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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Note: i had gone online to research about the drugs involved and the whole story, it's supposedly an urban ledgend, but the fact that anyone could even think of subjecting others to rape AND employ such underhanded means along with their atrocities, disgusts me.
rapists are, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst kind around.
so please don't tempt fate thinking oh it'll never happen to me
god forbid, it just might

--Bella Bella Signorina--

oh god, while i was sitting at the table enjoying my 4th batch of scrambled eggs and french toast,(for other says besides sunday we've to cook our own hot meals for brekkie) i saw the notices on all the tables warning us of the sick perverse sexual predators that inhabit this world, and it made me sick to my stomach and put me off my breakfast. (not really, i only lost my appetite momentarily then continued to dig into the french toast which was pretty good considering what i had to make do with) ok ok before i digress any further..

the story: last saturday a woman was abducted from a nightclub downtown, and gang raped by at least 6 men, according to the hospital staff and the police the results of her blood test showed significant trace levels of a very popular and prevalent date rape drug, roofies AND progesterex which is an extremely potent sterilization pill used for large animals, commonly used on horse and elephants, yes you didn't read that wrongly.. a sterilization drug. the effects are PERMANENT, if the victims could even overcome the trauma of the nefarious experience even for a moment, and decide give a shot at conceive, they're deprived of their god given right to have a child, experience the joys of motherhood (though those more cynical mothers swear it's more of a tortourous pain to begin with) to bring her beautiful baby into this world, they CAN"T, the effects are non-reversible and all cause of that base atrocious weasel not wanting to leave any incriminating evidence of rape.

those bastards use it along with whatever date rape drugs they can get their filthy heinous paws on, on their victims so they won't have to worry about being identified through paternity tests and have depraved ass hauled to jail. they shouldn't just be jailed and given numerous strokes of the cane, wait is singapore the only country that deals out coporal punishment? it's the only instance where i would advocate physical mutilation, ie castration, death seems too pleasant for these amoral monsters who walk the earth. in the more muslim/islamic countries a convicted rapist would have his manhood appropriately loped off in an extremely humiliating public spectacle, was it benNAY who told me that they were suspended by their arms from tree with the rapist much treasured body part on a wooden block or the like and it's hacked off with a sword. Inhumane as it may sound, and i understand that some of you may be surprised at my support (which is uncharacteristically of my usual nature) for this clearly cruel and vicious sanction but that scum of the earth does not deserve any mercy or pity, when he himself showed none for his victim(s).

rape isn't about the sex, it's about the perverse reprobate feeling of the brutal control, primal violence, warped almighty sense of power that the heartless rapist would derive from forcing himself viciously on an innocent who is obviously defenseless.
they get their kicks out of the fact that their victims that are savagely forced upon on, are powerless - struggling under them, crying pleading begging, hysteric tears, seeing the woman reduce to such a pathetic state as part of her mind resigns to her awful fate, the last traces that she would be saved dissipate.
the sick satisfaction they elicit when the see pure unalduterated fear in their victims tear filled eyes; pupils dilated with the unspeakable fright, (read in books that's when rapists usually climax, since eyes are truly the windows to one's soul, they'll know without a doubt that they've destroyed, devastated, marred, ruined yours for good)

most rapists commit their crimes of unspeakable horror usually after being rejected by other women, feel subservient to females who hold higher positions in their workplace or have been humiliated, more often than not it'll have something to do with their childhood (that seems always to be the case doesn't it, oh sigh) for example being sexually abused. just anything that has dealt a major blow to their egos or whatever else their deluded minds would like to believe - their pride/manhood, whatever chauvinistic element had been damaged, if not threatened, and they have the irrational urge to rectify it and so to regain what they believe was intended by god - the domination of the male on the female as it has been in history. bull.

but they don't ever think of the consequences of their actions, they never do.

statistic have shown that over 90% of these women who survive the hellish brutality would sink into depression, usually severe depression, major trust issues, the inability to ever open to anyone, lose the will to live, become recluses, retardation of their social skills, recoil at human touch, fear of intimacy esp with males, panic attacks, constant flashbacks of their horrendous experience, the list of the hell they have to endure after that experience.
most of these women suffer so much physical trauma to their reproductive system they're unable to ever conceive, or they would sustain massive damage to their pelvic floor which includes their bladders, there's more of what happens but it's too grisly for me as of right now.
furthermore, a significantly large percent of these women develop intense suicidal tendencies usually after lapsing into depressions and try to kill themselves to end their nightmarish memories that plague their every waking moment even in their slumbering hours as well;
to say their lives have now become a living hell is seriously an understatement. it's times like these memory is truly a bane on one's existence. as our memories are connected most acutely to our sense of smell, the faintest smell of anything that was present during her horrific experience such as smell of blood (in most cases it would be hers), sweat, the smell of whatever food that lingers in his rancid breath, the surrounding scents amongst other things, would only trigger off the frightful grisly memories in an instant. so it'll always haunt them till the day they die, so to them suicide is an ever increasingly attractive and appealing option. to them their days would be no different from spending an eternity in the company of Hades in the underworld.

i know this sounds inane and insensitive on my part, but i rather, god forbid, if it should ever happen to me, god forbid, i rather he show me just a shred of mercy and kill me immediately after that. i won't be able to live after that, i don't want to.. know it sounds cowardly and selfish on my part, considering my family and loved ones, but put yourself in their situation, you'll want the same too.
some victims might not be as fortunate to have people around her who would support her after that. now we're bombarded with headlines that are much too often, about other cultures that the women were said to have 'deserved it', 'had it coming', that's the biggest load of bs i have ever heard, no one deserves to be subjected to such barbaric torturous experience, physical and psychological that lasts a life time and i'm not being melodramatic but it's the truth, and these women are abandoned by their family, stoned by their villages, tossed out into the streets with nothing to their name, made as outcasts, and others are warned not to render any assistance to those poor hapless beings fearing the repercussions of showing compassion, all cause these women have been 'dishonor' by that barbarous act or worse still in some uncivilised societies women are viciously subjected to vicious gang rapes which were ordered by higher powers within their village or whatever on the senseless basis to resolve trivial ridiculous dispute or simply (but stupidly) just to get even.
the case where a women was brutally gang raped by another 'rival' village as a form to make up for her brother's forbidden/taboo/'unlawful' relationship with a woman from that tribe (think Romeo and Juliet minus all the poetic sympathies and ideals that play embodies). no one did anything to stop the rape in process, it wasn't diffused responsibility that was to blame but rather it was accepted perhaps unspoken that it was justice being dealt out for her brother's 'immoral' trysts with that woman.

it gets even more horrifying when you learn women who have been 'dishonoured' by those organised and sanction rapes were expected to kill themselves right after. but that particular victim defied all those ridiculous asinine standards or whatever you call it, to rise up from there, and build a case for herself. i'm not quite sure about the details of it all, but it was splashed all over international headlines. think she got some sort of compensation or something, and is using the money to build a school or rape shelter or something equally noble to help the repressed groups within her community. she brought to light the cruel and inhumane (that's an understatement) practices that go on behind closed doors, blah blah blah, this is where all those cliches would come in and i'm sure you don't want to hear it from me.

humanity scares me

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, April 29, 2005
someone dug up her queen's greatest hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiits

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, April 26, 2005
after sifting through several songs that didn't really seem to do it for me there and then, i eventually settled for some chinese songs albeit sad ones, mostly jay chou (um he's the only chinese singer is listen to begin with so no surprise thre) esp with my usual an jing which up to day i still feel is the most poignant sad love song sigh tragically about lost, unrequited love *sigh*

then i suddenly thought ha this is rather silly but do i really sound cute when i speak chinese? well according to reiner i do, then again he has got to the be most utterly hilarious silly hysterical ludicrous, uproarious (is that even used in the correct context??) person EVER when trying to teach me how to swear, curse and instigate mindless fights in hokkien, he so animatedly detailed on how to whack the table, challenge someone to a fight in hokkien even with the matching chin toss to boot - all in typical beng manner, it was even more comical considering that he's an ACS(I) boy. really the last sort of school that you would associate beng-ness. man he sure would be perfect as a sec 4 aep student in my year, quite possibly would have driven goat to kill himself then again i already did most of the work by pushing him almost to the edge of that, he can be the last straw that broke the goatee's neck (camel's back, get it? get it? no..?)

tried to stifle my laughter which i was to find out later that it was much in vain cause during lunch the next day a girl about 4 rooms away from me commented she thought she heard 'giggling peals of laughter' at bout 4, 5 am but later dismissed it as being part of her imagination, or quite possible in her dreams, well no one suspects me though, so i'm off the hook *phew* but really didn't mean to disrupt anyone's sleep with all my all nighters, sorry you lot.

anyhoo, i digress, perhaps cute is a nice way of saying it's horrible thus inherent cruel and amusing which brings me tooooo *dum dum dum* -
'egg yoke'
she's this mean spiteful resentful bitter, don't want to use this word, but nothing's as fitting for her as hag, who i was unfortunate to have as a chinese teacher during my sec 3 year, she didn't bother to disguise her utmost disdain for my class as a whole well all i can say the feeling was mutual from the class who was defiant to say the very least, ashton along with her chinese/egg-yoke-hating posse which mostly consisted of the other eurasians in class and her khaki's would quite literally stage a walk out from chinese then wander the upper floor corridors trying to elude being caught by any other teachers for cutting class.

well egg yoke singlehandly reverted me back to my hating chinese ways after my Chinese teacher (who i really can't recall her name for the life of me) but take my word for it, she was so patient and worked in ways that inspired me to actually take an interest in Chinese, *gasp* i know right?
but believe it or not but she found out that i had this closet liking for writing in old Chinese, i don't know, it just intrigues me all the flourishes and to know how the word had derived blah blah blah *the history and art buff in me talking* and encouraged me to take more interest in 'fan ti zhi' but yeah, look at my report card in my sec 2 year, i actually was hitting the mid 70's! *amazing* but i owe it to her, but all good things have to come to an end, she had to go for some sort of surgery, it was rather hush hush as she rather we her students not worry about her.. then the misfortune of 'egg yoke' stuck..

Chinese teachers generally don't like me. end of story.
even in my extremely short stay (to me it wasn't short enough) at the junior college that must not be named, the Chinese teacher who, no surprise there, disliked me from the very first encounter i can't even remember what i did to elicit such contempt from her. oh well, doesn't matter.
thank god i had this loon called i-hui to make life in that horrid seventh level bearable, ha during her classes we just yakked on and on and on and on about the most rubbishy things.. and in ENGLISH! ha he's the greatest damn fun person to sit beside in class, but he did sabo me when he let me copy his Chinese class assignment, mcq no less, knowing that i can't be bothered to do Chinese class homework, C'mon, it's self explanatory, Chinese class work??,
anyhoo that idiot really any oh how scrawled numbers, and me, well being me, i blindly copied his answers changing an answer here and there so as to elude the teacher's suspicion, and did everything wrongly secured in the complete knowledge that he being from the people's republic of communist high, his answers would be credible.. i almost died when he mentioned tongue in cheek after i had handed in my homework that he had done the entire worksheet in less than 10 secs.. *gah*
heck la, not like i even care about the grade on that worksheet anyway, the most that resulted from it was to confirm the teacher's pre conceived notion that i am indeed a hopeless case for Chinese as she expected me to be, thus not worth her effort in trying to help me with Chinese..

yeah but i think the only fond memories i had in that hellhole was him being my partner, he's like senile but much more entertaining, you should read his emails, they're the most hilarious things ever, you can really imagine him bouncing excitedly up and down while recounting whatever had happened along with the most interesting choice of words, even more warped graphic analogies/metaphors/expressions with the most enthusiatic unrestrained gestures. for my last 2 days there, don't know how but we got to the topic of lesbians, for some unfathomable reason it's almost every guy's fantasy/obession, and i was recounting the horror lesbian stories that one would without a doubt inevitably encounter after schooling for 10 years in a convent all girls school. just seeing whole lot of guys trailing me around school mesmerised by the extent of my knowledge pertaining to the nasties was simply gold.. even in the lecture theatres to be surrounded by guys (even if they weren't any remotely attractive ones in their midst) and to command their undying attention is just classic, though my history lecturer was not quite amused as i was with all the attention i had garned from my oh so intriguing tales..

yeah yeah i know, me and my gang banging ways *grins broadly*

damn that reminds me i should really meet up with i-hui when i'm back or something, that boy's a gem.
even ness was mesmerised whenever i tell her antics the two of us get into during lessons and mindless ravings about him, she was oh man i GOTTA meet this guy, so yeah that kinda become her mission in that UGH place to meet this guy she's heard so much about..
singapore's truly too small, i was at angels, *looks around.. gasp, the horror, did i just admit i was at angels?? * never particularly enjoyed the loud blaring beng music in the club (or any club for that matter) and the air inside, wait.. it was more like smoke than air,
anyway so i was outside chilling with nessie's clubbing khaki's that were taking a breather, if memory serves me right it was yi chun, qish, carelton, chris, some other random he was the broody smoker with khol lined eyes who i labeled 'junkie' he DID look like a junkie, and this other super tall guy who towered over me whose name though generic, i can't remember (then again almost all guys do, it's ME we're talking about) not forgetting fu wei who was pissed drunk, throwing up behind me into the miserable thing the club tries to pass off as a pond with it's measly number of longkang fish.. rattling what he has last ingested in the past couple of hours and examining with great fascination the stomach contents he just so unceremoniously emptied into the pond full force(i suspect many others before and surely many more would use the pond as umm a puke receptecle eww the poor fishes that have no choice but to inhabit that miserable thing of a 'pond' living in constant intrepedition of the next happy hour) back to fu wei that man-whore ,*high singsong* oh look there' my dinnerrrr wheeeeee, look there's some duck, and the salmon's swimming again, awww, bitty rice floating about, hehehe look the fishy's eating the salmon naughty naughty fishiessss they're eating their own kind, and they're swimming and drinking my tequliaaaaa *thump* passes out sprawled out on the chairs right behind me..
despite the most entertaining sitution fu wei was creating in the background, the rest of us paid little attention to the inebriated mess, and started talking about studying in aussie, as most of nessie's barker friends escaped to aussie as they all 'can't make it' in the ruthless demented dog eat dog education system of singapore and the topic of being in jc popped up and they were asking for my opinion on how the much hyped about 'first 3 months' was and it was only natural that i would rant about i hui and then yi chun quipped in 'oh he's my cousin you know',
once again i was cursing at the country being waaaaaayyy too small, i'm really starting to believe in the 'oh we're all separated by only 6 degrees' so there i was gushing like a silly school girl unknowingly in front of his own cousin, about i-hui's ever so gorgeous eyelashes, i SWEAR it's the most luscious ones i've ever seen and that's coming from someone who's read tons of fashion magazines, his natural lashes put so many mascara ad models to shame, honest to god!
it's not fair some guys have the physical traits which generally be associated to the slightly more effemiate form (but to them those features are the bane of their existence) whilst i would be more than willing to kill for those gorgeous eyelashes, razor cheekbones, huge soft doe like eyes, and beautifully long fingers that taper off into delicate tips..
man oh man..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, April 24, 2005
yuppers continuation of my bday entry, so well bummed around in my room thinking that it desperately needs a major redecorating haul, it needs to look lived in (read not necessaily messy) *note to self* when back in july, get from mom the day curtains, the heavy white satin curtains and if possible the Venetian blinds..
OH! i need a lounger man, hmmm perhaps that could be my new crusade for this year (or till i find something equally unimportant to constantly obsess about) to find a lounger, was thinking of something quite possibly in suede or satin cotton, hmmm really one that you could curl up in yet large and comfy enough to recline out on, darn i miss those huge rocking chairs back home.. Unfortunately the nicer ones at ikea are 3 figures *wince* yeah something nice to sink in and won't give you nasty kinks in your neck later on..

Mmmm possibly large enough to be a two seater or at least snuggle comfortably in someone's lap for hours mmmm haha dream on san that's NOT gonna happen anytime soon, oh don't burst my bubble it's technically still my birthday so don't rain on my parade you damned thing of a conscience or whatever else that's not letting my imagination reign loose.

was contemplating the possible choice to put a rug or a fairly heavy throw in the corner where my flower laundry basket (that has been termed as senile, why do people say alot of things i have scream senile?) currently resides and add a couple of comfy cushions of assorted sizes mostly large ones and that can be a rather comfy area to lazy around at
quite possibly where at the corner formed with the edge of my bed/beside table and the wall, ie where the floor uplighter (standing lamp) and redundant chair are at right now, but that would present the problem of where to put the floor uplighter cause there's only 2 power outlets in my room (marked in the plan of my room in dark blue) and the redundant chair which isn't even comfortable to begin with it taking up space in my room unnecessary, for now it's doubling up as a place to chuck my clothes.
there are some solutions to that, the floor uplighter is adjustable height so it's possible to reduce it from it's present height out bout 2m to about 120cm and it could be placed on my relatively clear beside table leaving the corner to be utilized for a 'cushion area' but the chair. DAMN IT! it's not earning it's keep in my room man in fact it's become more of a liability.. i could put it at the foot of my bed but it spoils the layout of my room aesthetic wise.. sigh
oops forgot to mention that i've uploaded an aerial layout of my room on my album, it's the first image, must say it's crappily done though hello? it's on paint! heh..

oh i'll upload some photos of my room so you can have an idea on how it looks like, but don't expect great quality pictures i'm using my phone as a camera right now, but when my singaporean friend goes back to singapore next week for his bday, i'll get him to bring my camera back then it'll be one trigger happy time =)
shall draw up possible layouts, but for those house/interior designing/whatever else aficionado should come up with possible ideas, please do share possible schemes for my room, it'll be tres appreciated!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, April 23, 2005
came back from dinner at meat & wine co. it was quite possibly the most disappointing meal in the history of ever, don't get me started on that it'll only infuriate me more..
anyhoo had just came all nice and fresh from a rather long hot shower (i really gotta stop, it's so bad for my skin) then sorting out my accessories shelf when at about 1.15 am, the strains of smooth startled me then it occurred to me that my handphone was ringing, still unaccustomed to answering something that isn't i want you, thought it was my dad since the number listed was 'withheld'.

Imagine my surprise when this unbelievably low voice rumbled (well for the lack of a better word since rumble would imply for the sound to be rather loud but it also churns out ideas of it being slightly low, deep and somewhat ominous)
oh hi, it's ben, i was thinking WHO? oh crap why am i getting this late night phone call from some 35 year old man? then i started panicking how the HELL did he get my number, my brain immediately started coming up with possible explanations and relevant names, oh goodness what if he's a pervert, maybe he got my number off msn, but if it was msn would have to be someone reasonably within my social circle to begin with so that possibility was out, perhaps it was someone from uni?
well it wasn't a voice i recognized and the voice over the phone wasn't generic to begin with, it wasn't an ang moh or local aussie that much i was sure, despite there being the faintest trace of ang moh accent but it was definitely asian.. so it HAD to be singaporean but for the life of me i really couldn't recall any local guys who would have my aussie handphone number to begin with..
that left my blog, ok so some perv got my number off my blog, damn i knew i shouldn't have posted my number, *freak freak* oh no, man i could quite possible be victimized by that guy who could be going through some quarter life, mid life crisis and POOR ME!

but wait didn't he say he was ben? well it couldn't be ben robinson who's my psychology tutor here at sancta, why the hell would he call me for anyway? and if he would call, it'll be room phone which was tightly clutched knuckles turning white, hmmm not bk that's for sure, benny? nah, oh it could have been that rather dashing ac year 2 guy who tried to pick me up whilst i crashed ac orientation but wasn't his name daniel or something rather? oh goodness, WHO?? which ben for crying out loud!

can't quite recall what his reply was to my sorry beg your pardon but bennnnn? i was slightly too hysterical to remember what he said but after he had clarified that he the benny wenny, i was like WHATTTTTTTTTTTT?? WTFFFFF! oh god i'm on the phone now with a 16 year old boy who sounds like a 35, 40 year old man.. i could have died of shock there and then, he then proceeded to explain that he got that quite alot, bout his voice being so low, c'mon mannn! low doesn't even quite cut it, he seriously sounded so damn old, not just old but mature old, really ben your voice is *lost for word* YA, you know.. goodness!
then me acting more like an 8 year old rather than all the 18 years i was, started gushing on and on and on and on about his voice, thanking him profusely for calling my all the way here just to wish me happy 18th, how much i couldn't believe his voice was as such, then apologising for the bill he was going to rake up cause of his wonderful thoughtful gesture, how much he was quite possibly one of the last people i would have expected to call me up, that i was so delighted to say the very least to hear from him, then continued raving on about how unbelievably deep and um reverberant? his voice was was, then out came in torrents on what had been going on in my mind when i first picked up the phone, and i was rambling relatively fast compared to my usual rants, he most likely thinks man! this girl is older than me?? sure doesn't seem that way..
well it was quite a refreshing change, so to speak, to actually talk on the phone to the person you've spent so much time talking to online but never really heard his voice before..

oh yeah ben, you have such a nice chuckle, really! quites resonates in the air..
if that makes any sense at all, but yeah you've a really pleasant chuckle..
well we talked for um 11mins 37secs, well that's what my phone timer said anyway.. but wow still can't get over the fact that his voice sounds amazingly old, quite scary really.

that's it for now, shall go and enjoy the last few minutes radiating in the fact that today's my 18th! yay!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, April 20, 2005
sigh, don't know how i feel nor want i want

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
writing and lyrics with such open and beautiful honesty..

Scott R. Weilan - frontman from velvet revolver.. you wouldn't have thought a rocker would be this eloquent about anything else besides rock n roll, raw emotions and the like.. much less about politics, should have added this to my entries during the elections last year, pity didn't know about velvet revolver then..

I call on you to mobilize the forces.
What are you going to do about it?
Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union there has been a lack of a balance of power.
This lacking has created an environment whereas any American president - or "two " presidents with the same name - could impose their will globally and unilaterally, for a number of reasons: anti-terror (defense spending), democracy (oil). Democracy, democracy, oil, oil, oil "All we need is oil / da, da, da, da, da ".

The initial argument for war in Iraq was to rid the region of weapons of mass destruction and remove Saddam from power, making the region and the world safe from a maniacal dictator. Somehow the motive has blurred into something completely different altogether: "A free and democratic society for the people of Iraq ", most of whom don 't want what we 're selling them, and never will.

And then there 's the Patriot Act whose name couldn 't be more misleading or closer to the antithesis, and would never have been passed had it not been for the fall-out factor of 9/11, and the fact that the Bush administration was playing off every American 's fears of one another.
They didn 't take away our civil liberties, we allowed them to be taken away! But what are we going to do about it now!!
What does this election all mean to us? To you? To me?
I believe this goes back to the foundation of ideals that this country was founded on - those God-given inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And brothers and sisters: with civil liberties under attack and censorship abound, I implore you to make a choice for freedom. A freedom for youth. Freedom of youth is the freedom of the future.

Twelve years ago, as an artist I felt a freedom to express my ideals, thoughts, and hopes, even those that were not consistent with what was considered politically correct or deemed in line with current patriotic values.
But all that has changed. Censorship has reared its ugly head.
Not since the days of "McCarthyism " in the 50 's has their been an actual public fear of persecution that was based in reality. Since I started this last album - the creative process, press, video, lyrics, album art, website art ­ I have been up against an unseen enemy that has been put in place by this current "fascist-like " regime: censorship, and the persecution that comes with it.

Ever since our media blitz in Hollywood (we did a free show in front of 3,000 kids), I have been speaking out candidly about these issues. Now, in the middle of an American tour, the frequency of which I 'm selected for "Special Security Screening " at airports has jumped from about 30% to 80-90%.

Once again I say to you; it 's not whether we 're moving in the direction of a fascist state, it 's whether or not you want it that way. Do you?
I remember the weeks following 9/11. The tragedy, the sadness, and that overwhelming feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop then something else happened. America came together and rose out of the ashes like a Phoenix for the first time in my life.
The ideals, hopes, and common bonds that once were the bedrock of this nation rose again to the surface and we let the world see what we were made of - our unity, brotherly love, and honor, even if brought together by tragedy.

I feel that George Bush took advantage of us. Took advantage of our loss. Took advantage of our pain. Took advantage of our grief, and used it for his own selfish designs. The question is not whether or not this happened, but if we 're going to do something to change it.
Please make a vote that shows America does not belong to George Bush. That the White House is not an heirloom of the Bush Dynasty. Place a vote to restore honor and pride back to America and the presidency.
Vote for John Kerry.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

don't know why i'm inflicting misery onto myself by listening to such songs when they just get me down and all forlorn..

maroon 5's she will be loved
seether feat. amy lee's broken esp the guitar intro
santana feat. alex bann's why don't you and i
jay chou's qing tian
3 doors down's here without you
a1's one more try and if i can't have you
jason marz's you and i


--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, April 18, 2005
she's electric, she's in a family full of eccentrics, she's done things i've never expected
she's electric - oasis

--Bella Bella Signorina--

what's your soap opera scenario?

stumbled upon this quiz at www.tickle.com, and happily entertained myself since i've pretty much nothing better to do online anyway well the questions and options are quite the laugh, i copied the more interesting bits for your amusemt:

You've been in a coma for the last five years. You wake up to find out that your husband has divorced you and married a new wife. What would you do?

Your best friend has just committed a crime of passion and calls you for help. You:

You discover that your husband has been having an affair. What do you do?

You drive off a cliff but somehow manage to survive. What's your first thought?

Your husband ends up in a vegetative state, and you turn off his life support. Why?

Possible outcomes:

The Double-Crosser
The Double-Crosser's that wily character who works their way into everyone's lives, good graces, and beds. That's because on the surface, they're so appealing that many people can't even see the Double-Crosser's secret agenda.

You and The Double-Crosser are probably playing for different sides of good and evil (we hope!). Should we ever find out otherwise, we suspect you'll already be long gone, sipping fruity drinks on a tropical beach while Interpol desperately searches for your trail. Unless of course you went for plastic surgery and have already inserted yourself into a new city. Who says the good guy always wins?

The Evil Twin
No matter what form The Evil Twin takes, be it the alter ego of the town sweetheart, a jilted lover, corporate raider, or one of many multiple personalities, they play an integral part in any soap — driving the plotline and keeping things interesting. Sure, they might be a backstabber who's out for their own good. But they're just so darn good at it; they're irresistible.

It takes work to reach your goals in life. If that means taking control of the family fortune by locking your sister in an abandoned lighthouse, or seeing to it that the Board votes you in as CEO because your father has mysteriously disappeared (he's locked in the lighthouse with your sister), you're on it. How can we blame such raw ambition and willpower that gets the job done? So keep at it.

The Person in a Coma
Whether it's brought on by a club to the head, strange brain virus, or freak ski accident, every soap character seems to fall into, and out of, a coma at some point.
While you may not spend most of your time in a vegetative state (or do you?), you're like The Person in a Coma because you're a true fighter. Or a true schemer — "playing dead" by kicking back in that comfy bed while others wring their hands, forgive your sins and debts, and take care of business for you. Really it's ingenious.But whether you're faking it, or really are in a coma, there's no question: you don't give up easily. If your hubby marries another women while you're a fixture in the ICU, you'll come to with a plan to get him back. Or to marry his younger more successful brother. Or the town millionaire for that matter.

So while you're in that hospital bed, better rest up. Never know when you'll have to surprise everyone again — waking up with your fighting spirit, and better than ever!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, April 17, 2005
lines that are SO random from songs that i for some unknown reason find SSOOO terribly amusing

electrico's feed the cats - feed the cats and pull me by the hair
duran duran's rio - bird of paradise, cherry ice cream smile i suppose it's very nice.... Hey now woo look at that did she nearly run you down!
velvet revolver's slither - rape my mind and smell the poppies
electrico's so much more inside - crazy more likely that's what i said
pink floyd's dark side of the mooon - the loooonatic's on the grass, the loooonatic's on the grass..

lesson learnt - when you're at the duran duran site, (or any site for that matter) never put any music videos (even if' they're really good) on repeat for a good half hour while your using your uni proxy sever cause i rudely found out when at fisher library, that it had cost me almost $12!! considering my daily use of the net including 8 hours plus on msn is at most $2..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, April 15, 2005
dreams, at what they're often only that
pained griefs amidst the blessed rest;
left for you to leave it low and pressed.
all your love's but a fainting trail of smoke
unfolds with the fumes of past gone sighs
the dampened fire sparked in a lover's eyes
a madness most lost to keep

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, April 14, 2005
boring and unproductive day to say the very least
save for an early morning phone with reiner just for the hell of it, twas tres interesting.
should have called and woken him up instead and hear for myself, the much reknowned uber sexy first-thing-in-the-morning-i-just-woke-up-2-seconds-ago voice of his.. oh well some other time perhaps.
was a bit too distracted by some other things to be much of a decent conversationalist, sorry baby :)
anyhoo i have finally transcended the nasty tendency of mine to fill in natural lapses of silences of telephone conversations
good on me! (need a life, really)

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, April 13, 2005
ugh bad bad BADDD day, was on my way to political economy tutorial when I bumped into this cheeeeeena guy I met last year and he mentioned en passent that there was an 15% econmetrics quiz on friday! blouudee hell!
Apparently the lecturer announced this rather unfortunate news in the first 10 mins of class and poor moi was late!! hey I had to rush ALL THE WAY to eastern avenue from Wallace which is a good 20 mins brisk way sans jog *panting*

anyway so there I was going laladeela happily and deludely thinking that I had cleared my pesky assignments most esp econmetrics and had about 3, 4 days to devote solely to marketing 25% mid term exam on monday before
was hit by the worst possible news.. gawd econometrics!! AND IT"S 15 blouudee per cent!! and I haven't studied ANYTHING, NOT ONE BIT!!!! to make matters more worse than they already are - a third of the content for the quiz has not been thought before and half would be histograms.
i'm dead

so so SO dead

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, April 12, 2005
oh edie's a very pretty name, at least my daughter won't hate me for that but i still insist i want to name at least on daughter james.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, April 10, 2005
be cool - brilliant movie. 'nuff said

--Bella Bella Signorina--

next time you send somebody over to kill me, make sure i'm home.
have a nice day
- chilli palmer from 'be cool'

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, April 9, 2005



Drama nerd










Ghetto gangsta




What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with QuizFarm.com

--Bella Bella Signorina--

You scored as Nancy.

What Sin City Character are You?
created with QuizFarm.c













That Yellow Bastard










Jackie Boy






What Sin City Character are You?
created with QuizFarm.com

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, April 6, 2005
prince rainier of monaco has passed away.
i don't only like him cause he was a prince AND he married grace kelly ok?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, April 5, 2005
utterly disturbing and sacrilegious (to say the very least!!) blog..


must say it was done in very bad taste but i'll be lying if denied that I didn't find it hilarious albeit cruel and insensitive.. However the writer had reduced some concepts (like drawing parallels between her vegetative state and the produce section in the supermarket along with the coconuts) into their simplest most rudimentary form, you can't help but be amused at the austere wit of it all whilst being horrified at the blatant audacity and baselessness of the writer..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, April 1, 2005
justin hawkins (the lead man of the darkness.. YEAH!!) makes strange little growling noises in the song (added the little note where in the song) sigh doesn't that remind you of someone? cute little tiger growling..
oh oh i want a siberian tiger cub too!

imagine me dancing like an idiot cause that's what i'm doing listening to this
The Darkness
Friday Night

Hey you! Do you remember me
I used to sit next to you at school
We indulged in all the extra curricular activites
We weren't particularly cool
Monday cycling
Tuesday gymnastics
Dancing on a Friday night
Archaery on Thursday
Dancing on a Friday night

Hey you!
Could you ever fall for me
Oh the way i fell for you
And do you dwell upon the thoughts that I occupy
Or do you give yourself things to do?

Oh Monday rowing
Tuesday badminton
Dancing on Friday night
I got ping pon on Wednesday
Needlework on Thursday
Dancing on a Friday night
With you, with you
*makes little tiger growling sounds*

Oh Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Dancing on a Friday night
Let the music smother me
Whole weekend recovery
Dancing on a Friday night

See the lady i adore
Dancing on the dancing floor
Dancing on a Friday night
God, the way she moves me
To write poetry
Dancing on a Friday night
With you

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Cherish you,
All i ask of you,
No ordinary love,
Always on my mind,
Every waking moment
by Carly Casey Hammond


Sandra 'Alexander
Size 3 feet!!
Born Wednesday
Dies Mercurii xxiii Aprilis MCMLXXXVI
of the Julian Calender 23rd April 1987

tagboard is now at the bottom of this column so drop me a note!

Domestic Barbie

Vives En Mi Corason
Diamonds :)
lovely dresses
creating things
sparkly things
classical things
GWM Gallery (the Rocks)
piriton yellow
happy sunshine yellow
golden afternoon sunshine
rolling in grass
roald dahl books
art history
roman history
art museums

Credi in Te. Aspirations:

In all honesty, my dream since i was 12 is to be a museum curator in Europe.
To be surrounded by all the magnificient masterpieces and immersed in all the inspirational art history of those glorious days oh so very long ago.
Much to my surprise, my mom is very encouraging and supportive of that.
She had a good nature rib at it, and wasn't scathing or critical of it. i half expected her to say it's a stupid impractical frivalous aspiration but she even talked about it somewhat animatedly. Insists that it's such a typical Sandra aspiration for a cushy artsy sophisticated job.
Of course this revelation got my family exclaiming our catchphrase of 'so HC'.
She's (as does my whole family) have always known my love for art history, and it's something i have the passion for.
When i first stood in front of an actual van Gogh painting, tears started welling up in my eyes.
I was so overwhelmed, felt this connection to the painting, not just as a piece of work. it was a piece of someone's soul, their life, their torment, their dejection, their pursuit to be one step closer to God's, a fragment of everything they've ever experienced. That moment transcended anything i've ever felt.

Artists I Admire:
van Gogh
Armand Guillaumin
Carly Casey Hammond
Susan Bleakley

Maledetta Primavera

Na Sera e' Maggio

'March 2004' 'April 2004' 'May 2004' 'July 2004' 'August 2004' 'September 2004' 'October 2004' 'November 2004' 'December 2004' 'January 2005' 'March 2005' 'April 2005' 'May 2005' 'June 2005' 'July 2005' 'August 2005' 'September 2005' 'October 2005' 'November 2005' 'December 2005' 'January 2006' 'February 2006' 'March 2006' 'April 2006' 'May 2006' 'June 2006' 'July 2006' 'August 2006' 'September 2006' 'October 2006' 'November 2006' 'December 2006' 'January 2007' 'February 2007' 'March 2007' 'April 2007' 'May 2007' 'June 2007' 'July 2007' 'August 2007' 'October 2007'