, the end result from the front was rather flattering i must say) black skirt that came up to 3 quater thigh when i wore it more like a hipster skirt instead of at slightly below the waist as it was intended to, otherwise i might get told off by someone for the length of my skirt or more like the lack of it.. like i said, thank god for the academic gown (known more affectionately as an 'acker') it's a wonderful concealing garment and it adds this regal element. ok what else was i wearing?
oh yes, can't forget my nylon encased legs - stockings.. it's quite ridiculous that i have 3 pairs of black stockings (not including the black leggings) all of different opacity considering that everyone else had to rush out on monday night to the convenience store opposite to pick up black stockings..

hmm what else oh yes, for a lovely touch of class - pearls. quite unbelievable really, i would remember to pack something as impractical as my pearl set but forget essentials such as my chanel shoes or my black suede boots which i would really need for winter cause there's only so much my converse pair can do..

ok ok back to the chaos unfurling before me, i was ready to go by 630 whilst most were trying to nip a few more precious minutes of snooze under their warm quilts and electric blankets. at 7 most were still rubbing their eyes and brushing their hair furiously to rid themselves of morning hair which was self defeating as combing your hair during the colder seasons only produces more static in the dry climate and they ended up with the most unmaganable hair, they honestly were much better off NOT doing any last minute salvage jobs.
now the routine part of arranging students according to height and fitz was instructing us to line up according to height with the tall ones there *pointing to the left side of the quad* and the short ones on the other end *waving arms around her* then looking at me she declared loudly oh sandra? that would put you allllllllllllll the way THERE! *finger pointed in the general direction of the right side* haha, had a good laugh at my expense, it was rather amusing i got to admit that. well that's what you get for being petite, my growth spurt is taking it's time to arrive ain't it.. oh well better late than never i always say.. oh shut up can't you let me happily live in my delusions?

argh ok i'm going off to get something to eat, it's just occurred to me i haven't eaten ANYTHING the whole day save for 3 hashbrowns and my crazy concoction of a sandwich - peanut butter, bananas, honey, bacon, and more bananas. yep i've known through the college as one of the most peculiar eating habits.. ok be back in a bit with an account of the informal photos..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
cigarette lighter love song - marvelous 3

And I know you're not asleep
I can feel you moving over there
You've been playing with the seams
In your worn out underwear
And my lips are raw as hell
From biting on 'em just to stay awake
But its not like I'm gonna need 'em,
Cause you won't be around
To see them bleed and break


All that ill do, comes back to you
So I'll just think about you 'til there's nothing in my head
All I can do, is try not to screw this up again
And just be friends I'd rather be dead

And I drove outta east Atlanta
With a headache the size of my car
And I called to say I was okay, anyway
Cause I know how you are
You know I'm like a movie without a ending
You know I got nowhere to go
And it makes me wanna throw up
To see you wanna give up more than you'll ever know


Everything's supposed to have a happy ending
But the record keeps keeps skipping
And the needle keeps bending
Like the road I'm driving to the bridge that has no end
I wanna take back everything that I've broken,
But the bridges behind me are burnin' and smokin',
I guess this is the end

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, May 22, 2005
hmph college has photo taking this tuesday, i'm dead! cause i don't have any white collared blouse, the only black dress skirts i have are either too short orrrrr the slits so high ahem let's just say i wouldn't suggest it for a photo taking session in a catholic college.. and i also don't have black stockings or court shoes damn i knew i should have remembered bring my darling chanel court style shoes well at least i got pajamas? pajamas? i see you raise your eye brows, yeah we also have photo taking in our pajamas wish i brought my velvet purple pajama pants with soft huge ass pastel flower outline prints but i'll have to wear my pink ones with unicorns.. heh childish ain't it, but when you're older, past a certain age it's more than acceptable to wear totally kiddie things, you're making a statement so to speak.. for me here in aussie it doesn't really work cause some think i'm 15 all the way up to 21 so instead of looking like i'm in touch with my inner child, it seems i still AM a child.. darn. what to do..
so i've got a plan in the one hour break from marketing to industrial relations to rush over to kookai or at least the upper end of newtown to see if i can pick up a white collared blouse that i can use for daily wear and also black pantyhose - the stockings i have are unsuitable cause they're too opaque we're supposed to get sheer ones, it's terribly rushed i know, i could go after psych lectures at 5 but chances are the stores would be closed by then.. :/
Woot! for this week liza zadro (is that how you spell her name) is giving a lecutre on.. LOVE!! yipee! ok i know i should avoid this lecture at all cost cause going for it would only break down the whole mystrey that shrouds love to purely science, where would the fun be in that.. somehow i want the magic of love to remain being the hopeless romantic i am, but since i already know quite a bit of the 'science of love' so to speak, like the explaination of the notorious 'seven year itch', why we choose who we choose, what factors contribute to physical attraction between individuals, and more so i guess it wouldn't hurt to add on more besides i love to acquring knowledge as you all know by now.. i'm such a geek aren't i =)
so till tmr! i'll be sure to put up zadro's notes online, oh man last week's psyc was really good, can't believe i missed it damn it, it was about attraction and pick up lines, and analysing how people try to pick others up that sort of thing, hmmm then again i don't already need anything to get the fellas *winks* haha am i deluded or what..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, May 21, 2005
watched star wars (as did half the world's population) i'll rave on about it later cause i'm too tired to, just was thinking about resolutions i told myself i would really adhere to after my birthday,
  1. stop eating so much
  2. stop eating so much junk this overlaps with point 4 actually..
  3. stop eating so many large meals a day, it defeats the whole purpose of numerous small meals throughout the day
  4. stop eating so much anti coronary/liver friendly foods such as egg yolks by themselves, Mac nuggets box of 20 at a time, only bacon fat, kfc chicken skin, or clem's chicken skin for that matter, carbonassi, triple fudge chocolate chip cookies, mud cakes, nutella sandwiches in the proportion of 1 bread roll to 14 tablespoons of spread, 250g of hazelnut chocolates at a time, 6 litres of gelato ice cream a week, meats meats meats meats meats esp medium rare more to the rare side, 8 hashbrows and about 6-7 whole pieces of sweet potato for one serving (they're my ultimate crab weaknesses eveeeil eveeeeil things aren't they)
  5. stop eating so much simply because you're an emotional eater
  6. stop eating so much for the sake of eating
  7. start eating healthier foods ie veggies, copious amounts of grilled aborigine and artichoke hearts (that can last any normal person at least a week and a half )at intercontinental doesn't count, also Caesar salads drenched in Caesar salad sauce with more than generous amounts of bacon,bacon, bacon, 3 different kinds of cheese and more bacon doesn't make the cut of recommended intake of veggies
  8. start finding alternative exercise routines since your stupid knee injury is preventing you from your normally intensive (by sandra standards) cardio aerobics, quite possible check out what the women's sports arena centre offers. oh for those of you that don't already know, last monday when i was doing a mad dash to the economics and business faculty block all across the other side of campus to hand in my assignments to meet the noon dateline, i busted my poor knee by covering the same distance i usually take close to 20 mins to complete in 7 mins flat, amazing time considering how unfit i am and the last time i ever did any decent proper running was during my 2.4. those more unsympathetic to my 'plight' would say it was high time i paid for leaving everything to the last minute, well you say if i had not procrastinated to do 2 weighty assignments in one weekend i would have had enough time to at least walk briskly to the faculty block instead of waiting anxiously at the printer 20 mins before date STILL AT COLLEGE to churn out your assignments, i wouldn't have to run at mad speeds to meet deadlines if i had given myself more time allowances by NOT leaving everything to the last hour. and so, i sustained a relatively serious knee injury halfway during my killer sprint but like they say there's no drug like adrenaline so i just continued even after my left knee (note not leg) buckled, the pain was excruciating and that's from someone with an extremely high threshold for pain. according to reiner, it had something to do with my ACL (i have NO idea what that stands for in the first place)
    bruises started to appear on the area above my kneecap and everytime i tried to bend my knee anything less than 90 degrees, the most acute searing pain would follow, swear whenever i sat down a bone felt like it was protruding, for the whole day after it was almost unbearable to walk so i spent it in bed catching up on well deserved sleep.
    ugh. so even till today the pain still persists whenever i strain the knee, i really should have it looked at. oh well
    so the main thing was now what exercises can i do that would help me lose the 6kg from all the college lifestyle in a month? hmmm.. any suggestions people

that's mostly it for now, can't quite recall anything else..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, May 20, 2005
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Work ethic63%
Self absorbed56%
Conflict seeking30%
Need to dominate70%
Change averse63%
Peter pan complex63%
Physical security90%
Food indulgent50%
Female cliche70%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized being a perfectionist, sometimes feeling the need to take control of the situation, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency and spontaneity.

Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own internally based identity.

trait snapshot:
expressive, open, self revealing, loves both large and small parties, loud, social, outgoing, bubbly, does not really like social isolation in environments you consider to be a comfort zone, great listener, assertive, social chameleon, positive, always busy, likes to fit in, likes to stand out, enjoys leadership, influential power, tactfully honest, trusting, optimistic, desires attention, dominant, aggressive, attachment prone, wants to be understood, realistic

how true, how true..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates aseven
your best quality isyoure pretty inside and out
your worst quality isyoure too sweet
this is becauseyou were always this way
Quiz created with MemeGen!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, May 17, 2005
feeling oh so unloved.. by my own siblings! =(
ha, well called home tonight in lieu of replying to mom's email or daddy's sms, and found out that mom had some board committee meeting of sorts and dad was on another business trip which explained why ness could holler for derek usually my dad would intercept it and proceed to a quick dressing down of derek going along the lines of 'why didn't you tell me your sister's on the phone' even when the poor boy had the phone for a grand total of 5 secs.. but tonight nessie's busy with her project work due on thursday and derek? he was too occupied watching tv to wanna talk to me, the horror! =(
oh though we had a quick exchange bout star wars, according to him it supposedly has a movie restriction rating on it cause it's 'darker' *rolls eyes* well i suppose choking your wife could qualify for dark, or killing a whole load of jedi knights or watching someone go through wretched labour pains for that matter.. but me being the only person in the family who would bring him to watch the highly anticipated and i suspect would-be-slightly-disappointing-incoherent-storyline-with-massive-questions-left-unanswered-hayden-christensen-can't-act-for-nuts-his-stupid-pick-up-line-of-'sand-is-rough', seriously can you blame him for going over to the dark side? i reckon it's cause that's the only place where he can hide his face after the stiff bland, to say the very least, bad delievery of tacky puke rendering lines..
ok back to the main point basically there's no one to bring him to watch star wars, everyone else in the family are still wondering how the hell the two of us can always watch episode IV every single time channel 5 plays it (you'll realise that they play it all the freakin' time!)
you see the thing is i want the dear child to experience well the movie of all time (or at least it's promised to be) in the cinema with surround sound, wide screen, the atmosphere blah blah blah. damn if only the movie was released in july then we both can go to the cinema, enjoy the movie together and make fun of all the star war geeks *ahem* freaks oooops fans i mean. clapping and cheering WHOO SANCHEZ! everytime that little mexican kid appears on screen oh wait by this episode he would have grow up to avenge his dad's death, nevertheless we'll still be yelling and making mindless catcalls ha. oh sigh if only we could watch it together oh well guess he'll have to settle for watching it in my room on dvd when i'm back in july.
oh oh but if any of you want to bring him, i'll be eternally grateful, he's a sweetheart, sweet adoring unassuming lovable child of all 11 years but has the sweetest disposition of a 6 year old oh sigh, his pic is in my photo album, he's the super cute person with my sis in the pic tall tall ice cream you'll love him i swear!
hmmm i'll pay for the tickets and the popcorn whatever junk food you all decide to stuff yourself with UPON that i'll buy you dinner and drinks when i'm back, terms are negotiable..

so any takers?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

oh if you all want any CDs that's around 10 aussie but usually some are as cheap as 6, the place is mostly metallica, nivarna, your typical purist rock section, hell chances they'll have most cds you want

more cd's i'm hankering after
u2 how to dismantel an atomic bomb
stone temple pilots core
the calling camino palmero
matchbox 20 yourself or someone like you
the killers hot fuss
los lonely boys self titled debut album
howie day stop all the world now (stupid reiner you got me listening to just collide for about hmm 9hrs and 4 mins STRAIGHT [and counting], but it's a nice song sigh realy does evoke emotional deja vu, doens't it? sincere simple poignant lyrics)

know anymore good cds i should be getting?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, May 13, 2005
oh yeah it's friday the 13th if anyone noticed, drawing to a close in about half an hour - well nothing that unfortunate decided to plague me save for a pretty bad hair day which i tried in vain to fix, even pulling all my hair back into a ponytail didn't work, instead it made my face looks unflatteringly angular. the unexpected mane taming took 15 mins and so my teacher for industrial relations was none too pleased with my tardiness, even now i don't know if she gave me attendance for today, i hope she did though.. hmmm anything else? well do you consider not getting the last piece of chocolate mousse fudge cake as being a result of bad luck? well other than that friday the 13th has been rather uneventful oh well, this is such a bleah entry but yeah, i'll update on what had happened during the informal before the excitment of it all dies down then i won't be bothered to put it in..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

getting pretty psyched about watching roger explosion at manning in 2 weeks time, made me really really wish more than ever that i was in a band.. sadly with the lack of musical talent or vocal poweress you won't be seeing me on stage jamming with my crazy crazy crazeeeee bandmates anytime soon, unless you consider karaoke sessions =) i always have such amazing fun then, seems i can only sing vocally pretentious songs - think broadway musicals, i love/adore singing more than anything else esp when on stage, (ahh it's been so long since i last performed) but i blame my mom for partially passing on the i-can't-sing-for-nuts thankfully the gene was diluted cause unlike her i can carry a proper tune, and i can admit that sometimes my singing isn't the most melliflous sound in the world at times. heh.
hmmmm maybe i can be the tamborine person..

i mean percussion sound engineer.. =)

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, May 12, 2005
quick post
i'm still yet to decide what to wear for.. CHAOS IN THE QUAD!! WOOT!! it's gonna be awesome fun; amazing bands - tokenview (got their cd from steele, they're pretty and i don't even like their sort of music genre =) ) bridgette what's her name, and DJs who are going to bring the college down!!! haha so psyched about it, since last night when i spent over 15moolahs on calling people to head on down to a night of chaotic fun - pure maddness! hahaha yay, still a bit chuffed that i got a duty slot of the drink tickets (it's a supposedly cushy job compared to the cleaning, bbq, food dis, regulating the porta potties hahahhahahahah in your face!)
despite my comparably high ticket sales than most freshers i get shift at the prime time of 7-9.45, bah! hello some didn't even buy tickets for themselves whilst me..
- 1 night at women's distributing promo flyers
- another night running round campus in a mad typical sandra flurry chalking everything in sight, very nice and artistic thankfully it didn't rain (as it did for precious chalking nights) and wash away my pretty swirls (was in a tres crazy whimsical mood)
- another shift manning the ticket stall at manning (get it? manning at manning?? no, darn.. :/)
-then for today for 5 hours straight - been on my feet running around college and around town for drink supplies, dustbins, booze =), collecting disclaimer forms, handing out security passes, finding people who have cars, rearranging the furniture in the quad, carrying in the heavy ass music equipment (yay learnt quite abit about setting up music equipment even got to help in the soundcheck!! - i'm affectionately known by the the music equip people as poppet) ooh oh ohhhhh i even got to boss some people around! haha yay been ages since i've gotten the power trip of authority!

anyhoo i've to go and figure out what to wear, something pretty but functional as well so 90% of my wardrobe fits the former condition but for the 2nd?? hmmm only about 40? can't bring out the fancier pieces cause it's gonna be MAD!! WOOT PURE MADDNESS!! so get exciteeeeeeed guys *in typical steele singsong fashione*

-it's gonna be a really really really ridiculously good looking time-

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, May 9, 2005
Chlamydia Outbreak Kills a Dozen Penguins

ha bet that caught your attention! didn't it!?! didn't it!?!
SAN FRANCISCO - An outbreak of chlamydia at the San Francisco Zoo has left a dozen penguins dead, according to a spokesman.
The bacteria, which was most likely transmitted to the birds by an infected seagull, is spread through airborne saliva or other bodily fluids, said Bob Jenkins, the zoo's director of animal care and conservation. A similar disease is sexually transmitted in humans.
"One quick exposure and you're off and running," Jenkins said, adding that at its height, nearly 80 percent of the zoo's penguin colony was infected. "It required very aggressive treatment on our part."
Zoo workers first noticed several lethargic birds about two months ago. The penguins that died were mostly original members of the colony and about 20-years old, Jenkins said. Their weakened immune systems led to kidney failure and respiratory distress, which eventually killed them. The average penguin's life span is 15 to 20 years.
Precautions were taken to ensure no other animals or human visitors were infected. Only certain keepers wearing special clothing and masks took care of the penguins, the whole area was routinely disinfected and the birds were treated with antibiotics, Jenkins said. He added this was the first chlamydia outbreak among the penguins.
Some of the zoo's 55 remaining penguins are still recovering, he said.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

so knacked, exhausted, tired, weary, pooped, listless, whatever else, you get the hint.. i'm so relieved that the essays are out of the way and i shall continue with my happy carefree existence till the day we get 'em back =( know i'm not going to do well for since they're so last minute, quite literally, i finished the essays with references both Oxford and Harvard style (god knows why they want 2 freakin' reference lists) including relevant in text referencing shush but don't tell them i i randomly added in text referencing here and there, the thing was despite the 2 weighty assignments both begin research essay my extent of actually using the references i spent 4 hrs sifting through in fisher was limited to about 3 lines? the rest is all basic common sense and whatever economic concepts were explained to us in lectures and tutorials so if you pay attention and take notes *gasp* that's right, i DO take notes, very comprehensive ones, so much so that strange cheeeeeena biang freaks come up to me asking me in chinese, CHINESE!, for my notes. what in the world seized their icky econometrics obsessed minds to even assume that i speak chinese? i know i do, but that's besides the point cause no. 1 it quite possibly implies that i'm cheeena biang looking, the last time i checked that wasn't so no. 2 my english must be horrendous for them to associate me with them, i know it sounds so pretentious and snobbish of me but seriously if you met them you'll think i'm already being rather diplomatic and um gracious by most standards.

only after i shoot them that look, the slightly cocky/patronizing/exasperated/haughty/sneering expression, then would they ask in halting English to 'have my writings of lecture'.
i know i sound so harsh but it really irks me when they brazenly criticize and make offensive remarks at other people's expense.
their audacity to backstab right infront of the target conversing in chinese or whatever else language, only peeves me off, argh ok now that's only aggravated me, and i'm in no condition to think anymore about it.
so i'm going to sleep.. FINALLY! proper sleep..
nighty night
see you in lalaland

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, May 5, 2005
argh procrastinating from the ever daunting essays that just loom over my head now, and so i shall leave a token entry before i get to work.
procrastination runs riot in sancta if given the chance (as do john'smen!) it's extremely contagious. one person decides she's got 4 week to do her psych essay so she goes to the pub, her roommate has a math assignment due the next day but hey she's got 15 more hours to do it, so she goes too. the girl next door has a history assignment that's 2 weeks overdue so what the hell.. she goes too!! chances are she'll be miserable when she goes out and drink waaaaaaayy too much and come home with a wowser and... ...
have you ever realised whenever you have assignments due or have to study for exams more important things tend to crop up during stuvac (study vacation) - such as the compelling urge to paint your toenails, the need to suddenly take up pilates yoga synchronised swimming, need to dye your hair, sleep for 18 hours a day, sit for meals for 2 hours at a time always with at least 4 plates infront of you (or maybe that's only me) blah blah blah
well stuvac is probably the most unproductive time of the year in terms of studying but don't despair - if you've been meaning to take up aerobics all year, this is usually when you would start!
or in the case of dear moi in the past week, i've went to the wesley's informal, attended the VSU rally, went for hockey practice, netball tryouts, been staring at my legs for about 2 hours a day on average (testament that i have definitely have gained the sancta spread/fresher fifteen and desperately need to lose the 5 plus kg, blame it on the cheap booze [from O week] and college food), obsess about my eyelashes which i swear had had a growth spurt quite recently, height's waiting for that, hmmm talk on the phone for hours on end, enjoyed a girls night in with me college mates, gone around promoting our informal, went grudgingly to women's college [nnnooooo they wouldn't send me to paul's (all boys college) or even to the other co-ed ones, had to chuck me in women's grrr] to distribute flyers and sell tickets (had dismal sales then again we only announced our informal in the afternoon) .. where in that whole list is sitting down and starting your essays you ask, precisely! it's not there cause despite it being thursday evening, i'm still yet to settle down and produce a stellar essay, eeps correction TWO stellar essays and all by monday 9am, to make matters worse the seniors aren't letting me back out of the whole day sunday paint ball event with paul's that i had signed up for over a month ago unaware of my assignments *sigh* so that's one whole very precious day gone.. oh well better get back and start my essays..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Cherish you,
All i ask of you,
No ordinary love,
Always on my mind,
Every waking moment
by Carly Casey Hammond


Sandra 'Alexander
Size 3 feet!!
Born Wednesday
Dies Mercurii xxiii Aprilis MCMLXXXVI
of the Julian Calender 23rd April 1987

tagboard is now at the bottom of this column so drop me a note!

Domestic Barbie

Vives En Mi Corason
Diamonds :)
lovely dresses
creating things
sparkly things
classical things
GWM Gallery (the Rocks)
piriton yellow
happy sunshine yellow
golden afternoon sunshine
rolling in grass
roald dahl books
art history
roman history
art museums

Credi in Te. Aspirations:

In all honesty, my dream since i was 12 is to be a museum curator in Europe.
To be surrounded by all the magnificient masterpieces and immersed in all the inspirational art history of those glorious days oh so very long ago.
Much to my surprise, my mom is very encouraging and supportive of that.
She had a good nature rib at it, and wasn't scathing or critical of it. i half expected her to say it's a stupid impractical frivalous aspiration but she even talked about it somewhat animatedly. Insists that it's such a typical Sandra aspiration for a cushy artsy sophisticated job.
Of course this revelation got my family exclaiming our catchphrase of 'so HC'.
She's (as does my whole family) have always known my love for art history, and it's something i have the passion for.
When i first stood in front of an actual van Gogh painting, tears started welling up in my eyes.
I was so overwhelmed, felt this connection to the painting, not just as a piece of work. it was a piece of someone's soul, their life, their torment, their dejection, their pursuit to be one step closer to God's, a fragment of everything they've ever experienced. That moment transcended anything i've ever felt.

Artists I Admire:
van Gogh
Armand Guillaumin
Carly Casey Hammond
Susan Bleakley

Maledetta Primavera

Na Sera e' Maggio

'March 2004' 'April 2004' 'May 2004' 'July 2004' 'August 2004' 'September 2004' 'October 2004' 'November 2004' 'December 2004' 'January 2005' 'March 2005' 'April 2005' 'May 2005' 'June 2005' 'July 2005' 'August 2005' 'September 2005' 'October 2005' 'November 2005' 'December 2005' 'January 2006' 'February 2006' 'March 2006' 'April 2006' 'May 2006' 'June 2006' 'July 2006' 'August 2006' 'September 2006' 'October 2006' 'November 2006' 'December 2006' 'January 2007' 'February 2007' 'March 2007' 'April 2007' 'May 2007' 'June 2007' 'July 2007' 'August 2007' 'October 2007'