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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
watched an insanely long 2 hour anti smoking ad entitled Constantine, ha. Well it was a brilliant work of fiction, keanu was so good looking in the movie even few minutes I had to remember to close my mouth cause gaping is very unacceptable for a lady but STILL, can't believe that he's pushing 50, curse men for aging so wonderfully while women just age.
speaking of which Rachel was *goodness* she's simply stunning, her luscious tumbling screen siren locks are argh to die for, that's it!! I'm growing my hair out and getting them curled loosely, that's IF my uber uncooperative hair would stay curled long enough this time to make it worth forking out so much to get it curled. And also dying it to very dark rich auburn brown instead of my present ''shock of black hair'' so say the girls here at sancta
ok back to the anti smoking ad, (which remindsssssss me, have you noticed that Italian job was a ridiculously lengthy hyped up mini cooper commercial?)

the crowning movie moment (expression courtesy of Benny boy) was him giving the devil the finger on his way to heaven, aw mannn that was classic, just classic. The ending was extremely well thought out, if he were to go to heaven, it'll be a let down since it would be somewhat passe besides if he were to become an angel/'half breed' or whatever he would have a major role reduction as he wouldn't be allowed to directly be involved with humans, simply influence them with subliminal messages *rolls eyes* (now how anti climatic would that be) lest his ass gets deported back from doing otherwise.

but if there's any time that that I would want a ciggie more than ever, it would have been solely cause Constantine, that would defeat the entire purpose of the movie won't it. heh
blasphemous as it may sound, pity I can't get some supposedly 'higher powered' being to dig out all the fatty desposits that are slowly but steadily clogging my already condemned coronary arteries, whilst they're at it could they purify/cleanse/detox my foie gras-ed liver? it would be much appreciated.. very much so.
think it's rather unfair for whoever who needs a liver transplant and end up with mine should my life be tragically and unexpected shortened (now how cheesy can that cliche phrase get?)
seriously they would be better off with their own one..

[be a organ donor today! and no it's no propaganda, but seriously what use would you have for your organs when you're dead right? don't let your perfectly good organs just decompose along with ya, when you know that you would have given someone 'new life' sheesh how cheesy does that sound,
wait but that's not the point, even when you're dead you're still helping and to that organ recipient you're putting an end to his misery instead of letting his family wait in fearful anticipation, looking at their loved one wilt anyway in front of their very eyes his condition deterioating, how can you live with yourself? wait that didn't come out right, you're dead by then, but ARGH shut up san, you know what i mean anyway.]
signing up for organ donation's gonna be the first thing i do when i hit 18, besides pop down to a bar and order my first hmmm.. magarita/cosmopolitian/metropolitan LEGALLY! gonna slap my id on the bar with much relish and savour my first legal drink ha, damn crave to have a blue margarita from harry's on my birthday but i'll settle for something else till july when i'm back whoop!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, March 27, 2005
since it's easter and quite a handful of people are putting entries pertaining to our lord's resurraction and CHOCOLATE, (nah the chocolate bit's just me but i LOVE chocolate, can you buy me some chocolate?)
today out of pure unadultared boredom (i had even resorted to doing the first out of 15 more unbearably tortourous pages of my econometrics 'holiday' excel ICK assignment, now how bored do you think i was? anybody want to do my stats homework for me? i'll be eternally indebted to you..)
anyhoo i was compelled to flip through the union magazine that was slowly but happily collecting dust under the letter tray of my desk, there was this article entitiled 'that jesus consipracy' where the author delves into the fact and fiction behind controversy friendly book the da vinci code and the holy blood and the hold grail..

"The main character, a Dr. Robert Langdon, is a bit of a modern day Indiana Jones. Except he's a symbologist, not an archaeologist, and he doesn't have a sexy hat. Or a whip. Two things which are saldy lacking in my opinion. Also, Langdon's problems arise not from Nazi treasure hunters but from evil clergymen and insane priests. Basically Langdon is supposed to be some sort of academic eye candy of the kinda i have unfortunately yet to discover in out own Ancient History department (well.. actually... there was this one tutor - but let's not go there)! "

Well thankfully in psychology there's supposedly there's the good looking 'trio' of psychology lecturers and tutors that are WOAH, from what i hear totally swoon worthy even by my standards..
oh please oh please oh please may i get one of them next term haha, at least that would make sure i won't be skipping any lectures not like i would anyway.. econometrics on the other hand.. *shudder*
you know what maybe i should have dropped marketing so i wouldn't have to go through the mind numbing econometrics leaving me with 2 open electives then i can really study and enjoy ancient history and art history.. damn..
so many subjects so little time..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, March 26, 2005
Was reading through my past couple of entries and it dawned on me that I had mentioned that in the last two fairly recent ones on what I wanted to name my kids, so yep, daft as it may be, I already shortlist several names (albeit unconventional but that's the whole point):

Boys: Nathaniel I am in love with that name for some strange unexplainable reason, but I don't care I'm SO naming my son that no matter what a unfortunate name some might think it is

Langdon first heard it from a walk to remember, shane west's character was so sweet, guys could learn a thing or two from him on what makes a perfect ideal boyfriend AND that name was as many of you did figure out was further cemented as a name for my adorable little son by Da Vinci Code which I was happily reading instead of studying for my O's, anyhoo well not my fault I was swooning over David langdon, C'mon he's a art history freak *swoon* extremely well read intellectual and hot (what more could I ask for) don't know la, but in my mind I had this idea that he was pierce brosnan, val kilmer, Harrison ford and with just a touch of will smith, all rolled into one *swoon swoon swoon*, wouldn't you think he's absolutely to die for, what? Oh I'm sorry if I don't like all your kiddie kiddie teenage heart throbs, josh harnett, Orlando bloom, legolas, or who ever else..

Wanted Ethan but ness has dibs on that name, hello? She named her phone Ethan for cryin out loud haha, I'm NOT gonna name my kid after her phone now.. But but BUT Nathan's a really close second but sadly it's a spin off Nathaniel so if for some reason that would prevent me from naming my son Nathaniel so it'll be Nathan instead..

Jake-Tyler for no particular reason; thought that both of the names had a nice ring to it when together doesn't it?

Bjorn, doesn't it sound rather melodic as it rolls off your tongue? But it's a pretty nice, uncommon name too.
Seriously if I were to give my child a name that every other parent thought was 'nice', just imagine.. *hollers* DAVIDDD! Your SANDWICH!! You're gonna get at least 50 kids running to you and your poor boy will just go away sandwich-less..

oOOooOoOo now for girl names!!
Jacqueline after no brainer's that I'm naming her in honour of Jackie O, I did consider Grace Kelly as well, but it sounds rather pretentious doesn't it? Well I wanted Jacqueline for my confirmation name then people would call me Jackie ho, get it get it?? no, darn it sounds like Jackie o haha gawd I'm lame but she, grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn have been my idols since.. forever! Without a doubt they are the epitome of classy, with grace, dignified, ladies of well breeding (can I even SAY THAT?? Well breeding, wth) but yeah you get the idea.

Desiree Sierra, yeah from several entries back you would have learnt that the sole reason for me naming her Desiree is so that I can call her dezzy haha but desiree sierra comes together quite well don't you agree? and it even has this touch of bohemian ring..

James, no I didn't put this under the wrong gender section, I really really DO want to name my daughter James, it's PRETTY OK. My friend once said to me in the future if my daughter and hers ever know each other, she'll prep her kid to make fun of my daughter name HMPH THANKS! Imagine the endless possibilities that I'm opening up to her with a name that everyone and I do mean EVERYONE thinks it's a boy name, THINK ABOUT IT haha, a lot of good natured mischief I supposed, at the least hahaha

Zara it means princess, maybe it'll suit me more than my daughter ,oh well..
Chantal it sounds of far away French dreams, no I'm not talking rubbish though I am half the time.. anyhoo for the life of me i can't recall who commented (but i remember it was fairly dark and we were on the sofa??) that to him chantal was more a black 'hood' name than anything, those that do the snapping fingers in your face then making little squiggle lines (think oprah) with pursed lips/biting their lip and the head shake side to side, declaring loudly 'Yeah, you go girlfreeenn!' (think oprah AGAIN)

I had wanted that along with gisele, Jackie and James as my confirmation but my parents refused to hear otherwise, didn't really help that adding them to my initials are quite unfortunate - example being:
Gisele - S.G.H Singapore general hospital
Chantal - S.C.H oh great the short form of school! That's self explanatory.

Oh Allegra's another interesting option too, though it conjours up several nasty memories of grade 6 theory - allegro
Gisele after the supermodel who is undeniably HOT, besides her name's exotic and unusual

Angelina, she's my modern day idol, whenever people ask who are my idols and I reply Audrey Hepburn, grace Kelly and Jackie o, more common than not, my response would elicit a HUH? Who are THEY?
but angelina's GORGEOUS, stunningly gorgeous, totally drool worthy, has my dream jobS (plural) of working for the UN AND AND AND being an extremely versatile actress, unpretentious and an extremely gracious genuine humanitarian albeit unconventional in her beliefs but I'm all for her! ooOOOoooOo note to self
MUST watch Mr and Mrs smith

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, March 25, 2005
if you don't watch HITCH which is undenaiably the best show i've EVER watched, i'll beat you to death with my shoe,wait bloodstains are nasty to get out, aren't they?
ok then i'll settle for something else that's deadly within my reach

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Thursday, March 24, 2005
You scored as Gucci.

What Designer Brand Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com







Anna Sui


Abercrombie & Fitch


Tommy Hilfiger






Louis Vuitton




What Designer Brand Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, March 23, 2005
i'm missing out on precious chocolate revenue DAMN!

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
correction! i decided i want the PURPLE ipod mini instead of pink or the champers, oh goodness doesn't pppurple sound simply divine and absolutely pretty?? doesn't it, doesn't it!
haha, yes I KNOW, as reiner so eloquently put it i'm 'such a colour whore' :) what else can you expect from dear me?

--Bella Bella Signorina--

You scored as Verbal/Linguistic. You have highly developed auditory skills, enjoy reading and writing and telling stories, and are good at getting your point across. You learn best by saying and hearing words. People like you include poets, authors, speakers, attorneys, politicians, lecturers and teachers.

The Rogers Indicator of Multiple Intelligences
created with QuizFarm.com















The Rogers Indicator of Multiple Intelligences
created with QuizFarm.com

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Friday, March 18, 2005

so my subjects for this semester are as follows:

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

swear my ass feels like dropping off!
argh went for rowing try outs today at 5 bloody am! Our AGM (it's formal college meeting) lasted for more than 3 hours ending at the ridiculous time close to 10 the insanely stupid thing was they didn't need us freshers as we couldn't vote for the house positions so why keep us there for an additional hour just to scream and threaten us every so often to 'shut the hell up'

then I was on the phone for almost an hour with a senior trying to finalize my subjects as I was planning to overload my standard 24 credit points with a triple major in psychology, yeah yeah I'm an overacheiver, but seriously I would really excel in psychology since I'm since a closet geek who has practically spent her whole pathetic life reading and watching anything that has to do with the workings of the human mind particularly the difference the female and male workings
and not to mention I also specialise in screwing around with other people's mind, (many can attest to that, HA I'll really be dangerous with a major in that, you have been warned!)

though it was more or less a given than I would be made Cox
(is that how you spell it, oh I don't know and don't quite care)
the prerequisites are
-well below 50k
-pretty much goddamn loud
-small; I rather be called petite thank you very much anyhoo was labelled 'pixie sized' by the coach, so now I'm called pixie by some girls.. would you consider that to be an improvement from ditzy which was a spin off dezzy (I want to name my daughter desiree so I can call her dezzy, stupid I know, but C'mon IT"S ME we're talking about.)

anyhoo back to how rowing went, basically my ass hurts more than anything, your arms back legs are supposed to hurt, not ASS!!
my poor bum was screaming bloody murder when we had to do 1 km sprint on the rowing machine, I know I know, can hear you all going, chey only 1km, but you try being so small sized you have to two thirds more work than the average ang moh as they've um longer bodies in comparison to me
so yep, clocked in a time of 5min1 sec, it's pretty good ok! didn't even have to do the 1 km sprints since the Cox sits there and happily bosses everyone else around and controls the direction of where the boat goes
sigh sitting on the pontoon at the obscure part of the harbour watchin the sunrise and fresh air, i won't bother describing it,
just image how it is to be on the water right before daybreak to witness and truly appreciate the sunrise, the fresh sea breeze, soft lapping of the waves against the boat hull..
should i try to describe it'll be laden with cliches but cliches always say it the best :)

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Sunday, March 13, 2005
no you freak you, the angel picture to your left has no affiliation to angels whatsoever ok! haha *rolls eyes*
i'm trying to be good and angelic after O week - the days of continous endless boozin' and wild ass parteeeeeeeeeeeeess.. note the term is TRY :)
pure madness

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, March 12, 2005
Is it cos I'm cool
Is it 'cos I'm cool
Why you dress like me is it honesty or you just a fool
Is it 'cos I'm cool
Why the school kids laugh cause the papers got it wrong again
Is it 'cos I'm cool
Take a piece of me serve me up on a plate in your restaurant
Is it 'cos I'm cool

Is it 'cos I'm cool
Is it 'cos I'm fly
'Cos I said what I said when I said what I said but I didn't say
Is it 'cos I’m hip
Why you dig my shit and you say I am a fan now I understand
Is it 'cos I'm hot
Why you mention me in your V.I.P memories
Is it 'cos I'm cool
Is it 'cos I'm cool
I ain't buying or selling today
I'm just looking around
For some decent conversation
No hidden agenda
No phony pretenda
No holding on out for no sweet sixteen
Or peppermint dream
I’ll call you please don't call me
Is it 'cos I'm cool

Is it 'cos I'm cool
Is it 'cos I'm Smart
Why you break my heart with the lies you tell baby kiss and tell
Is it 'cos I'm wrong
That you jump right in with no discipline baby sink or swim
Is it 'cos we're friends why you use my name just to entertain yeah
Is it 'cos I'm cool

Is it 'cos I'm cool
Time keeps ticking and running away
And It's taking us fast to a brand new free dimension
Too cool to mention well that's the intention
But some of us too damn blind to see
It's setting us free
Say goodbye to jealousy

Is it 'cos I'm cool
Is it 'cos I'm cool

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Monday, March 7, 2005
heya people!
i know, i know, i'm here in aussie and if you all have the urge to just call me and basically talk all sorts of rubbish feel free to call me anytime! just note that there's the time difference of 3 hours eg, 8pm in singapore whilst 11pm in aussie, buti'm generally up all hours of the day.. and night.. yeah just call me on my handphone it's vodafone haha yeah i can hear all you man utd fans going YEAH man! *rolls eyes* anyhoo if not, just my land line, i've added the area code bits for your convenience so just dial what you see! yeah for those who are going, but aaawww it's expensive to call you san, use IDD or whatever it's pretty cheap that's what my parents say.. haha :p
or if you all really wanna talk bout anything that's kinda important-ish, boyfriend things or you totally have to tell me like drinking and wild parties and guys you've scored with, sms me! and i'll call YOU instead haha how cool is that, (not during peak hours though, which is like what before 9 in singapore?) but call me instead it's pretty much more ex for me to call you but i make exceptions :)
oh oh oh hey nise! notice my handphone number's similiar to your house phone number minus the country code thingy! how cool is that, and i didn't even get to choose my number! yeah destiny!! and NO i have not been drinking, though i think i'll nip out and get one now haha i'm hopelessly useless! so gonna die of liver failure maybe i should stop saying that so many times it just might some true and that would really suck!

--Bella Bella Signorina--


Yeah listing down the several highlights of when i was back.. Sorry la, know i haven't updated in ages, but i will soon enough ok, well entertain yourself for the time being with this crappily long entry then!

Let's just fast forward to the approaching end of January, was reluctant to attend Roy's belated birthday party for more reasons than one. Primarily, I was quite knackered (means really worn out if you didn't already know) - had spent the better part of the day at sea helping out with the opti class (I just adore kids) then immediately rushed to church by the time service was done it was slightly past 7 and the party was due to begin at around 730, hardly had any time later at home to decide what to wear. It then struck me that I had not gotten a present for the host. I've been brought up to always to bring a 'little something' when visiting people's homes for more formal occasions. Thankfully, island creamery (it's a local gourmet ice cream place) was on the way home and picked up 2l of their specialty flavors that Roy fancied.

Great, now even less time to decide what to wear. Hey not my fault I'm a narcissist, at least I'm honest :P about it. So was rushing round my room in a frantic hurried state, pulling up outfit after outfit with matching accessories, my bro was rather amused, dare I say intrigued, at the rituals girls go though when getting ready to go, boy, he should really witness a girl going through ridiculous amount of hassle when getting ready for dates instead.
Well I'm prepping him for the near future when he's gonna grow up to be a heartbreaker. What can I say, I'm really proud of my brother, without a doubt I adore him. Finally decided on my current fave ensemble after trying on 4 different get ups - the black satin silk v neck and this super pretty deep pale lemon yellow layered skirt, and the funkyfied pink pearls Kim got me from London. Couldn't be bothered to style my hair, why can't my hair always be how it is at 3, 4 am when it naturally falls so gorgeously, no point of having stunningly styled do when no one's gonna see it! Maybe I should follow a geisha and sleep upright with nothing but a gently curving stick with a small hard block attached for the neck for support, it did maintain their tediously elaborate hairdos even if it did cause them much discomfort and major loss of sleep. Nah, comfort before fashion, well for most instances that is, *smiles*. Why do I always digress?

Ok back to me finally finishing getting ready by 820 which come to think of it, I didn't really look as good as I could have. Oh well what's done is done, can't change it. You would think I had rushed out of the house in record time, being tardy and all, but when I was bout to leave I spotted on the table a tantalizing steak fillet, medium rare more to the rare side, of course. I HAD to eat it, couldn't resist when it was beaconing to me, oh heck, if I'm already running late what's a few more minutes. Polished off the steak in enough time to appreciate a good cut of beef that was so well cooked. shall not describe the events of my taxi ride to his place, just know we got lost getting to his place, his house is insanely tucked away, really a good 2 km walk from the main road, really can't blame the driver, man.

Finally arrived at his place at 850, if others were late, I must be very fashionable. (ok you don't get the clever wit behind that, do you? forget it). Sheepishly entered the drive way, said a brief hello to the eldest brother, Aaron as he was maneuvering his convertible into an available lot. Was at a loss of words when stepped into the garden/front yard, they've got their own huge in-built stone double rowed barbeque pit that I would describe at very least obscene, spanning about 4m hello? It's even got its own little straw shelter above it. Then was warmly welcomed and introduced to the other guests, then abruptly abandoned by the host to my own devices, wanted to sit with sharm and jo, the only people I knew at this predominantly AC party, but their table was packed, so retreated to an available seat at the stone row at the bbq, so there I was, me! Of all people, sitting there all alone quietly stuffing myself with meat, had not expected the ribs and steak to be so tough. Nevertheless, I entertained myself with meat meat and more meat, though I have to admit the belly pork/ bacon was delicious, tasted just like expensive cut gourmet 'bah kua' yummers! :). The rest of the youngish adults at the table then invited me to join in their conversation. Not before long, jojo popped pit of nowhere and insisted I join her at her table which was now empty, I protested as they were in the midst of explaining the process of home brewing. She carried my meat piled plate (ok I know it's disgusting but I had 4 servings by then) to her table, leaving me with little choice but follow obediently.

Her table was tucked in the little corner of lush palm tree like plants under those classic street lamps of old London, instantly recognized Audrey, my AEP senior, did the usual hug and French check kissing hello. Introduction to the rest of those left at the table, starting clockwise Steph, Tim, Jojo, moi, Audrey and Reiner. Don't know how my unusually high alcohol tolerance came up, all I recall was reciting the list of what I had consumed at Rouge, though I failed to mention I threw up the 4 sour whiskeys straight up right after downing them cause I hated the acrid taste of it, (other alcohol I'm fine with, just not the taste of sour whiskey,) as well as poking fun of myself awarding myself the moniker 'raging alcoholic', which unfortunately would be how many would remember me as. Ha that makes it sound like i've die heh heh heh..

Then Roy appeared out of nowhere bearing a bottle of Bacardi with a stack of shot glasses, with my reputation as a rather impressive drinker of hardcore alcohol preceding me, I was given double the amount of the others for the first 2 round of shots. Later he left the bottle, (bad idea ;) hah ) and so it was, Reiner and I had several Bacardi shots followed by absolut vanilla, think had bout 7 "officical" *does the lil finger inverted comma thing* shots in total that night, which falls short of my usual number. If you could serve time for abusing any part of yourself, I could be doing life for binge liver abuse. Still was wholly sober though, bit more relaxed though, contentedly picking and eating what must have been my hundredth piece of rainbow keuh whilst Steph and Reiner were talking bout killing Reiner for I don't know what, then I chipped in saying that it definitely had to be slow, painful and oh so tortuous death, then he replied in jest 'Marry me, la!' and I accepted his marriage proposal, so it was for the night we pretended to be this married couple even with all the married couple banter. In front of everyone at the table I declared that I had him trapped in my clutches and would spend his money living a totally indulgent, excessively lavish and decadent lifestyle of a modern young tai tai, shopping all day long raking up massive credit bills for him, and by 24 I would leave him taking a hefty monthly alimony thus bankrupting and taking whatever else property he has. And after all that, using my impressive acting and mind manipulating skills, I'll emerge as the poor victim of Reiner's entrapment (ie our marriage) who wasn't compensated enough for the damage he has inflicted upon dear defenceless ever innocent moi.. Aren't I such a darling ha.
The night continued with upfront fun flirtation with my supposed hubby to be, though I was to learn later it was to Roy's disparagement.

An hour was spent by everyone else taking rather crass lesbian, gay, mass orgy photos, which I adamantly wanted no part in. I'm sorry, open minded as I may be I had disdain for such pictures. Deja Vu, was back to sitting by myself eating even more rainbow keuh and discretely sneaking a couple of shots in between. Then was happily entertained once again when my 'honey bun' initiated another round of shots. And as it would every party at a house with a pool, the guest and other more sporting people would be unceremoniously dumped in against their wishes. Unmerciful dragging, fervently vigorous cursing and viciously struggling ensued as several poor unsuspecting victims were tossed in. Note only guys were tossed in as there's this unwritten rule that you can't dump girls into the swimming pool without their consent even more so if they were in skirts.

Later through the night, the party started to mellow out with most leaving around midnight. Then was given a tour of his house, the living rooms were very erm.. baroque to say the very least, VERY formal family potraits lining the walls, and his mom has CRAPLOADS of shoes, i aspire to get as many, of course quality comes first before quantity :) i always say. Can't be bothered to describe the rest, i'm too lazy, c'mon look how long this entry already is!!

Somewhere along during the party whilst i was left to my own devices, was snooping around downstairs and chanced upon their art book collection which isn't very shabby, and Roy's family being indonesian and all they had a book on Gunawan. For those that are going, HUH? WHO? To spare you the art history lecture (i still remember more or less all my art history, so beware!) he's some impressionist indo artist. Apparently, he happened to be one of Audrey's fave, so every few pages she was Oooo-ing and Aaah-ing at his works, then being AEP students we naturally lapsed into arty discussions about the medium, subject theme, execution styles, art influences, social critique - art history terms, needless to say everyone else around us was going, huh? are the even speaking english? or something to that effect. Oh sigh, i miss the good ole AEP days.. *forlorn*

Anyhoo, I've now the dubious honor of having the reputation of 'being able to drink any guy to the ground', so fellas if you wanna get me drunk and have your evil ways with me, you're gonna be really poor trying to buy me enough drinks haha :)

p.s please feel free to correct me regarding this entry cause my memory was slightly fuzzy courtesy of all the shots :) and i could have missed out some stuff..

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Saturday, March 5, 2005
Things you never knew about men
Courtesy of CLEO Australia

1. Our cars have nothing to do with our penises. Honest. We just like them big and fast.

2. If we're working late on a Sunday night and our phone's turned off, we're fooling around with the receptionist, no matter what excuse we give.

3. Despite the research suggesting otherwise we can do 2 things at once (well, except watch TV and talk to you that is)

4. We're not psychic. Tell us what you want or you'll get something you don't like for your birthday.

5. If you ask, we'll always say you look fabulous. Even when you don't

6. Most of us believe having sex with prostitutes doesn't count as cheating.

7. We're generally predisposed to like sport. At one point we've all wanted to be a champion at something.

8. We'll never leave you and run away with our secretary, we rather just string her along.

9. Don't expect etiquette. If you don't get a call within 3 days of sex, it's over.

10. We like to have flexibility in our relationships that why we encourage you to do yoga or Pilates.

11. We know you put in a lot of effort into your appearance and we appreciate
it. It's just that we like to think you were born that way.

12. We're never gonna be best mates with your dad. He hates us. We would to if we were him

13. Have beers with the boys often enough, and we'll soon think you're just a mate.

14. It's not slutty to go all the way on the first date. No, really!

15. No matter how certain you are they don't, we're convinced that at least
one of your mates fancies us.

16. If you tell us nothing's wrong, we'll believe you.

17. Please don't make us choose between you and footy. We love you equally.

18. If one of your best friends's a guy and we say we're ok with it, we're lying.

19. We only watch Charmed because Alyssa Milano's low cut tops are magic.

20. Fake boobs - yes. Fake tan - no.

21. We like short shorts, short skirts, and short conversations.

22. We'll never understand why you don't find being tickled as fun as we find tickling you.

23. We secretly understand your shoe obsession, but we pretend that we don't.

24. Never make fun of our genitalia. We know it looks absurd..ly big.

25. We're dumb but we don't all want to marry a supermodel. Some of us just want a wife with big boobs who can cook.

26. Fat is good if it's on bacon.

27. Even though you're completely irrational at that time of the month, we let you think you're right so we can escape your maniacal rage.

28. The way to a man's heart used to be through his stomach, but now it's through his PlayStation.

29. Despite the fact we age physically, mentally we never get beyond eight.

30. We are the loyal subject of our penises. Rationality and common sense go out the window when our sex drive kicks in. A bit like your period really.

31. We get erections in weird places, often enough on public transport. Look out for the guy shifting uncomfortably in his seat with the briefcase or bag in his lap.

32. Big hands and big feet really do mean what you think.

33. We're bad communicators. If we stuff up, you'll get a gift. If this happens regularly, hire a PI.

--Bella Bella Signorina--

Cherish you,
All i ask of you,
No ordinary love,
Always on my mind,
Every waking moment
by Carly Casey Hammond


Sandra 'Alexander
Size 3 feet!!
Born Wednesday
Dies Mercurii xxiii Aprilis MCMLXXXVI
of the Julian Calender 23rd April 1987

tagboard is now at the bottom of this column so drop me a note!

Domestic Barbie

Vives En Mi Corason
Diamonds :)
lovely dresses
creating things
sparkly things
classical things
GWM Gallery (the Rocks)
piriton yellow
happy sunshine yellow
golden afternoon sunshine
rolling in grass
roald dahl books
art history
roman history
art museums

Credi in Te. Aspirations:

In all honesty, my dream since i was 12 is to be a museum curator in Europe.
To be surrounded by all the magnificient masterpieces and immersed in all the inspirational art history of those glorious days oh so very long ago.
Much to my surprise, my mom is very encouraging and supportive of that.
She had a good nature rib at it, and wasn't scathing or critical of it. i half expected her to say it's a stupid impractical frivalous aspiration but she even talked about it somewhat animatedly. Insists that it's such a typical Sandra aspiration for a cushy artsy sophisticated job.
Of course this revelation got my family exclaiming our catchphrase of 'so HC'.
She's (as does my whole family) have always known my love for art history, and it's something i have the passion for.
When i first stood in front of an actual van Gogh painting, tears started welling up in my eyes.
I was so overwhelmed, felt this connection to the painting, not just as a piece of work. it was a piece of someone's soul, their life, their torment, their dejection, their pursuit to be one step closer to God's, a fragment of everything they've ever experienced. That moment transcended anything i've ever felt.

Artists I Admire:
van Gogh
Armand Guillaumin
Carly Casey Hammond
Susan Bleakley

Maledetta Primavera

Na Sera e' Maggio

'March 2004' 'April 2004' 'May 2004' 'July 2004' 'August 2004' 'September 2004' 'October 2004' 'November 2004' 'December 2004' 'January 2005' 'March 2005' 'April 2005' 'May 2005' 'June 2005' 'July 2005' 'August 2005' 'September 2005' 'October 2005' 'November 2005' 'December 2005' 'January 2006' 'February 2006' 'March 2006' 'April 2006' 'May 2006' 'June 2006' 'July 2006' 'August 2006' 'September 2006' 'October 2006' 'November 2006' 'December 2006' 'January 2007' 'February 2007' 'March 2007' 'April 2007' 'May 2007' 'June 2007' 'July 2007' 'August 2007' 'October 2007'